My Best Wife

Chapter 2330: Resolve

Weiwei on the side had already been dumbfounded. The bald head who came in later came in, and he beat people when he saw people. The security guards were beaten up by them. The two friends Lin Shao brought were also directly Falling to the ground, Weiwei couldn't tell who the bald head was with.

At this moment, looking at the bald expression again, Vivi suddenly pulled Li Xiaoxiao's sleeves aside, his mouth gently leaned against Li Xiaoxiao's ear, and whispered: "Beauty, let's get out of here!"

Obviously, Weiwei also guessed the identity of Li Xiaoxiao. If Li Xiaoxiao could be rescued today, she would naturally have the opportunity to negotiate with Li Xiaoxiao in the future. Maybe, she could have something to do with Fang Zhiqiang.

First, she has a little bit of thought about Fang Zhiqiang. Second, Fang Zhiqiang’s identity is there. Even if she is not the president of Mingda now, she still has the resources. If she can get close to him If you do, maybe you don’t have to work hard here.

Of course, this is Weiwei's wishful thinking naturally.

However, hearing Weiwei's words, Li Xiaoxiao immediately looked at her seriously, and lightly patted her palm: "Don't worry, it's all right."

"It's okay? Are you stupid? Look at this battle. We stay here only to be beaten. If we don't withdraw quickly, what are we thinking?" Vivi suddenly became anxious. If we knew what happened today, it would cause trouble. She would rather leave it alone at first!

"You dare to take her away, I will make you lose your job tomorrow!" Lin Shao also heard the whispers of Weiwei and Li Xiaoxiao, and immediately stared at Weiwei with a fierce expression.

Weiwei was too scared to speak. If the bald head brought these people to help Shao Lin, she would obviously be in bad luck.

At this moment, the bald head turned his head to look at that Lin Shao again, and said with a puzzled expression: "Lin Shao, what do you want her to do?"

"Hey, brother bald, you don’t know, it’s because some of our brothers wanted to have a drink with this beauty. This guy rushed over and hit me. Then we started fighting. When the matter is over, let this beauty accompany the bald brother. How about a couple of drinks?" Lin Shao said politely.

However, before he could finish his words, the bald head suddenly stretched out his hand, locked the throat of that Lin Shao in exactly the same posture as Bi Luochun just now, staring at him fiercely, and said word by word: "Lin family hair boy, who Do you dare to mess with it?"

Shao Lin hadn't reacted at all. His feet were already off the ground. At this moment, he stared at his bald head blankly, his throat was out of breath again, his face was red again, and his eyes seemed to be about to jump out.

The bald head didn't have the time to explain to him so much. While pinching his neck, he turned around and said to the brothers behind him: "Come here two people and see how old Bi is!"

When Bi Luochun was lifted up, there were still bloodstains on his face. Seeing his weakness, the bald head became angry again and asked Lin Shao in his hand: "You did it?"

"Big... big... big..." Lin Shao couldn't say anything at all. Seeing that his blood vessels were about to burst, Li Xiaoxiao and Weiwei were also terrified.

"Bald! Let go!" Li Xiaoxiao said immediately.

Hearing what Li Xiaoxiao said, the bald head immediately let go of his hand, but he turned his head to look at Li Xiaoxiao suspiciously: "Sister-in-law, he bullies you so much, are you still protecting him?"

"Do you really want to kill someone!?" Li Xiaoxiao said with a serious face.

The bald head lowered his head helplessly, once again glared at Shao Lin in front of him, and said fiercely, "This matter today is endless!"

Weiwei on the side watched the whole process. When she heard the bald head and Li Xiaoxiao calling'sister-in-law', she was finally completely stunned. She couldn't help but let go of her hand holding Li Xiaoxiao's sleeve, with an incredible look on her face. Looking at the thin woman in front of me, I thought: Who is pulling me?

Lin Shao knelt on the ground, clutching his throat, coughing violently on his face, and was almost choked to death twice. At this moment, he finally took a sigh of relief.

However, when he raised his head again and looked at the bald head with a fierce gaze, he suddenly turned into a color of fear, and then hurriedly crawled toward the door.

Just a few steps out, his bald head went straight forward and stepped on his back, causing him to lay down on the ground with a bang.

"Without giving my sister-in-law and brother an explanation, just want to leave so simply?"

The bald head bent slightly, staring at Shao Lin on the ground fiercely, and said.

"Bald-headed brother, do whatever you want, how much does it cost? I will give it all!" Lin Shao said in a panic.

However, the bald head suddenly smiled and said: "Haha! Your kid is not very young, right? Why can things be solved with money?"

After speaking, the bald head turned his head, looked at the sluggish face of Weiwei, and said, "You belong to this bar, right?"

"Yes..." Weiwei replied with a trembling voice.

"Send this kid to the work department, and I will greet them later. You have to read everything today from start to finish!" said the bald head coldly.

"Ok... Ok..." How could Weiwei say a word, she agreed again and again.

After a while, Bi Luochun was finally recovering, and he seemed to be jumping alive.

"Old Bi, you were almost limp to the ground just now, why are you refreshing now? Isn't it pretending?" Looking at Bi Luochun with a bald head, he immediately joked.

