My Best Wife

Chapter 2304: Tentative

"Mr. Li, what stage has Mingda's new product development progressed to?"

Just stepping out of the gate, the interviewers gathered around like bees. Faced with their questions one after another, Li Xiaoxiao was responsible for answering them in detail over and over again. After several previous deductions, Li Xiaoxiao was already proficient. Having mastered all aspects of Mingda's detailed questions, Li Xiaoxiao was able to answer these questions from reporters.

And these things don’t need Wang Yaxin to worry about. At this moment, Wang Yaxin’s most concern is about Liu Jianhao’s personal safety. Although he is already inside, the last time he and Li Xiaoxiao went to talk to him, Fang Zhiqiang He also asked Bi Luochun to send people to search nearby, and in the end several people from Juying were found. This made Wang Yaxin realize that Juying’s methods were far more rampant than he thought.

This time they have planted such a big somersault, they will definitely hold a grudge against Mingda, and of course that Liu Jianhao is included, so it is not impossible for them to continue to attack Liu Jianhao.

And Xiao Ma and Xiao Dad at home are also staring at the phone screen intently at this time, because most of the shots of Li Xiaoxiao appear.

Seeing Li Xiaoxiao answering their questions one after another so skillfully, Li Yonggui and Xiaoma didn’t have happy smiles on their faces, because they had also had this experience before. When facing reporters, it was them. When I was most tired, I had to face so many journalists with a smirk after dealing with the affairs of the group.

The most important thing is that Li Xiaoxiao has just taken office in the past two days, but has answered so many questions. Li Yonggui knows how much effort she has put in. Seeing her work day and night in these two days, it is obviously for This first battle can be fought well.

Now it seems that they did win the first battle perfectly. Although Li Yonggui's heart was full of distress, but I have to say that the pride cannot be erased.

After all, it was his own daughter. Li Yonggui was naturally very happy to see such an excellent daughter.

Seeing that the situation is going well, and after fighting with Juying for so long, this time he can finally tell a victory or defeat. The impact of Juying's defeat this time is very huge. At least they will not be right again for a long time. Mingda poses any threat because they can't handle their own internal issues for the time being, let alone target other companies.

Fang Zhiqiang is also very clear about this, but Mingda still cannot relax his vigilance. Although Juying is currently the leader in the entire technology industry, as he falls, more companies will emerge. At that time, Mingda faced more than just a Juying.

There is another problem that Fang Zhiqiang is very worried about now, and that is about the companies that merged with Mingda before, such as Kirin Qianshang Lingxin and other groups.

These groups were taken out individually, and many of them could be on their own. Once they had no countermeasures because of Juying’s target, they joined Mingda in desperation, but now the crisis of Juying has been lifted. Without this threat, they naturally There is no worry, and I just abdicated at this time, whether they will choose to quit Mingda at this time, Fang Zhiqiang can't guess, let alone what kind of winter will Mingda experience once they withdraw.

And Wang Yaxin was watching the reporters who kept coming on the spot at the moment. Seeing that the interview would not be over for a while, so he said hello to Li Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I will go to the car and wait for you first."

When Li Xiaoxiao heard the words, she said with a solemn expression: "I will let the driver take you to the hospital first. I may not be able to finish it for a while."

"It's okay, I'll just wait for you in the car." Wang Yaxin refused.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Yaxin's leaving back with a worried look.

Wang Yaxin is not in good health at the moment, Li Xiaoxiao knows, and now Mingda also needs to be very cautious when facing the media. At this time, every word Mingda utters may have a huge impact. Otherwise, they did not need to perform a lot of deduction before, the purpose is only to finally give the public a perfect explanation.

Wang Yaxin first came to the car by herself. Not long after she got up, she felt that she was a little dizzy. Although she had recovered a little before, she was in an extremely bad state after today's high-intensity mental activities. .

After getting in the car, Wang Yaxin lay in the back seat, ready to rest.

But it didn't take long for the phone to rang. Wang Yaxin picked it up and took a look, and immediately answered the call with a look of confusion.

"Hello, is it Ms. Wang Yaxin?"

The other party asked with a not-so-standard Chinese.

"Yes, is there anything wrong?" Wang Yaxin asked in a weak voice.

"That's right. You were asked to apply for the admission certificate for your daughter Wang Xinsheng. How are you doing now?"

The other party continued to ask.

"It's already done, but I can't go back in the short term. I may have to wait about half a month." Wang Yaxin replied after thinking for a moment.

