My Best Wife

Chapter 2340: It's over

"At this time, it should be around 8 o'clock in the evening in the territory. At this time, Xiaoxiao may be on the way home. You can call again later." Wang Yaxin looked at Fang Zhiqiang's worried expression and immediately went up. One step forward, he said.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he had no choice but to nod. Although he was extremely worried in his heart, after all, he was in a foreign country and he had no choice.

"Let's go, take a rest at home first, you didn't sleep well on the plane." Wang Yaxin looked at Fang Zhiqiang's somewhat exhausted look and took the lead and said.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't decline either. He looked at his watch, and it still showed eight o'clock in the territory, but if it were placed here, it would be around eleven.

Fang Zhiqiang did feel sleepy.

At the same time, on the way back to the first floor again, I saw many Mingda employees who were continuing to fight with each other. The bald head didn't want to waste any more energy, so he arranged for someone to go up and spread the news that their boss Lin Guozheng had been overthrown. .

Everyone who heard the news obviously didn't believe that the six bodyguards around Lin Guozheng were the best able to fight. After walking through the rivers and lakes for so many years, when did Lin Guozheng overturn the boat in such a small gutter?

They all thought they were bald people spreading rumors.

As a result, the fight continued, and seeing the bald head, he had no choice but to participate in the battle, and the whole Mingda suddenly fell into a frenzy again.

Although it was mostly the internal movement of Mingda, the staff was still disturbed after all.

Soon, the staff arrived at the scene, first at the location where Li Xiaoxiao was.

On the square at the gate of Mingda, Li Xiaoxiao sat weakly on the ground, staring intently at the Lin Guozheng lying on the ground in front of him.

The bald head specifically explained that he could not stand up, obviously because of his own safety considerations, and Lin Guozheng now has no place in Li Xiaoxiao's heart. As the president of China World Trade Group, he did such abusive things. , Li Xiaoxiao naturally hated him extremely.

The staff came to ask about the situation, and Li Xiaoxiao did not feel guilty, and said all the things that happened to Mingda today.

After listening to Li Xiaoxiao's words, the staff immediately rushed towards the Mingda Building without hesitation.

But after a while, they retreated again with a face full of consternation.

Those who rushed up would never forget the scene they just saw. There was already a mess in the lobby on the first floor of Mingda. There were hundreds of people fighting together, and they couldn't tell who was who.

Faced with such a messy scene, even though they yelled at them, no one noticed their existence, so several people had to turn back again.

And when they returned to Li Xiaoxiao again, Li Xiaoxiao stared at them with a puzzled look and asked, "What's the matter? Why did you return?"

Li Xiaoxiao’s question caused the staff member to react, and immediately took out his walkie-talkie: "Call the captain! Ask for support, ask for support!"

It seems that this staff member should also be a newcomer. He has never seen such a messy scene before, and now it looks like he has lost his soul.

"Why did they do this to you?" After the call, the staff looked at Li Xiaoxiao again and asked.

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaoxiao told all of his previous experiences, even the details about Lin Guozheng's son.

After listening, the staff silently nodded to Li Xiaoxiao, apparently also sympathizing with Li Xiaoxiao's experience.

Then, the staff member once again set his sights on Lin Guozheng.

Li Xiaoxiao felt relieved when he saw this. It seemed that this time, Lin Guo couldn't escape it anyway!

"Miss Li, you need to go to the hospital for treatment first, please follow me." After the staff sent someone to deal with Lin Guozheng, they looked at Li Xiaoxiao again and said softly.

At the same time, the previously called for support has arrived. After the large forces entered Mingda, the Mingda quickly subsided. All those who had fought and were unable to deal with each other stopped. All who should be punished. None of the people escaped.

However, after everyone left, the employees of Mingda looked at the messy scene, all of them looked sad. This is where they have been working for so long, but now they are in a mess, not only in the lobby on the first floor, but even Even the president's office is already in a mess, how will it work next?

Computers and documents were all destroyed, and all the hard work before, now it will disappear. The expression on a person's face is extremely ugly.

Especially Nie Qian, the financial department she was in charge of originally paid the most attention to documentation. After the matter was over, she ran back to the financial department, only to find that all the computers had been destroyed, and all the backup files were also archived on the computer. Here, once the computer is destroyed, it means that the backup files will never be retrieved.

Chen Qing on the side and Nie Qian wanted to comfort the desperate face at the moment, but they didn't know how to speak. When such a thing happened, it was useless to say anything.

The bald head was also very tired. After sitting on the ground for a while, he walked into the elevator again and headed towards the 17th floor.

When he arrived at Bi Luochun's office, the bald head spoke without hesitation: "Everything that should be caught has been caught, don't worry."

"Mingda employees, are all okay?" Bi Luochun asked with anxious expression.

Hearing this, the bald head was also stunned, fighting with professional thugs, it was impossible not to be injured, but some were seriously injured, and some were slightly injured.

