My Best Wife

Chapter 2325: On-board conversation

"You only need to answer me. Others, you don't have to worry about that much." From Weiwei's gaze, Li Xiaoxiao has naturally seen something. For her, this 10,000 yuan is obviously already Let her be shaken.

And if she talked about her relationship with Fang Zhiqiang, she might not have said that in detail, so Li Xiaoxiao didn't say much at this moment.

When Weiwei heard this, she was stunned again, and then she said: "Come with me."

Seeing the other party's promise, Li Xiaoxiao immediately took a long breath, and then followed this Vivi and went to the computer room. The specific situation of that night, and the next Li Xiaoxiao, can see clearly what happened. .

At the same time, Wang Yaxin and Fang Zhiqiang on the plane were getting farther and farther from the Pearl, and getting closer and closer to their destination.

"How is it? Now in my heart, is there anything I want to say?" Wang Yaxin asked Fang Zhiqiang silently again.

For a place he's been in from the future, such a strange place, Fang Zhiqiang must have unexpected thoughts in his mind, and those thoughts, Wang Yaxin is also quite curious, at least, she knows that Wang Xinsheng is for Fang Zhiqiang. It is very important, otherwise he would not rather risk being at odds with Li Xiaoxiao again and choose to come here.

"No." Fang Zhiqiang glanced at Wang Yaxin and didn't say much, but simply said two words.

Wang Yaxin smiled slightly and said again: "Is that Fang Zhiqiang who was so good at talking now, is he gone?"

Fang Zhiqiang glanced at Wang Yaxin again, but said nothing.

"I know, maybe it's just that you don't want to say so much to me, right? What are you afraid of?" In fact, both of them are tacitly aware of this matter. In terms of despair, at least, we must figure out what his persistence over the years counts in Fang Zhiqiang's heart.

Wang Yaxin obviously had something in his words. Fang Zhiqiang was stunned again for a long time without speaking. He naturally knew what Wang Yaxin wanted to say next.

"Since you already understand, why do you still have to say it?" Fang Zhiqiang spoke up after all.

Wang Yaxin said that he couldn't speak. Fang Zhiqiang wanted to know why, and also wanted to know what Wang Yaxin thought.

"I have restrained it for so long. For me, maybe since I went there, I have never really expressed my heart. Now, I should always let me open my heart and let you see my heart. , What does it look like?" Wang Yaxin said lightly, even with a hint of smile, it looked so calm.

"Since you have chosen restraint, you should stick to it to the end. Your current practice shouldn't be there."

Since it is something that both people understand, there are some things that don't need to be said too clearly, and they can communicate without obstacles, just like Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin at this moment.

"There is restraint, and naturally there will be venting. Maybe you already have Xiaoxiao, and it is the same for you. But I am different. You can't let me suffocate yourself, right?"

Wang Yaxin continued smiling.

"Okay, I can answer you for the answer you want." Fang Zhiqiang stopped evading, and answered the question Wang Yaxin just said: "I really don't want to say much to you, and I am really afraid."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Fear that the things I least want to see happen."

"Since it is the least willing to see it, why would you worry about it appearing?"

"Because I'm afraid that I can't control my heart, and I'm also afraid of me. Don't be unable to control your behavior like before." Fang Zhiqiang made no secret that once the topic is talked about, there is no need to cover it up. For everyone, it is the best.

Wang Yaxin slowly lowered her head and never spoke again. In fact, she knew what Fang Zhiqiang was thinking, but wanted to see if Fang Zhiqiang would tell the truth.

Now, Fang Zhiqiang finally said it, but Wang Yaxin didn't know how to answer.

The answer that I was struggling to pursue is now in front of me, but I am at a loss.

"Are you... mentally derailed?" Wang Yaxin spoke again after pondering for a long time.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he answered without hesitation: "I don't think so."


"Because in my heart, I never thought of betrayal." Fang Zhiqiang said decisively.

"Do you understand, what is mental derailment?" Wang Yaxin said softly while looking at Fang Zhiqiang for a long time.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't say a word, he naturally knew that Wang Yaxin was right, and Fang Zhiqiang knew very well that in his heart, he still cared about her and still cared about her life and Wang Xinsheng.

In a sense, this is already a mental derailment.

Although Fang Zhiqiang himself sometimes couldn't tell whether his concern for Wang Yaxin came from love or from his previous friendship.

Although he never thought of betraying Li Xiaoxiao, Fang Zhiqiang was unable to remove Wang Yaxin from the depths of his heart. Isn't this a betrayal?

"Actually, you know very well that for you, I have always been there, even if you don’t contact me, even if we don’t meet each other, right?" Wang Yaxin’s step by step questioning made Fang Zhiqiang more and more nervous, and More and more panic.

Faced with Wang Yaxin’s questions one after another, Fang Zhiqiang quickly realized that he could no longer answer, because he could not give himself an answer. Those questions were like a knife, plucked in Fang Zhiqiang’s heart.

