My Best Wife

Chapter 2300: Two women go out

It’s just that the atmosphere is good, but in the night of the second day, the two of them still didn’t move at all. On the one hand, it was because of the joining of Xiao Ai Li, and on the other hand, because today’s Li Xiaoxiao was indeed tired. It's broken, there is no sense of leisure and elegance, let alone talk about it.

Fang Zhiqiang was naturally interested, and slept for a whole night.

The next morning, Li Xiaoxiao got up earlier than yesterday. When Fang Zhiqiang woke up, she was no longer at home.

Seeing Xiao Ai Li lying quietly beside him, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help rubbing his eyes. Xiao Ai Li had already woke up, and Fang Zhiqiang was woken up by his little paw.

"You little naughty!" Fang Zhiqiang squeezed Xiao Ai Li's tender face with a cowardly look.

And Xiao Ai Li also kept chucking and laughing, as if he knew that his father had no time to accompany him before, and now he is very happy to be with his father.

"Dad...Dad..." Xiao Ai Li kept shouting, making Fang Zhiqiang's heart about to melt, and immediately couldn't help holding Xiao Ai Li up and looking at him. Full of deep love.

However, at this moment, Fang Zhiqiang smelled a stench, and when he looked down, the scenes on the bed were unsightly, which made Fang Zhiqiang lose interest in Xiao Ai Li and threw him directly beside him.

Looking at the messy scene, Fang Zhiqiang didn't know how to clean it up, and he had never done this before!

I obviously wore diapers for the child last night, how could I get the bed...

The helpless Fang Zhiqiang looked back and forth, but didn't know what to do. On weekdays, when Li Xiaoxiao dealt with all this, Fang Zhiqiang had seen it several times, but it was indeed not something a big man could easily learn.

Just when Fang Zhiqiang was worried, a voice suddenly came from the door: "Xiaoxiao, Zhiqiang, are you awake? Get up for dinner."

It was Xiao Ma's voice, Fang Zhiqiang immediately replied: "Mom, I'll be here soon!"

And Xiaoma didn't think much about it, and then walked away.

Fang Zhiqiang was anxious in the room, and the smell was so big. Seeing Xiao Ai Li's chuckle and chuckle at this moment, Fang Zhiqiang suddenly felt extremely disgusting!

This morning, I found work for myself, but Fang Zhiqiang was also helpless. Who made himself a father? Had to get busy quickly.

Xiaoma had cleaned up in the dining room for most of the day, the dishes and chopsticks had been prepared, but before Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao had come out of the room, they walked over again.

"Xiaoxiao, Zhiqiang, haven't you gotten up yet?" Xiaoma shouted again.

"Mom coming soon!" Fang Zhiqiang replied a little anxiously.

Xiaoma suddenly felt something was wrong when she heard this voice, and then asked again: "Where is Xiaoxiao? Aren't you in the house?"

"Xiaoxiao has already left, she went out when I woke up." Fang Zhiqiang replied.

"What are you doing? Why does it sound so messy?" Xiao Ma continued to ask.

"It's okay, mom, I'll be fine right away." Fang Zhiqiang hurriedly cleaned up, and even worried that Xiao Ma came in and saw this scene. The next day she took the children at home, there would be such a messy scene. How could this be good?

Scared of what would come, Xiao Ma tried to open the door, but she did not expect to open it all at once.

Before Li Xiaoxiao did not lock the door after coming out.

After opening the door, Fang Zhiqiang was immediately stunned, and deliberately blocked the bed with his body, hoping that Xiao Ma could not see it.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Ma asked as she walked over.

"It's okay mom, you... don't come..." Fang Zhiqiang also looked embarrassed. After all, it was in another person's house. It was so messy and unreasonable.

However, Fang Zhiqiang's performance made Xiaoma more and more curious. After walking over, Xiaoma suddenly realized when she saw a scene on the bed.

"It turns out that it was the child who made it dirty, so why are you nervous! Let me come!" Xiao Ma said suddenly disapprovingly.

"No mom... I'll do it myself..." Fang Zhiqiang said again and again. How embarrassed to let someone do this?

"Come on, you, look at what you do. It's getting dirty. You don't know how to do your work! When you two went on a trip, didn't I take care of the children? I didn't see anything. Over? That will make you feel embarrassed, right?" Xiaoma said as she rolled up her sleeves and started. Fang Zhiqiang looked at Xiaoma's familiar movements, and suddenly couldn't help but feel admiration. It can be concluded that she does often do such things, but in her own eyes, this is indeed a thing that can't be handled, but in the hands of others, it is so easy to get it done.

"Okay, hurry up to eat, you don't need to worry about it here." Xiao Ma turned her head again, glanced at the stunned Fang Zhiqiang, and said again.

Fang Zhiqiang agreed, and he went to the bathroom without changing his pajamas.

When eating, it was already over eight o'clock. By this time, the live broadcast of the appeal should have started. Fang Zhiqiang took out his mobile phone and searched it out, and immediately looked at it.

And Li Yonggui and Xiao Ma on the side also came over to look at them. Before, they saw Fang Zhiqiang's figure here, but this time, they looked at the figure of their own daughter. No matter what the outcome, this is always Let parents feel some pride in their hearts.

After waiting for a while, it really started.

Soon, Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin entered the court slowly.

Looking at the two women in professional attire on the screen, Fang Zhiqiang could not help but was stunned. When he saw Li Xiaoxiao wearing professional attire for the first time yesterday, he even mistakenly thought it was Wang Yaxin, but now he looks at Li Xiaoxiao like this The appearance is indeed a surprise.

I have to say that after Li Xiaoxiao puts on his professional attire, he has a special flavor.

