My Best Wife

Chapter 2346: Leaving Minda (2)

"Juying is over, what threat can they pose to Mingda at this time?" Li Xiaoxiao continued to say unconvinced.

"Have you forgotten the methods Juying used? Now they are the grasshoppers in the hot pot. There is nothing they can't do. Even if they are fighting for both losses, they are bound to retaliate against Mingda! They will not be able to keep everything from changing, but once we take the initiative to reveal the flaws, they will definitely seize the opportunity!" Zhang Zhenguo continued solemnly.

"Then we can't just indulge those who bully us like this. If we can reconcile with such unscrupulousness in Mingda, how can we get a foothold in the future even if Mingda is saved?" Li Xiaoxiao seems to have made up his mind, but what Zhang Zhenguo said, It is impossible for her to change her mind.

"Then what do you say?" Zhang Zhenguo fell silent, and Bi Luochun on the side stepped forward again and asked Li Xiaoxiao.

"Just do it, Lin Guozheng can't let him be at ease, those who want to leave, let them leave, as long as our core scientific research department does not suffer losses, Mingda will not be regarded as a dead end!" Li Xiaoxiao continued firmly. .

"Xiaoxiao, you are betting!" Zhang Zhenguo said helplessly again.

"So what? No gambling, where is the glory?" Li Xiaoxiao continued to say firmly.

From the former Yamei to the current Mingda, Li Xiaoxiao has always realized that in the development process of an enterprise, the word'gambling' is always inseparable.

Because of the gambling, it is possible to win greater success and gain more glory.

"If Fang is always here..." Listening to Li Xiaoxiao's firm tone, Zhang Zhenguo clearly knew that he could not persuade her, and the current Mingda was not a single word. Bi Luochun's decision alone obviously couldn't decide anything, Li As Fang Zhiqiang's wife, Xiaoxiao is only an executive director, but many people are willing to listen to her words.

Once she stands up against Bi Luochun's opinions, there will be more people who will follow Li Xiaoxiao's opposition at that time. After all, at this time, people who are easily emotional will lose their reason.

"Mr. Zhang, if everything depends on Mr. Fang, how can Mingda continue to develop? What's more, now that Mr. Fang is no longer there, can we not firmly choose the way we want to go?" Li Xiaoxiao listened to Zhang Zhenguo's With a sigh, he immediately spoke again.

When Zhang Zhenguo heard the words, he just sighed helplessly. He knew that his words were no longer useful at this time. Once Li Xiaoxiao's ideas were formed, it would be difficult to change them. She was so resolute when she opposed it just now. During the meeting, she still had this attitude, and it would definitely cause chaos!

"Xiaoxiao, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Why don't we wait until Mingda is stable before..." Zhang Zhenguo still doesn't plan to give up. At least he believes that Li Xiaoxiao is not a person who is easy to lose his mind. Things can be seen.

She chose to reconcile at the time. It was Bi Luochun and Bald who insisted on sending Lin Shao in. Zhang Zhenguo believed that compared with Li Xiaoxiao, Bi Luochun was obviously the one who was easier to convince Li Xiaoxiao.

But now, he has given up all his strength and finally persuaded Bi Luochun, instead, he has closed the door with Li Xiaoxiao.

"Ten years is too long, and it won't be easy to say that Mingda is still there, and the current grudges must be reported now!" Li Xiaoxiao interrupted Zhang Zhenguo again and said self-consciously.

After speaking, Li Xiaoxiao seemed to realize that his emotions at the moment seemed to be a bit agitated, and then explained again: "Mr. Zhang, we will not retreat, not just to make Lin Guozheng receive the punishment he deserves, but to tell everyone People, Mingda is not something they can bully if they want to bully! If we really compromised this time, then you can imagine how many people like Lin Guozheng will plot against us Mingda in the future?"

Listening to Li Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Zhenguo sighed helplessly again. In fact, he knew very well that Li Xiaoxiao was right. After Lin Guozheng was let go this time, there would definitely be more and more troubles. Waiting for Mingda.

But in his heart, the most important thing right now is to keep Mingda.

That's what Zhang Zhenguo thinks of the so-called staying in the green mountains without worrying about firewood.

"Director Li, if you firmly disagree, I have to call Mr. Fang and ask his opinion." In the end, Zhang Zhenguo had no choice but to say so out of helplessness.

"In this way, Mr. Zhang, you are waiting for me in the group, I will go back right away, then we will meet and discuss, do you think it is okay?" Li Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, then said so.

She really didn't want to disturb Fang Zhiqiang, and Fang Zhiqiang had just arrived there. Because of this incident, let him run back, and it was still unclear whether the matter could be resolved.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you doing? How can you leave the hospital if your injury is not healed?" When Bi Luochun heard Li Xiaoxiao's words, he panicked and said immediately.

"Aren't you also injured? Why didn't you see you in the hospital?" Li Xiaoxiao immediately replied without hesitation.

These words caused Bi Luochun to fall silent immediately, and he was speechless.

"Director Li, you'd better stay in the hospital. I will go with Mr. Bi to find you." Zhang Zhenguo also looked at Bi Luochun who was sitting in a chair and said nothing.

Before Li Xiaoxiao could speak, Zhang Zhenguo hung up the phone.

Before long, Zhang Zhenguo and Bi Luochun came to the hospital together and entered Li Xiaoxiao's ward.

"Ms. Zhang, thank you for your hard work." Li Xiaoxiao, lying on the hospital bed, looked at the two people who walked in, and said immediately.

When Bi Luochun and Zhang Zhenguo saw Li Xiaoxiao's tired expression, they immediately understood. Bi Luochun stepped forward and asked: "Xiaoxiao, did you sleep well last night?"

"Leave aside this, Mr. Zhang, if you think about it, if Mingda compromises because of the companies that are going to leave this time, will they think that this is Mingda’s weakness? As long as they encounter similar things in the future, they will Use this method to threaten Mingda?"

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Zhenguo and said without hesitation.

"I know everything you say, but..."

"Also, after avoiding this time, there will be more and more examples like Lin Guozheng in the future. Are you sure you can deal with it every time?" Li Xiaoxiao continued to interrupt.

"But Xiaoxiao, once those companies are separated, Mingda will really be over, do you understand?" Zhang Zhenguo was also anxious at the moment, frowning and said.

"Why did you say this?" Li Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Zhenguo with a puzzled face and asked.

"After yesterday's trouble, all documents of Mingda were destroyed. Yes, our core technology department did not lose the slightest, but all their research and development processes require accurate and accurate front-end data records for debugging and updating at any time. Without these data information, how can the scientific research department ensure the update and debugging of each product? How can we guarantee the user experience and after-sales service to users?"

"Furthermore, the new products we are currently developing have reached this stage. Even if the science and technology department has data backup, but there is no specific statistics from the front desk, how can they achieve mass production without scruples?"

After Zhang Zhenguo said something, sweat started on his forehead.

"How difficult is this? Just re-statistics, it won't take long?" Li Xiaoxiao asked rhetorically without hesitation.

"Yeah! Do you know that you need to re-statistics, that does not require manpower? Do you think that only those people in the science and technology department are needed? The separation of these companies will cause the manpower that Mingda is already short of will shrink further. When some job vacancies are vacant, don’t someone need to make up for it? But yesterday’s incident caused nearly two-thirds of Mingda’s employees to be hospitalized. At this time, where can we find so many replacement staff?"

Zhang Zhenguo continued to frown and talk, and Li Xiaoxiao at this moment finally understood.

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