My Best Wife

Chapter 2328: Bar insurance (2)

For some reason, although Li Xiaoxiao is Fang Zhiqiang's wife, speaking of which, Lin Shan and Fang Zhiqiang can be considered as a man and woman, but Lin Shan always hopes that Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao can do better.

This is also the reason why she was so angry after seeing Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin that night. What she looked down the most was the kind of people who secretly did shameful things.

After entering the elevator, Bi Luochun found that there was no signal in the elevator, and the bald phone could not be dialed out. Bi Luochun was also in a panic.

Now that Fang Zhiqiang is not at home, if something really happens to Li Xiaoxiao, Bi Luochun does not know how Fang Zhiqiang will feel in the future, and whether he is his brother or the acting president of Mingda, he is responsible. And duty to protect Li Xiaoxiao.

On the first floor, after walking out of the elevator, Bi Luochun couldn't wait to call the bald head again.

And at this time, the bald head was at home with his baby daughter-in-law, enjoying the family happiness. He was also at a loss when he received a call from Bi Luochun.

After hearing what was going on, the bald head immediately didn't hesitate, got up and wanted to leave.

"What are you doing again?" Nan Ling'er stared at her bald head with an unhappy and suspicious expression, and said.

"Daughter-in-law, it's urgent. I'll talk more about it when I come back. I'll go now!" The bald head left a word at random and rushed out.

And Nan Ling'er also looked helpless, but from the voice of the bald-headed call, Nan Ling'er heard the name'Li Xiaoxiao'.

She knew that Li Xiaoxiao was Fang Zhiqiang's wife, what could happen to her?

After the bald head came out, he contacted the brothers while driving. Soon, the team was assembled, and the goal was obviously Caesar's Bar.

If you let the bald head come here to see Li Xiaoxiao being held hostage at this moment, then there will definitely be a big incident. At that time, it is not only the few brothers who are unlucky, but also this bar.

However, fortunately, Weiwei, who was barking at this moment, became more familiar with Li Xiaoxiao's cries, and finally looked up again.

When she discovered that the person being held hostage was Li Xiaoxiao, she hesitated for a moment, and then walked over.

"What are you guys doing?!" Weiwei pointed at the three men in front of her and said.

"Oh, isn't this sister Weiwei? Why, are you jealous?" One of the men in their twenties raised an eyebrow at Weiwei and joked.

"Let go of her!" Weiwei didn't have so much nonsense, and suddenly said seriously.

"What are you talking about?" The man suddenly raised his ears on purpose, pretending that he hadn't heard clearly, and asked.

"I ask you to let her go!" Weiwei increased the volume and shouted again.

"Sister Weiwei, in this Caesar, when did you stop soaking girls? Why, you don't let them soak, and we are not allowed to soak other girls?" The man continued to say in a playful tone.

"Don't let go, I'll call the security guard!" Weiwei said solemnly.

"Scream! We didn't fight again, this is our girl, what can you do? Want to beat the mandarin ducks? Haha!" The man continued to say with a look of disdain, but still did not let Li Xiaoxiao go.

"Security!" Weiwei panicked when she saw that she couldn't stop them, and then shouted to the back.

Weiwei didn't know why she wanted to save her, maybe because she made money from others, so it was like doing something for them? Or maybe, you think she looks good, so you don't want her to be bullied?

Regardless of the reason, today's Weiwei took the risk of being punished again.

However, her voice was quickly drowned in the sound of the stereo, as if it caused no movement at all.

"Sister Weiwei, why do you have to do bad things for us?" The man also looked puzzled. Normally Weiwei obviously doesn't care about this, and he doesn't know what's going on today. "Do you know this woman?"

After hearing the words, Weiwei pondered for a moment, then glanced at Li Xiaoxiao's angry expression, then nodded and said: "I know."

"What's the matter? I've never seen her before, are you lying to us?"

The man obviously didn't believe it. While talking, he stared at Li Xiaoxiao again for a long time.