It's not that she didn't want to go back. She missed Wang Xinsheng and Xiaoyu very much. Before, it was because Mingda's affairs had not been dealt with, but now, it was because of her body that she was not allowed to make such a decision.

"If this is the case, I regret to inform you that there is a slight change in our requirements. When you come back, the certificate may be out of effect. You need to..."

Wang Yaxin, who called in the car, did not notice that Juying’s representative and lawyer passed by her car. When they passed by, both of them stared at the car with ferocious faces for a long time.

But at this moment, they were also entangled by reporters and media. It was not good to stay here, so they had to leave in a hurry.

Li Xiaoxiao faced reporters' questions, and some of them had been answered several times, but she still did not tire of it, because she knew that these things were very important to Mingda now, and she couldn't be sloppy.

And Fang Zhiqiang at home can't sit still at this moment. With the end of this matter, Mingda will have more things to face next, the issues of enterprise exit that were considered before, and the next issue of new product development. , Are things that are about to be resolved, Mingda must be happy at this time, but the more at this time, the easier it is to overlook the most important things.

The research and development of new products is undoubtedly the most important thing for Mingda at present. No matter how successful it is, but without the support of new products, Mingda will still be targeted by other companies, and at that time, there may be more than one Juying. Instead, more and more Juying will emerge.

However, as soon as he stood up, Li Yonggui asked, "Why are you going?"

"Dad, I'll talk to Zhang Zhenguo and the others on the phone and ask if I plan to continue cooperating or quit Mingda. If I quit, I have to talk to them about the pros and cons. Even though Mingda has won this battle, don’t you? It means it will continue to be stable next, if..."

"Okay..." Before Fang Zhiqiang finished his words, he was stopped by Li Yonggui. He frowned and said, "You have done everything, and what are you asking Xiaoxiao to do? And you are not already Have you given the position of president to that person called Bi Luochun? Since someone is in charge of these things, don't you want to move forward!"

What Li Yonggui said was sincere. He really hoped that Fang Zhiqiang could take a good rest for a while. After all, Mingda had so many troubles before. He didn't need to think about knowing how much energy Fang Zhiqiang put in. Now he finally has a little rest. Li Yonggui didn’t want him to waste his time.

Faced with Li Yonggui’s suggestion, Fang Zhiqiang said again: "But Dad, Mingda will definitely take it lightly at this time, but now Mingda shouldn’t be like this. There are many important things..."

"Every enterprise's development has a process, and every result is born, there is its truth, if Mingda is destined to be destroyed next, then no matter what you do is useless." Li Yonggui continued firmly.

Fang Zhiqiang saw what he meant. He didn’t want to let him continue working anyway, so he nodded helplessly. That’s good, he finally resolved the previous misunderstanding. At the time, he even felt that he was I am not satisfied with my abdication, so I have such an attitude towards myself, but now it seems that I really think too much.

Fang Zhiqiang did not call Zhang Zhenguo, but Zhang Zhenguo's phone number was called immediately.

Seeing the caller ID, Fang Zhiqiang reluctantly raised his phone and gave Li Yonggui a look. Li Yonggui had no choice but to shook his head. It seemed that no matter how he stopped, Fang Zhiqiang's nature would not change, even It was he who had abdicated, and it was impossible to ignore Mingda's affairs at all.

This point is quite similar to him at the beginning. Regardless of whether there is a return or benefit, as long as you let yourself do what you want to do, whatever you want.

"Mr. Zhang, don't come here unharmed!" This was the first time he received a call from Zhang Zhenguo after he abdicated, and Fang Zhiqiang immediately joked.

"Haha! It's rare that you are in the mood to make a joke. You don't want to share with us about such a big happy event?" Zhang Zhenguo also said with a smile.

"Do you still need me to share it? Don't you know such a big happy event?" Fang Zhiqiang asked immediately.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhenguo was stunned, and then continued to smile: "Haha! That's what I said."

"I'm just about to call you, so you called. You really have a good heart!" Fang Zhiqiang said with a smile.

"Oh? Call me? What's the matter?" Zhang Zhenguo asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it's actually nothing. Now I abdicated, but you are still the president of Lingxin. I am still a little nervous when I talk to you!" Fang Zhiqiang joked.

"Mr. Fang, if you say that, you'll just slap me in the face!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Zhenguo said in a serious tone immediately.

"Fine, then I'll ask!" Fang Zhiqiang continued, "Now Mingda's troubles have finally come to an end, and it will stabilize in the future, how about? When do you plan to quit Mingda? "Fang Zhiqiang asked in a roundabout way, but the meaning was very clear. It was obviously testing Zhang Zhenguo's mind.

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