"A few seriously injured have been sent to the hospital. Don't worry, there is no life-threatening for the time being." Although the bald head said so, he just saw it very clearly, not just a few seriously injured, the entire first floor In the hall, there are hundreds of people lying on the ground and immobile!

But even so, after listening to Bi Luochun, the expression on his face was already distorted.

Before Fang Zhiqiang was in power, although there were a lot of troubles, he had never encountered such a major event. Just now he took over, and such a major event happened, not to mention how to explain to Fang Zhiqiang at that time, Bi Luo Chun can't explain to herself!

"Old Bi, you can't blame yourself for this matter. It was the lunatic Lin Guozheng who took the initiative to take the initiative. What can we do?" The bald head saw Bi Luochun's self-blame in his heart, and then he comforted him.

However, Bi Luochun smiled bitterly and shook his head. The bald head didn't understand what he was thinking now. At the bar today, Li Xiaoxiao had reminded herself that it is best to leave a way for Lin Shao and don't do things. It's amazing.

But at that time, I didn't take it seriously. If I had adopted Li Xiaoxiao's suggestion, Mingda would not be like this today!

Although they won in the end and made Lin Guozheng and the others accept the punishment they deserved, Mingda's loss was real. So many documents were damaged and it was impossible to buy it for any money! Bi Luochun knows this very well.

"Let's go, let's go to the hospital first, you can't do anything like this."

The bald head stepped forward and supported Bi Luochun again, but Bi Luochun broke free from the palm of his bald head, and then said: "I'm not going anywhere. Mingda is in a mess now. If I, the president, are all admitted to the hospital, it would be a mess. Who will clean up the chaotic scene?"

"But your body..." The bald head looked at Bi Luochun's firm expression, and then said helplessly again.

But before he finished speaking with the bald head, Bi Luochun said, "I don't have any major problems with my body, I know it in my heart."

After Bi Luochun finished speaking, he stood up from the sofa with difficulty, then walked to the office again, picked up the landline phone, and first called the Finance Department.

However, the phone still couldn't get through, which made Bi Luochun frowned. Is the problem of network disconnection still not solved?

This is the most critical problem. Once there is no network, such a big Mingda will fall into communication paralysis, which is obviously fatal for an enterprise.

Bi Luochun thought so in his heart, and immediately raised his foot and walked outside the door.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the bald head, he stepped forward in a panic to block.

"I'll go see what's going on with the Internet, why haven't it been repaired for so long!" Bi Luochun gritted his teeth and said.

"Do you think now, who still has time to fix some network?" The bald head said helplessly.

He didn't want Bi Luochun to go out because he didn't want Bi Luochun to see the cruel scene outside.

Now let alone repairing the network, there are very few people who can climb up from the ground.

Hearing this, Bi Luochun suddenly hummed his head and sat back on the sofa weakly.

Once there is no one to deal with these things, where is Mingda about to face paralysis?

The communication is paralyzed, even the circuit is paralyzed!

"So what I said, you should go to the hospital to take care of your body first, and then..." Before the bald head was finished, Bi Luochun suddenly pushed away the bald palm and walked outside the door alone.

When Zhang Zhenguo saw this, he also raised his feet and walked quickly. Compared with Bi Luochun, his injuries were much lighter. At this moment, seeing Bi Luochun still running around for the sake of understanding without hesitation, he thought Can be regarded as relieved.

In the face of such a disaster, the most feared is that the dragons will have no leader. He is very worried that Bi Luochun can't bear this burden. Just now, he has not interrupted the dialogue between Bi Luochun and the bald head. He just wants to see, Bi Luochun will What choice to make.

The bald head watched the two people limping out like this. They also stood still and shook their heads helplessly, and then they had to follow them.

Bi Luochun and Zhang Zhenguo, who had just walked out, were stunned.

Within three or five steps, you could see a Mingda employee who fell to the ground and screamed. Some of them were stained with blood, and some of them rolled back and forth in pain. It looked like a battlefield!

Bi Luochun's eyes were already red, and he stepped forward to help one after another.

But after repeating this a few times, Bi Luochun found helplessly that if he continued to support him like this, even if he supported him until tomorrow, he would not be able to support all the fallen employees!

"Mr. Bi, is Mingda over? Is it over?"

He lifted a person up again, with blood on that person's face, but he stared at Bi Luochun with staring eyes, and asked such a sentence.

These words made Bi Luochun silent. He didn't know how to answer, because he didn't know whether Mingda was over.

"Get up first." Bi Luochun endured the grief in his heart and helped the employee up.

However, the employee continued: "All the documents are lost, Mingda is going to be over, it is going to be over!!!"

Listening to the distraught voice of the employee, the tears in Bi Luochun's eyes could no longer be controlled, and they flowed silently.

He knew that the employee was telling the truth!

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