At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao no longer has much strength to struggle. Feeling their powerful palms, Li Xiaoxiao's heart becomes more and more panic.

Such things are common in bars. Now, unless I can make a big noise, I can only alarm the security guards. But I am firmly controlled by them and can't move. How can I make a big noise?

"I advise you, she knows Fang Zhiqiang, the former president of Mingda, and if you dare to provoke her, there will be no good end!" Weiwei helplessly, knowing that she doesn't have the ability to make these daring brothers back. Immediately, relying on luck, he said.

"Fang Zhiqiang? Former president? We know it too! That's the guy who made trouble here a few days ago, right?" The man heard the words and said in a joking tone again. In the end, he couldn't help but'haha' 'Laugh out loud.

"You!" Weiwei helplessly.

"Sister Weiwei, what should I do? Don't disturb our good deeds, otherwise, we have nowhere to put our firepower, so we have to find you! Haha!" The man said, while continuing to deal with Li Xiaoxiao. foot.

At this time, Weiwei had to turn around and leave, and walked towards the nearby security guard, hoping that the security guard would come and stop.

But after explaining the situation to the security guard, the security guard walked over and took a look from a distance, and then he looked embarrassed: "People didn't fight again, what are we doing in the past?"

"But they are bullying!" Weiwei said confidently.

"You see this kind of thing every day, why are you still so uncomfortable? Just get used to it. Don't be nosy. Isn't it enough for you to be punished the last two days?"

The security responded casually, then turned and left.

Li Xiaoxiao was still yelling, but no one came to help her anymore.

Weiwei, the only one who helped her, was already powerless now, just like that, watching Li Xiaoxiao being dragged into the box by a group of them.

But the more she looked at it, the more she couldn't stand it. Recalling the tone and attitude of Li Xiaoxiao when she talked to herself just now, Weiwei always felt that she fell in love with her. Such a good woman should have encountered something annoying. For those who are in this place, if something bad happens because of this, Weiwei will feel a little uneasy about her conscience.

So Weiwei rushed forward alone and followed directly behind the three men.

Knowing that she could not beat others, she grabbed a high stool on the way, which was the kind of high stool Fang Zhiqiang used that night.

Although Fang Zhiqiang didn't even look at her in the end, the more she did it, the more she felt that Fang Zhiqiang was different. Although she had just said that to Li Xiaoxiao, in fact, she was impressed by Fang Zhiqiang. After the events of that night, she was even more obsessed with the other party's Zhiqiang, but she didn't even have a contact information, and there was no way to harass her.

However, although she imitated Fang Zhiqiang, she was not stupid enough to smash people's heads like Fang Zhiqiang. As long as she made a little movement to attract security to come, she would have completed the task.

Thinking like this in her heart, Weiwei stepped forward quickly, and finally smashed the high stool on the back of one of the men.

"Ouch!" Weiwei didn't hit it hard, and the man suddenly said ‘Ouch’, turning his head and looking, when he saw Weiwei again, his eyes were already burning.

"Smelly bitch, shameless, right? I killed you today!"

With the help of alcohol, the young man also had no scruples, and rushed towards Weiwei.

However, even if the situation seemed to be about to fight, the security was still indifferent.

Their duty is to choose to take action when encountering a situation like Fang Zhiqiang that night, and in the current situation, it is clear that they have not yet reached the time when they need to take action.

In particular, Weiwei is also involved. It is Weiwei who takes the initiative to provoke the guests. If the blame comes down, when the time comes, the security guards may have to be punished together.

Therefore, the security guards decided to remain indifferent after thinking for a long time. Moreover, the movement over there was not particularly big, it was just a woman. They thought, how big a wave could it make?

However, what they didn't expect was that they originally wanted one thing less, but it was precisely this idea that caused their Caesars bar to experience a catastrophe again.

And the person who brought them this catastrophe was the one who visited here two days ago, Bi Luochun!

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