"Stop talking, it doesn't make any sense to say this now."

Fang Zhiqiang interrupted Wang Yaxin, hoping that she would not continue speaking, but for Wang Yaxin, since she had already spoken, how could she stop?

"After enduring it for so long, today I finally have this opportunity to say something, don't you feel cruel if you let me swallow it back?" Wang Yaxin said without hesitation.

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's bewildered and flustered expression, Wang Yaxin sighed and said: "Don't worry, the things you least want to see won't happen. I just want to see, I loved it. The men who have been, what are they pretending to be in their hearts."

"You know, I can't give you the future, the happiness and the life you want. Since we have all made choices, we should be responsible for our choices. Talking more will only let you and me. Being caught in an embarrassing situation will do no good for you and me, and Yu Xiaoxiao will not do any good."

Having said that, Fang Zhiqiang raised his head to look at Wang Yaxin, and continued to say, “Once, you were a smart and rational woman, and you rarely said anything, but every word will appear at the moment when you need it most, but now, these words of yours , But it has no effect. Instead, it will only cause us unnecessary trouble, Yaxin, this is not the you I want to see."

Fang Zhiqiang's words made Wang Yaxin suddenly speechless. Looking at Fang Zhiqiang's firm eyes, Wang Yaxin couldn't help but feel a little blurred.

Fang Zhiqiang said that even Wang Yaxin himself had forgotten what he looked like. At that time, he must be very stupid, stupid not knowing what he was doing, stupid even couldn’t tell right from wrong. Wrong, it seems very rational, but in fact, every decision made is based on idealism. Wang Yaxin also knows that at that time, he knew Fang Zhiqiang from the very beginning and then fell completely. It took less than half a year.

Of course, Wang Yaxin seriously analyzed this matter later, and she gave herself a high-sounding reason. The reason why Fang Zhiqiang fell so deeply into her was all because of Wang Jingyu.

At that time, Wang Jingyu needed a dad, and Fang Zhiqiang took the initiative to ask for help. There was only a relationship between himself and him.

However, later Wang Yaxin gradually discovered that Wang Jingyu became more and more dependent on Fang Zhiqiang. Wang Jingyu was too important for Wang Yaxin at that time. As long as his son can get better and better, let alone Fang Zhiqiang, change Being any man, I might choose to live with him.

However, such self-comfort did not last long. Wang Yaxin found that she could not do without Fang Zhiqiang, and it was not just because of Wang Jingyu's existence.

It seemed that I was so curious about all his past, and I admired all his decisions. Speaking of which, he was just a courier at that time, but he was so obsessed with him.

Is it because I have been single for too long? Can't you see a man treat yourself so well?

Wang Yaxin has used this reason to convince herself countless times.

However, as Wang Yaxin, there are not many men who pursue her, and a man who is good to her can't be counted with one hand. How has she ever fallen?

After all, Wang Yaxin still had to admit that he was once again caught in the quagmire of feelings.

A woman who pretends to be a mature and rational woman is always swayed by her emotions. She once thought she was enough to control **** feelings, but Wang Yaxin discovered that some things are inherent and cannot be changed.

"Once? When you suddenly said these two words, I felt a little dazed."

After a while, Wang Yaxin raised her head and smiled disapprovingly, and continued in a light tone: "You once did not look forward and backward like you are now, hesitant, as long as you are sure of what you want to do, you will not think about it. , No matter how big the price is, for you, it can't stop you from moving forward, right?"

Wang Yaxin's rhetorical question caused Fang Zhiqiang to fall into contemplation.

Yes, in this world, the only constant is that it keeps changing.

No matter the time, the person, or the heart, there will always be changes.

Looking back now, the obsession that I once had in my heart has long since disappeared. I used to dream of building my own business empire by myself.

However, recently, he actively chose to abdicate, as if his fame and fame and benefits were a passing moment for himself.

But in just a few days, following Li Yonggui's words, he rekindled his impulse and desire to start a business. What did his changing heart show?

"Don't be so nervous. Everyone is an adult. There is such a little bit of impunity in each other's hearts. They are all excusable. It will only get worse. If you really want to let go, just Don't deliberately depress, some emotions, after you release them, maybe you can get real relief."

Wang Yaxin said with a ‘coming man’ mentality, Fang Zhiqiang said in a hurry.

Fang Zhiqiang raised his head and looked at this familiar cheek. It seemed that he was still youthful, delicate and flawless.

Even the Ruoyoruowu smile was so familiar and so nostalgic.

In the past few years, it seems that no marks have been left on Wang Yaxin's face. However, everyone's hearts have already rushed away, and where they will eventually rush to is unknown.

"Looking at you, it seems that you are not relieved." After a while, Fang Zhiqiang suddenly turned his head, looked at Wang Yaxin at the moment, and said such a sentence, making Wang Yaxin silent.

Fang Zhiqiang's rhetorical question caught Wang Yaxin by surprise and speechless.

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