My Best Wife

Chapter 2338: Chaos (2)

After walking out of the gate, Lin Guozheng turned his head again, took a look at Mingda Group, then turned his eyes to Li Xiaoxiao again, smiled slightly, and said in a hurry, "You believe me now, right?"

Li Xiaoxiao was still full of consternation at the moment. She did not expect that Lin Guozheng's methods were so harsh. How long has it been that Mingda has not encountered the chaos? But today, Li Xiaoxiao witnessed all this with his own eyes!

At this moment, she couldn't help thinking, if Fang Zhiqiang was still in the group, how would he respond to this moment?

"Take her into the car!" Lin Guozheng looked at Li Xiaoxiao's silence, and said in a deep voice to the two men behind him.

Hearing that, the two subordinates did not hesitate, pulling Li Xiaoxiao and preparing to enter the car.

But at this moment, a rush of brakes suddenly sounded, causing Lin Guozheng to suddenly raise his head. Wherever he looked, a short-headed man who had just got out of the car appeared in his line of sight.

The short-headed man is obviously bald.

The bald head did not look at Lin Guozheng. He stared at Li Xiaoxiao intently. After looking up and down for a while, he was sure that Li Xiaoxiao was okay, and then he looked at Lin Guozheng.

"Either release or be beaten, you choose!" The expression on the bald head's sudden coldness, looked extremely fierce, and Lin Guozheng was also taken aback.

He turned his head around and looked at him. At this moment, there are only five or six people around him. Those people stayed in Mingda and struggled with them. It was obvious that he couldn't get away for a while, but there were at least ten people behind the man with a short head. Lin Guozheng seemed to realize that his side was not an opponent.

"If you dare to move, she will lose one hair." Lin Guozheng said, turning his head and making a gesture to his subordinates, apparently trying to threaten her bald head with Li Xiaoxiao's safety.

"Lin Guozheng, you have seen my method before. If you want to taste it today, I won't be stingy." The bald head raised his chin again and said coldly.

"Since I have cooperated, you should also know what I want to achieve. I will do whatever it takes. Are you sure you want to stop?" Lin Guozheng still said without changing his face.

"Haha, your son is deceiving people first, don't say I will stop when I see him, he will stop him when he sees it! Lin Guozheng, you can't tell right from wrong, are you not afraid of being laughed at?"

The bald sneered and continued to shout.

"If you can succeed if you are afraid of being ridiculed, wouldn't a successful person like me catch a lot of it?" Lin Guozheng also grinned coldly, disapprovingly.

"Don't talk nonsense with you, this person is my sister-in-law. I vowed to protect it to the death today. If I am interested, I will take a step back and discuss it again. Otherwise, you won't be able to ask for anything cheap today!"

The bald head continued to speak coldly, his eyes glanced at Li Xiaoxiao from time to time, paying attention to Li Xiaoxiao's state at any time.

Lin Guozheng lowered his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something. After pondering for a long time, he suddenly raised his head again, looked at his bald head, and said indifferently: "Then let's listen to it, what is the negotiation method?"

Hearing the words, the bald head looked at Li Xiaoxiao again, only to see that Li Xiaoxiao at the moment shook his head firmly.

Seeing this scene, the bald head naturally understood what it meant, and then he gritted his teeth fiercely again, and his body suddenly shook, and when Lin Guozheng still had no response, he rushed toward him!


As Lin Guozheng groaned, he felt a huge force on his neck, his face instantly turned red, and his blue veins suddenly violent.

"Let go!" Seeing that his boss was pinched and unable to breathe, all the men behind him were panicked, staring fiercely at the bald head, and suddenly shouted.

At the same time, they also grabbed Li Xiaoxiao's hair tightly, and a look of pain appeared on Li Xiaoxiao's face, but she always controlled herself and didn't scream at all.

"Release!" said baldly, staring at Lin Guozheng in his own hand.

He has worked with Lin Guozheng, knowing that Lin Guo is a person who knows how to love himself, and he is not willing to let himself be a little wronged, so the bald head concluded that he would never choose to use his safety to bet on Li Xiaoxiao at this moment.

"Haha..." However, what Bald did not expect was that Lin Guozheng smiled contemptuously at him, but had no intention of letting go!