Moreover, judging from her walking posture and facial expressions, it is obviously very different from the previous Li Xiaoxiao. Even a small movement looks like a representative of Mingda.

This is called temperament, and temperament is of course also very important. As a representative of Mingda, first of all, it should not be ashamed of Mingda, and secondly, through temperament, it can also cause certain psychological pressure on the opponent.

And this point, Li Xiaoxiao did very well, Fang Zhiqiang also suddenly reacted. The former Li Xiaoxiao was originally the president of the Asian American Group.

Although the Yamei Group can’t compare to the current Mingda Group, Li Xiaoxiao at the beginning also made Yamei better and better through her efforts, but after staying at home for a long time, Fang Zhiqiang almost forgot. Li Xiaoxiao originally She is also an excellent female entrepreneur.

After the court, everything seemed to be going very smoothly. It was still Wang Yaxin as the main force, mostly she was playing verbal games with the other party, while Li Xiaoxiao seemed to always be confident, and in terms of momentum, there was no affiliation at all. Coming down.

Li Yonggui and Xiaoma naturally stared at their own daughters intently, but helplessly, because it is not the time when Li Xiaoxiao is talking, there are not many shots belonging to Li Xiaoxiao, most of them are shots by Wang Yaxin, and so are the two old people. In desperation, I have always seen Wang Yaxin's speech.

Xiaoma didn't pay much attention to it. She just waited for Xiaoxiao to come out of the screen. However, Li Yonggui had some thoughts in her heart at this moment. In fact, Li Yonggui also watched the previous live broadcasts of Wang Yaxin and Fang Zhiqiang in court, but at that time His focus is on the case itself, so he doesn't really care about the performance of Wang Yaxin and Fang Zhiqiang.

However, this time, Li Yonggui's attention was all on Wang Yaxin and Li Xiaoxiao. After watching Wang Yaxin's previous remarks, Li Yonggui felt even more that this woman was really good.

Regardless of her shenfa temperament, or her professional knowledge, she has thrown away the lawyer across the street for several blocks!

You know, as Juying's lawyer, he is obviously not a mediocre person. However, in front of Wang Yaxin, he was instantly overshadowed, as if this entire venue belonged to Wang Yaxin's home court.

And since Wang Yaxin was able to answer fluently every time, no matter how difficult the other party asked, Wang Yaxin was able to respond quickly in a short period of time. This also made Li Yonggui nodded again and again. This woman was not only outstanding in appearance, but also beautiful in figure. She has an excellent temperament and is a very capable woman. Such a perfect woman is hard not to be sought after by most men.

Li Yonggui is a man who can remain rational at all times. Although he loves his daughter very much, he can't help thinking at this moment that his daughter is also very good. The truth, kindness and beauty of her is something that many women in society do not. Possess, from the appearance, Li Xiaoxiao is indeed the best beauty.

However, after all, she and Wang Yaxin are two completely different women. Li Yonggui even thought in his heart that Wang Yaxin is such an excellent woman, and judging from recent events, she is obviously still willing to be with Fang Zhiqiang. , How did Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin separate?

Since we can come together, it naturally shows that Fang Zhiqiang has a good impression of Wang Yaxin's type of woman. Why did she choose Li Xiaoxiao firmly afterwards?

This question became a mystery in Li Yonggui's heart.

Of course, he didn't think about these meaningless questions in idle time. In his heart, this is a question worth thinking about.

Fang Zhiqiang's generation is completely different from theirs. They have the right and opportunity to choose their partner independently. Compared with them, it is obviously no longer the same.

And everyone will have their own ideal partner deep in their hearts. What kind of personality, looks, and characteristics of TA will have their own thoughts in their hearts.

But Fang Zhiqiang first had a relationship with Wang Yaxin, and then he chose Li Xiaoxiao, a woman who was completely different from Wang Yaxin. This made Li Yonggui wonder, what kind of woman Fang Zhiqiang liked?

Of course, this problem is not only the problem that Li Yonggui is entangled at this moment, it has also caused Fang Zhiqiang to entangle countless day and night problems. When he was not firm enough, he lingered back and forth between the two women Wang Yaxin and Li Xiaoxiao, but it was too late. Unable to make a choice, Fang Zhiqiang at that time didn't know what kind of woman he wanted.

In fact, feelings are like this. Sometimes they just don't make sense. Maybe I have thought about the favorite object for a long time, but in the end I met a person who was completely opposite to what I imagined.

After being together, there will be wind and water for a lifetime, even without quarrels.

There are countless examples of this, so when Fang Zhiqiang made a decision later, he no longer struggled with that question. Anyway, as long as he followed his heart, he would never be wrong.

Facts have proved that until now, Fang Zhiqiang has always believed that his original decision was right. Choosing Li Xiaoxiao is something that Fang Zhiqiang has never regretted.

Although there will be quarrels, misunderstandings, and unpleasantness now and then, these are not problems at all for Fang Zhiqiang. You can use various methods to make the relationship between two people better and better. , More and more stable, at least, this is what Fang Zhiqiang himself wants.

In court, Wang Yaxin once again rebutted the other's lawyer's question with reason, leaving the other's lawyer speechless.

In fact, Juying was completely unprepared to file an appeal in such a short period of time, and Wang Yaxin caught them by surprise.

However, Li Xiaoxiao at this moment noticed that Wang Yaxin's forehead had already started to sweat, and her lips had begun to turn white. Obviously, she was not in good condition at this time!

However, it has only just begun, and Wang Yaxin is already in such a bad state. Can she continue? Will something happen again? Li Xiaoxiao began to feel a little nervous.

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