My Best Wife

Chapter 2310: Sudden news

Helpless Li Xiaoxiao stopped talking afterwards. After eating for himself, he was ready to go back to the bedroom, while Fang Zhiqiang, as usual, took the dishwashing work on himself.

However, considering that Li Xiaoxiao should be very tired today, she still had something to discuss with her later, so she hurriedly took care of everything and went to the bedroom.

Sure enough, when I came in, I saw Li Xiaoxiao already lying on the bed.

Fang Zhiqiang immediately said helplessly: "You say you, and you don't talk about exercise after eating. It is very bad for your stomach if you lie down like this." Fang Zhiqiang said casually.

"Isn't I exercising?" Li Xiaoxiao turned around, pointed at Xiao Ai Li beside him, and said with a look of disapproval.

"You..." Fang Zhiqiang was also speechless.

"There is something, I want to tell you a little bit." Fang Zhiqiang said to Li Xiaoxiao while changing his clothes.

"What's the matter?" Li Xiaoxiao looked at Fang Zhiqiang with a look of confusion. From Fang Zhiqiang's serious tone, Li Xiaoxiao could hear that this matter should be quite important.

"Zhang Zhenguo called me before, saying that some of them felt that the rights in their hands were too small, and wanted Mingda to give them greater rights."

Fang Zhiqiang said a long story short.

"Why? Isn't it good right now? Nothing is delayed, and their own income is only a small part of their income. What else do they want?" Li Xiaoxiao said with a puzzled expression.

"You can’t say that. After all, they used to be separate companies, big and small, they are also presidents. They can make all decisions about the company, but now it’s different. After joining Mingda, no matter what decision you make , It has to be decided by the high-level Mingda, which is naturally not as convenient for them as before."

Fang Zhiqiang said seriously again.

"Then what are you going to do?" Li Xiaoxiao asked Fang Zhiqiang again.

"Isn't I asking you? You are now the executive director of Mingda, and I am nothing." Fang Zhiqiang spread his hands disapprovingly and said.

Li Xiaoxiao also frowned and thought for a while, but couldn't think of a way to do it.

"That's how I think..." Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but start looking at what she couldn't think of.

However, as soon as the words were spoken, Li Xiaoxiao thumped Fang Zhiqiang’s arm, and then said: "You have already thought about it, so you have to come and ask me, do you think I have not enough things to be busy during the day? ?"

Fang Zhiqiang smiled'hehe', and then continued: "I think we can appropriately relax some powers to them. Of course, they still can't let them decide on principled things. As for the internal situation of their own company, let them alone Just deal with it."

"After all, Mingda's big trouble has indeed been resolved. It stands to reason that even if they propose to quit Mingda now, it is not impossible. They are willing to stay, it is considered very good."

After Fang Zhiqiang finished speaking, Li Xiaoxiao immediately retorted without hesitation: "If they really want to withdraw, they would have no conscience? The most difficult time was when Mingda took them in, and now it's through. When faced with difficulties, just want to develop alone? How can there be such a good thing!"

"After all, I promised them back then, as long as they are willing to withdraw, I will not stop them." Fang Zhiqiang continued.

After speaking, Fang Zhiqiang looked at Li Xiaoxiao and was about to speak again, and immediately said: "However, they didn't plan to withdraw, right?"

Li Xiaoxiao frowned and thought for a while, and then said, "Then what do you want me to do? You will talk about your decision after arriving at Mingda tomorrow?"

"It's not my decision. I'm discussing it with you. If you think my suggestion is not good, you can modify it a bit by yourself!" Fang Zhiqiang said modestly.

"Also slightly modified...I will directly change it all for you!" Li Xiaoxiao said, looking at Fang Zhiqiang with an unconvinced expression.

"Hey, that's okay!" Fang Zhiqiang said casually.

"However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that your method is really good. If you release too much power, it will be more difficult to manage. If it is too small, it will not calm their mood. Therefore, I promise you temporarily This suggestion!"

Li Xiaoxiao thought again for a while, watching Fang Zhiqiang say seriously.

Fang Zhiqiang immediately smiled and nodded when he heard the words, then looked at Xiao Ai Li again, and then said: "Tonight, let Xiao Ai Li accompany our parents to sleep?"

"Why? I haven't seen the child for a day. You will take the child away when you come back?" Li Xiaoxiao said with a puzzled expression.

"Didn't I...have a great plan. If he is here, it is not easy to use, so..." Fang Zhiqiang mumbled.

And Li Xiaoxiao understood what he meant in an instant, and then patted his chest, "How come you can't stop for a day! I'm really tired!"