The bald head couldn't help but stunned, thinking that perhaps he had made too heavy a move, making Lin Guozheng speechless at the moment.

So, the bald head gave his palm a little bit, but at this moment, that Lin Guozheng suddenly pulled out, and the little brother behind him suddenly rushed towards the bald head!

The bald head was restrained in an instant. After Lin Guozheng was able to get away, he instantly walked to Li Xiaoxiao, rubbed his neck, and violently pulled Li Xiaoxiao's hair!


This time, Li Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help but screamed in a low voice.

Hearing Li Xiaoxiao's painful voice, his bald head was furious on the spot, and after falling the two guys in front of him to the ground, he violently waved his hand at the crowd behind him, and his figure was the first to rush towards that Lin Guozheng!

"Do you dare to try further?" Lin Guozheng didn't panic, clutching Li Xiaoxiao's hair tightly. At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao's eyes were already painful and full of tears, but she raised her head to prevent her tears from running. When he came down, he even said to the bald head: "Bald head, leave me alone, I won't let them go out of Mingda if I die today!"

Li Xiaoxiao was also completely angry, dignified, and when he suffered such humiliation? Lin Guozheng has entered such presumptuousness, he must pay the price!

However, looking at Li Xiaoxiao's hateful expression, the bald head couldn't help it. Every time he took one step, Li Xiaoxiao would be more painful, and the bald head didn't want to see her in pain.

Finally, the bald head paused, and when Lin Guozheng saw this, the smile on his face became a bit thicker.

Li Xiaoxiao shouted with a flustered look: "What are you doing with your bald head?! Don't you listen to me?!"

"This is a smart person! To be so good to my sister-in-law, shouldn't you two..."

"Shut up for me!" Looking at Lin Guozheng's triumphant expression with his bald head, he suddenly shouted coldly.

"Bald head, go and see for yourself, what's the situation of Mingda now, after today, this place will become a mass of rubbish, you are so hard guarding the things that are about to disappear, regardless of the person you offend today. What will happen to you in the future?"

Lin Guozheng looked at his helpless bald head, but he kept moving, even raised his chin to Mingda behind him, and said with pride.

In Lin Guozheng's eyes, Mingda is now in such a field, it is obviously his own masterpiece, and he is also a hundred wild pride in his heart.

And listening to Lin Guozheng's words, the bald head was also taken aback. As soon as he arrived here, he saw Li Xiaoxiao being controlled by him. As for the situation in Mingda, the bald head obviously didn't know at all.

So, the bald head whispered something to one of his subordinates, and then that subordinate ran to Mingda.

After a while, the man came back and murmured in the bald ear.

After listening, the bald fist suddenly couldn't help clenching again, gritted his teeth fiercely, and looked at Lin Guozheng again, the anger in his eyes was not concealed.

"How is it? Very angry, right? It's time for you to **** feelings. Watching the thing that you care about the most suffers such a big damage, is it a crushing thing? Why do you not rely on my son? Didn't I think of these when I was spared?!"

Lin Guozheng said the last sentence, suddenly raised the volume, and Li Xiaoxiao's ears shook aside.

The bald head took a few deep breaths at this moment. After a while, he had already made a decision in his heart. Then he stood up straight again and lowered his head. Instead of looking at Li Xiaoxiao, he whispered to Li Xiaoxiao, "Sister-in-law, I am wronged!"

The bald head said this in a very small voice, and neither Li Xiaoxiao nor Lin Guozheng heard clearly.

Lin Guozheng couldn't help but frown at his bald head and asked, "What did you say?"

However, when he just said this, the bald figure still rushed at him again.

Seeing that the situation was not right, he immediately grabbed Li Xiaoxiao's hair again, trying to threaten her bald head.

But this time, the bald head didn't eat him at all, and Li Xiaoxiao screamed, but the bald head slammed his fists at Lin Guozheng without hesitation!


After two punches fell, Lin Guozheng's figure suddenly stumbled. After three steps backed unsteadily, he finally fell to the ground in a hurry.

The moment Li Xiaoxiao broke free of Lin Guozheng, she stepped forward without hesitation, pulled Li Xiaoxiao's figure over, and handed it over to his men.

Then, he began to torture that Lin Guozheng inhumanly...

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