My Best Wife

Chapter 2307: Carnival day

Wang Xia’s insistence forced Wang Yaxin to turn around and walk away helplessly. At this moment, she didn’t want to see anyone, especially Wang Xia. She knew very well that she could not help but say something in front of Wang Xia, but , Once those words are said, it is not good for anyone.

This is Wang Yaxin's entanglement. This matter made her entangled and she didn't know what to do. Now she didn't have an answer in her own heart. What if she told Wang Xia then? The facts are still there, no matter how hard you make, this matter can't be changed.

Li Xiaoxiao and Lin Shan were by Wang Yaxin's side, looking at Wang Yaxin's weak body, they both couldn't help taking a step forward and supporting Wang Yaxin's arm.

But Wang Yaxin smiled and shook his head, and refused the support of the two.

"Why won the battle? It seems that your emotions are not so high!" Wang Xia followed, always feeling that the atmosphere seemed to be something wrong, especially Wang Yaxin, there was almost no smiling face, the only smile seemed to be too So stiff, so far-fetched.

Wang Xia’s unrestricted speech made Wang Yaxin embarrassed again. She knew that everyone’s bad mood was because of herself. She seemed sick and unhappy now, and her face was full of unpleasantness. This is obviously Will affect everyone's mood.

But Wang Yaxin couldn’t help it. There was something stuck in her heart. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t make herself look like usual. She smiled at everyone, even the professional smile she was best at, now It has long been unable to reappear on her face.

"Sister Yaxin was always uncomfortable when she was in court, and she became more serious after she went to court. You see that she is so weak now, so you have to hurry up and notify the doctor for a diagnosis."

At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Xia seriously, and said so.

Obviously, Li Xiaoxiao didn't know what Wang Yaxin was thinking about. She felt that Wang Yaxin looked so wrong because of her body. Although it was a time to be happy, Li Xiaoxiao couldn't be happy because of Wang Yaxin's body.

"Xiaoya, go call a doctor." Wang Xia immediately turned her head and said to Xiaoya who was supporting her without hesitation.

However, Xiaoya was stunned when she heard the words, and did not go immediately.

Li Xiaoxiao naturally saw what she meant. She was still worried about Wang Xia, worried that Wang Xia would have accidents by herself. After all, Wang Xia has not recovered.

"I'll go." Li Xiaoxiao no longer hesitated immediately, winked at Lin Shan, and then went to the hospital hall by herself.

After entering the ward, the doctor quickly came over to look at Wang Yaxin, and said that there was no major problem, maybe he was tired.

Everyone did not take it to heart.

At this time, Wang Xia also breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said to Wang Yaxin excitedly: “Look, the doctor said it’s okay, so don’t scare yourself. Let’s talk about your great success today. Right!"

Wang Xia is very interested in this matter. Although she also knows that both Wang Yaxin and Li Xiaoxiao have been preparing for a long time, but seeing the final result today, Wang Xia is still very excited and able to defeat Juying. The head devil, whether it is for Mingda, or for Li Xiaoxiao or Wang Yaxin, is something worth a lifetime to be proud of.

"Is there anything to say, haven't I already said what I should say?" Wang Yaxin didn't seem to have much interest in this matter, and still said blankly.

The more Wang Xia saw Wang Yaxin, the more felt something was wrong, and then she frowned again and said: "No, you must be hiding something from everyone, otherwise you can't be like this!"

"I...what's wrong with me? Am I pretty good?" Wang Yaxin is also getting more and more helpless. When she doesn't want to be disturbed, Wang Xia insists on asking questions, the more she is When she didn't want to talk, Wang Xia kept talking about it.

"How long have we two? Can I still not know you? If it's okay, you have prepared so long plans before and finally succeeded today. How could you be unhappy?"

Wang Xia continued to ask. In fact, it was not that she was talking too much. She was indeed concerned about Wang Yaxin. If there was something in Wang Yaxin's heart, she was also afraid that she would be bad for Wang Yaxin's health.

After all, she already knew about Wang Yaxin's sequelae.

Speaking of this, Wang Xia did not give up after the failure of contacting Xu Chao at the time. She asked Xiaoya to continue contacting other experts in this field, but in the end she still did not gain much. Wang Yaxin’s sequelae was too special. Many people have only heard about it, but none of them are willing to agree to let them come for treatment.

At first, Wang Xia thought that they felt that the money was too little. Later, after adding the money, she realized that it was not the money problem.

"Of course I am happy, but I can't stand up and dance either?" Wang Yaxin continued to say helplessly, she didn't know what to say anymore.

"Hey! This is a good idea. Dancing can not only exercise your body, but also cultivate your sentiment. Let's get together!" Wang Xia immediately got up from her chair, twisting her body first, and she looked like a model. Kind of.

But Wang Yaxin finally couldn't help but frown and said, "Xiaoxia! Stop making trouble!"

With a low drink, several people present were stunned. Li Xiaoxiao and Lin Shan also looked at Wang Yaxin, who was out of control at this moment, in awe.

For Wang Yaxin, a reasonable woman, there are very few things that can make her emotionally lose control, but what is going on at this moment? Although Wang Xia may have said a little bit more, it is not enough for her reaction, right?