"So, don't I also want to help you relax!" Fang Zhiqiang said as he hugged Xiao Ai Li without a face, although Li Xiaoxiao was reluctant, but There was no block, it looked like it was half-push half-and-half.

And Fang Zhiqiang hurriedly hugged Xiao Ai Li to the door of Li Yonggui and his wife's room, knocked on the door, and explained her intention, Xiao Ma got up and opened the door.

As a person who came by, Xiaoma naturally knew what Fang Zhiqiang was thinking about, but she didn’t say much, but after taking the child over, she went back to the house. This time, she didn’t tell Fang Zhiqiang to pay attention to his body, because Fang Zhiqiang has had a good rest recently, and he has been eating on time at home. There is really nothing to worry about.


One night was fleeting. The next day Li Xiaoxiao was in a good mood and went on to the Mingda Group. She had already considered what Fang Zhiqiang discussed with her last night.

Fang Zhiqiang is also full of joy. It seems that his method is indeed effective. At least for the moment, the relationship between himself and Li Xiaoxiao is getting better and better, and it may only develop in a better direction in the future, so Fang Zhi Qiang's heart is naturally beautiful.

At home, Fang Zhiqiang was not idle. After all the housework that should be done was done, it was time to cook. There were elderly people in the family, so meals must be on time. Fang Zhiqiang also did things differently every day. The methods of online learning are indeed very effective. The dishes that seemed to be difficult to cook before were discovered by myself after doing this, but they are actually quite simple.

Cooking also made Fang Zhiqiang feel very fulfilled. Watching everyone finish their own cooking is also something to be proud of.

Li Yonggui and Xiaoma's mood also improved. On the one hand, they saw that Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao's relationship was getting better, even better than before. On the other hand, Li Yonggui's long-term wish has finally been fulfilled. Fang Zhiqiang no longer goes out to work. As for Li Xiaoxiao, although she is at work, judging from her state yesterday, there is obviously no problem.

Everything is getting better, and they plan to start taking care of their lives in this state.

However, one person is unhappy: Wang Yaxin.

That problem kept her awake all night last night. She struggled all night and finally made a decision.

Just after dinner at noon today, she gave Lin Shan out, and she herself called Fang Zhiqiang.

Seeing the call from Wang Yaxin, Fang Zhiqiang answered without pressure.

After yesterday’s cooperation, Fang Zhiqiang also discovered that the current relationship between Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin has also been eased, and Li Xiaoxiao himself said it last night, so Fang Zhiqiang now does not have to deal with the relationship between the three of them so carefully. .

"Yaxin, I heard Xiaoxiao say that you were sick again yesterday, how is it?" Fang Zhiqiang asked with concern after answering the phone.

"It's okay, don't worry." Fang Zhiqiang paused slightly, then said with a smile.

"Qiangzi, I have something that I want to tell you..." Wang Yaxin's voice suddenly became a little hesitant, Fang Zhiqiang naturally heard something was wrong, and then asked curiously and suspiciously: "What's the matter? Tell me."

"That's it. The school in Australia called me and said that you only needed to sign the certificate to get Xinsheng enrolled. But now, the signed documents are no longer valid, and their control is increasing. The stricter it is, both parents must be accompanied by their children before they agree to Xin Sheng entering the school."

Now that the decision was made, Wang Yaxin didn't hesitate anymore. When she said this passage, she didn't hesitate anymore and spoke it fluently.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he was taken aback. He originally thought that the matter had been resolved, but now it seems that it is far from resolved.

"What? Must be... biological parents?" Fang Zhiqiang immediately asked tentatively.

In fact, this is not difficult to think. If it weren't for this, I believe Wang Yaxin would not call herself in such a hurry. Jiang Bing from Australia can help her solve this problem.

"Yes, if it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have to call you again."

Wang Yaxin continued.

"Then... how long does it take to go?" Fang Zhiqiang continued to ask.

"At present, we only need to send Xin Sheng in temporarily. It shouldn't take too long. They will conduct random checks two or three times within half a semester. We only have to deal with the beginning of the school period, and then when the random check is a big deal. I'll call you again..."

Speaking of the last sentence, Wang Yaxin also felt embarrassed.

At the beginning, because of Xiaoyu's affairs, Fang Zhiqiang often ran to his home, but it was near after all at that time, but at this time in Australia, Fang Zhiqiang kept running back and forth, Wang Yaxin was also upset.

But she had no other way. After all, Wang Xinsheng was also Fang Zhiqiang's biological daughter, so Wang Yaxin would say these things. If it were Xiaoyu, she would never say that.

Fang Zhiqiang fell silent.

Originally, when everything had started to turn better, there was such a news suddenly that Fang Zhiqiang didn't know what to do.

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