My Best Wife

Chapter 2333: Hidden bitterness (2)

"You don't need to feel guilty or embarrassed. All of this is not caused by you and has nothing to do with you." Wang Yaxin could naturally see that Fang Zhiqiang's emotions were not right, so he said this disapprovingly.

"Yaxin, although, I have apologized to you countless times, and I have said everything that should be said, but in the end, you will endure everything, and after all, you are only yourself. I know that when I was young, I did many mistakes. It’s something, even if I didn’t do it deliberately, but after all it brought you a lot of trouble, so I..."

"If you apologize, you don't need to say it anymore. It's useless to say more. What do you waste your tongue for?"

Wang Yaxin prevented Fang Zhiqiang from continuing. Fang Zhiqiang was right. Wang Yaxin had heard the apology countless times, but what's the use? What is going to be like in life now will not have any effect because of those sincere apologies.

Wang Yaxin looked up, sighed, and then said in a disapproving tone: "Well, who is not living for the first time in life? No one can ask whoever is born to understand all the truths. In the process of continuous practice, mistakes will always be made and always Bear the price for the mistakes I made. This is my mistake, and the cost should naturally be borne by me."

Fang Zhiqiang knew the meaning of Wang Yaxin’s words. She was telling herself that she shouldn’t have fallen in love with herself at the beginning, and she shouldn’t have so many entanglements with herself. Those entanglements and the sequelae left behind make her now unable to support her. .

Fang Zhiqiang didn't speak. No matter what Wang Yaxin thought at the moment, he should be. Fang Zhiqiang knew that he couldn't stop it and couldn't change it.

"In fact, when I returned to Mingzhu this time, I really thought about seeing if I have the opportunity to be by your side again, and if I have the opportunity to work with you for the rest of my life. Of course, I also know that this idea is a bit whimsical, probably because of the long time alone. People will be stupid unconsciously, but after returning, I quickly understood that these ideas of mine should not be realized."

Through the window, Wang Yaxin looked at the clouds drifting fast outside, and slowly spoke. Those sighs seemed to indicate how helpless her heart was.

Fang Zhiqiang raised his head and looked at her familiar cheek. Once upon a time, whenever he saw her face, he felt inexplicably confident in his heart. No matter what he did, it seemed impossible to fail.

After this short period of time, everything changed and became totally unrecognizable.

"Yaxin, if there is another life, I will definitely choose you..."

"Why do you always talk about the next life? There will be things to do in the next life. I am most annoyed by procrastination. I leave today’s things to tomorrow and tomorrow’s things to the day after tomorrow. There are so many reasons for tomorrow, don’t they understand? ?"

Wang Yaxin referred to Sang and cursed Huai, and he was talking about Fang Zhiqiang!

Fang Zhiqiang naturally heard it, and then he said again: "If it doesn't work, leave the children to me. I believe Xiaoxiao will take care of them as her own, and you can also reduce some pressure."

After Fang Zhiqiang said this, Wang Yaxin immediately turned his head to look at Fang Zhiqiang, without turning his eyes, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Fang Zhiqiang looked at her without knowing why, and asked in a daze, "You... why are you looking like this?"

"Qiangzi, do you want to take away even the only child left by my side? Are you really planning to make me lonely and old forever?" Wang Yaxin narrowed his eyes and said word by word.

"I... I just said it casually, if you don't agree, just forget it, I just want to help you share some pressure." Fang Zhiqiang explained repeatedly.

"I know that you can take good care of your children, but how clearly I told you when I took Xin Sheng away? She is my daughter and will never have anything to do with you in this life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Yaxin bowed his head and sighed helplessly, then stopped looking at Fang Zhiqiang, and continued to say: "This time I am really helpless, but after this incident, you still have nothing to do with her. Don't think about taking her away, I won't agree to it!"

Fang Zhiqiang frowned helplessly when she heard the words. Wang Yaxin put too much pressure on herself, and thought things too stubbornly, and immediately said: "Yaxin, you don't need to put such pressure on yourself, no matter between adults. What happened, the child is always innocent and can give the child better living conditions, why can't you figure it out?"

"Ha ha……"

Listening to Fang Zhiqiang's words, Wang Yaxin couldn't help but smiled coldly. When he looked at Fang Zhiqiang again, there was already a hint of forbearing anger in his eyes.

"How do you feel so familiar with this? How many people have said this in order to get their children back? Have you ever understood it?"

Wang Yaxin's words made Fang Zhiqiang frown and think.

Indeed, in real life, many people have said such things, but the fact that things can get to this point often shows that the person who lost the child must have done something to apologize to the other party. If not, women would not be so. Cruelly dismantled their strong blood relationship.

"Since you don’t want to, I won’t mention it anymore, but I still hope you know that Xin Sheng is my daughter no matter what, no matter if there is any difficulty, I will spare no effort to help, and I will not ask for anything. In return, this time or in the future, as long as she encounters difficulties, no matter how big or small, I will help. I also hope you, for the sake of the child, don't bear it alone. That would be unfair to the child." Fang Zhi Qiang said helplessly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yaxin originally wanted to say something again, but looking at Fang Zhiqiang's slowly lowering head, he did not speak, and then gave a faint ‘um’.

Wang Yaxin knew what Fang Zhiqiang was like, and he could indeed do what he just said for his own children.

But what Wang Yaxin wants to say is that she doesn’t need it at all. No matter what difficulties she encounters in the process of taking care of her children, she will not bother Fang Zhiqiang, not because of anger, but because, when Xin Sheng was born, she and Fang Zhiqiang does not have a husband-and-wife relationship, so Wang Yaxin believes that this is a mistake he committed. Fang Zhiqiang drank too much at the time. If his principles were firm, how could that happen? How could there be so much confusion now?

Wang Yaxin knew very well that at that time, he was also voluntary, and it was naturally his own mistake. According to Wang Yaxin's principles, he should naturally take care of everything.

Fang Zhiqiang helped out because of the love of his father and his daughter. Even if he didn't help, there was nothing wrong with it. Wang Yaxin would not say a word in this regard.

"Qianzi, your biggest disadvantage is that you always like to help others."

Wang Yaxin said in a joking tone.

Fang Zhiqiang looked up at Wang Yaxin with a look of confusion, obviously not knowing what she meant.

"If this were not the case, I wouldn't be so uncomfortable with you." Wang Yaxin raised her eyelids, looked at Fang Zhiqiang, and said lightly.

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