At this time, Wang Xia was not the only one who realized that Wang Yaxin was wrong. Li Xiaoxiao and Lin Shan also concluded that Wang Yaxin must have encountered something.

"Sister Yaxin, what on earth do you have, you might as well tell it. Even if we can't help you solve it, at least we can help you share a little." Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but stand up and say to Wang Yaxin at this time.

Wang Yaxin looked at Li Xiaoxiao again, the helplessness in her gaze was no longer concealed. It was not that she did not want to conceal it, but that she could not control her feelings at the moment.

"You all go out first, I want to be alone." Wang Yaxin turned her head and didn't look at them anymore, then said in a cold tone.

Wang Xia was also stunned at this moment. Originally, she had noticed that Wang Yaxin's emotions were not right. She just wanted to make Wang Yaxin happy, but she did not expect that she would be self-defeating. Now it seems that Wang Yaxin's concerns are indeed quite serious.

"Okay, since she doesn't want to say, let's not force her, let her be alone." Lin Shan looked at Wang Yaxin's helpless appearance at the moment, and took the lead to speak, facing Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao. Said.

Afterwards, several people also left Wang Yaxin's ward silently. At this moment, Wang Yaxin himself was the only one left in the ward.

She didn't know how she should talk to them, because there were too many people involved in that incident. The few who stood in front of her just now were all involved. How did she talk?

At this time, Wang Yaxin couldn't take care of her body, let alone her sequelae. In her mind, there was only one thing left, which was the phone call she received in the car.

After walking out of the ward, the few people who looked suspicious, Wang Xia immediately asked Li Xiaoxiao, "What the **** is going on with Sister Yaxin? She is with you all day, do you know?"

"I don’t know, but when I was in the court, I felt that she was a little weak, but she was in a normal mood. After I came out... I let her get in the car first. After I got in the car, I found that she was not quite right, but I Asked her, she didn't say either." Li Xiaoxiao said truthfully.

Li Xiaoxiao is also full of doubts. When the plan is in progress, everything is well, and she can clearly feel Wang Yaxin's excitement and sometimes nervousness at that time. It is obvious from this point that she is also extremely about this matter. Sorry, but now that things have come to an end, why is she not happy at all?

Since there is something in mind, why are you reluctant to say it? What kind of heart is that?

It was not just Wang Xia who was puzzled, but Li Xiaoxiao also wanted to know what was going on.

Naturally, Li Xiaoxiao also knows that her relationship with Wang Yaxin has finally eased. This is obviously rare for Li Xiaoxiao. She wants to seize this opportunity to rehabilitate with Wang Yaxin. Seeing that the two of them are now I got more and more familiar, but Wang Yaxin's sudden reaction made Li Xiaoxiao at a loss again. She even thought that maybe she did something wrong that made Wang Yaxin in such a state.

"Okay, it's useless if you think so much. When she wants to say it by herself, you will naturally know." Xiaoya beside Wang Xia looked at Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao who looked suspicious, and said so. .

What Xiaoya said was right, no matter how many questions Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao had, but Wang Yaxin didn't say it, they would never know what was going on.

"Sister, let's not think about it. Go back to the ward and see what Xiaoya is in anxious." Li Xiaoxiao looked at Xiaoya with an anxious look, and said to Wang Xia immediately.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xia also smiled awkwardly, and then walked into the ward obediently.

Within the Mingda Group, it can be said to be cheering at this moment. The struggle with Juying for so long has finally come to an end. For each of them, they are relieved of the heavy burden on their shoulders and can finally straighten up. , Breathing straightly.

Next, never have to live the days of fear.

Of course, Zhang Zhenguo and Bi Luochun did not stop everyone's carnival, after all, this is indeed a thing worth caring for.

However, Fang Zhiqiang did not see this scene. If he saw it, it would definitely stop everyone. Now is not the time to be complacent. Although this failure is a great loss for Juying, after all, a lean camel is more Martha, Juying is very likely to make a comeback. Taking it lightly will only make Mingda fall into crisis again.

However, since he is not in Mingda, Fang Zhiqiang can use it no matter how anxious he is. Everyone is in the carnival at this moment, even Bi Luochun himself, looking at everyone's excited expressions, laughed.

Zhang Zhenguo actually knew Fang Zhiqiang’s thoughts. It was only due to his own identity and it was not time for Fang Zhiqiang to be in the group. At that time, he could communicate directly with Fang Zhiqiang whenever he had any ideas. He would listen carefully and even adopt his opinions, but now he has been replaced by Bi Luochun after all.

Zhang Zhenguo, who has read countless people, has a preliminary understanding of what Bi Luochun’s personality is. He believes that Bi Luochun will not easily adopt his own opinions. I am suspicious.

Think about it, this is not a big deal. Everyone is just happy for two days, and maybe they will be able to return to normal work afterwards, so Zhang Zhenguo thought that more is worse than less, so he just said nothing.

The director of scientific research is quite clear. After Li Xiaoxiao talked to him before, he knew his current position in the Mingda Group and what he should do. Therefore, the carnival of the crowd did not affect him. He still continued. Researching new products, constantly improving and modifying.

Of course, under his leadership, the entire science and technology department is also busy, and it seems a bit incompatible with the current carnival atmosphere of Mingda.

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