"It's not because of the **** electric baton, or how could I be taken down by such a few little thieves?" Bi Luochun said confidently.

"Brother, you told your people to stop fighting, we are just working..."

At this moment, the internal security captain walked toward the bald head and said grievously to the bald head.

"You also know that you work here? Why didn't you come when you saw someone being bullied?" Bi Luochun turned his head and stared at the captain coldly.

"I... That Lin Shao is Lin Guozheng's son after all, so we don't dare to offend him!" The captain still said with an aggrieved expression.

"Understood, then you have to let you know, what is the end of offending us!" The bald smiled coldly, and after finishing speaking, he kicked away at the captain.

The captain's figure slid directly on the ground for a distance of nearly two meters, before slowly stopping.

At the moment, the bald head also led Li Xiaoxiao and Bi Luochun out of the bar door.

"Sister-in-law, what's the situation? Why did you come to such a place alone?" As soon as he got out of the bar, he asked Li Xiaoxiao with his bald head.

Li Xiaoxiao was taken aback when he heard the words, but did not speak.

"If I didn't call you just now, I still don't know what will happen today. You must be careful in the future. The strong son just left. If something really happened, how would you tell me to explain to the strong son? "Bi Luochun also said in fear after a while, apparently scared just now.

"That guy just now, I'll clean him up later, and don't stay inside for four or five years, he can't get out!" The bald head turned around again, glanced at the door of the bar, and said fiercely.

"Actually, it's good to be private." However, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly said so at this moment.

"How do you say?" Both Bald and Bi Luochun were taken aback, staring at Li Xiaoxiao suspiciously, and asked.

"Lin Guozheng's International Trade Group's global chain is considered the boss of the retail industry. It is also a good choice to let them lose some money." Li Xiaoxiao said seriously.

"Losing some money? Sister-in-law, when did you despise yourself so much?" The bald head suddenly said incredulously.

Bi Luochun also frowned helplessly. Obviously, the bald head had already said what he wanted to say.

"No, now that the strong son is not there, Mingda needs money everywhere. If you have this money, Mingda can also relieve a little pressure." Li Xiaoxiao continued to say seriously.

"That won't work! If you bully someone and want to use money to settle things, don't even think about it! Three billion won't agree!" The bald head immediately gritted his teeth and said decisively.

Bi Luochun also added: "Yeah, if the strong son is there, you won't be wronged by yourself. No matter if Mingda is short of money, we can find a way through other channels. If it doesn't work, we will raise funds again. It’s okay, and it’s not going to be a way to survive the crisis."

Faced with two people being serious, Li Xiaoxiao had to sigh helplessly, and then said again: "There is another reason, if we really hold on to him, we will definitely offend Lin Guozheng. Then, Making enemies for Mingda is also a nuisance."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry so much. Although I don't understand business as well as you, business is only a business, just a tool for making money. How can it be compared with your personal safety?" The bald statement made Bi Luo on the side. Chun nodded again and again after listening.

However, in Li Xiaoxiao's heart, she still had the same idea. Mingda was in a mess. She knew that Mingda had to deal with too many things, and everything needed to spend a lot of money. The money problem caused the problem to be unsolved, and Li Xiaoxiao obviously did not see such a thing happen.

"Old Bi, please take your sister-in-law home to rest. Don't let her work today." When he arrived at the parking lot, he raised his chin to Bi Luochun and said.

Bi Luochun nodded, and then said to Li Xiaoxiao: "I will send you back."

Li Xiaoxiao heard the words, and did not refute it. It is indeed not suitable for work in her current state. After watching those videos today, Li Xiaoxiao was deeply moved. She suddenly felt that what Fang Zhiqiang said before was correct. It is true that I have been suspicious, but Fang Zhiqiang can't be sorry for himself at all!

Fang Zhiqiang has been struggling with this problem for a long time. Now she wants to seriously consider this matter. At this time, when she goes to work, she still can't concentrate, but it will cause unnecessary trouble to Mingda.

As for the Weiwei in the bar, her face was still sluggish at this moment. After the bald-headed and they both left, she was still a little bit overwhelmed, and just forgot to ask for a contact with Li Xiaoxiao.

Thinking of it, it was indeed a coincidence that I met a guest so casually, and I didn't think it was the wife of Fang Zhiqiang, the former president of Mingda!

With such an identity, how could you come to a vulgar place like a bar? Isn't their entertainment methods for the wealthy often very high-end?

Even though Fang Zhiqiang had that incident two days ago, didn't it happen afterwards? There is no need to look so distracted.

Weiwei, who didn’t understand, didn’t want to think about it. Today, there was such a big incident in the bar, and it has been closed for several days, and the security guards suffered heavy casualties one by one, but they couldn’t help it. Don't dare to complain. After all, they are ashamed of themselves. If they really tell the truth, they might even lose their jobs.

Therefore, one by one can only endure in the stomach.


After arriving home, Li Xiaoxiao was soon noticed by Li Yonggui that something was wrong, his clothes were disheveled, and his face was completely wrong.

The two of them wanted to ask what was going on, but Li Xiaoxiao went straight into his bedroom, closed the door, and said nothing.

Seeing this scene, both Li Yonggui looked sad and thought: It seems that the contradiction between their young couple has not been completely resolved!

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