My Best Wife

Chapter 2282: Where there is a will

Although Fang Zhiqiang still didn't want to sit down, Xiaoma looked at Fang Zhiqiang at this moment, winked with a very clear meaning, and motioned for him to be obedient and sit down to eat.

Fang Zhiqiang had to sit down and eat the pickles he made. Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but grinned. Then he looked at Li Yonggui and his wife again, and immediately said, " don't you think it is salty?"

"It's okay, your dad and I have strong tastes, it's okay." Xiao Ma smiled disapprovingly, and then said.

However, Fang Zhiqiang grinned in embarrassment again. Fang Zhiqiang did not eat less the food they cooked before. If they have a strong taste, then their own taste can no longer be described as heavy, but should be described as abnormal...

The dishes were not delicious, and Fang Zhiqiang did not want to eat. He ended his dinner without a few bites.

After the two of Li Yonggui and his wife had finished eating, at Fang Zhiqiang's strong request, they finally came to the living room to sit on the sofa and watch TV, while Fang Zhiqiang cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Fang Zhiqiang, who had cleaned up the kitchen, came to the bedroom door again, but found that the door was still locked.

"Xiaoxiao, you open the door, and I won't bother you, you have to let me in." Fang Zhiqiang said helplessly at the door.

This way Li Xiaoxiao locked herself in the room alone, without eating, and without a word. Fang Zhiqiang was indeed worried, and Li Yonggui was naturally even more worried, but he said those cruel things to Li Xiaoxiao before. , I couldn't save the face at the moment. Although the TV couldn't get in, I still sat motionless on the sofa.

Fang Zhiqiang's voice fell, but there was still no movement in the room, Li Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't hear a word.

"If you don't eat, at least come out and see the kids?" Fang Zhiqiang saw that it was useless to say what he said, and then he had to use this reason to try.

However, after saying this, Li Xiaoxiao still had no response. After Fang Zhiqiang stood at the door for a long time, he had no choice but to turn around.

As soon as he turned around, the door finally opened. Fang Zhiqiang listened to the sound of the door opening and turned his head to look at him. However, he did not see Li Xiaoxiao, but saw the door slowly open by himself.

Fang Zhiqiang walked to the door with a look of confusion. After entering the bedroom, he found that Li Xiaoxiao was sitting at the dressing table, holding his mobile phone and computer, staring at the screen intently, and didn't know what he was studying.

Fang Zhiqiang took a closer look and discovered that it was the previous information.

Fang Zhiqiang himself has already read most of these documents. They were compiled by Wang Yaxin and Lin Shan at the time. Their working ability Fang Zhiqiang is still relieved. The compiled information looks clear at a glance, and some details have already been done before. Discussed.

However, when Fang Zhiqiang found that Li Xiaoxiao only saw the fourth page, she suddenly became more confused. She kept herself in the room for a long time, so she just watched that little bit?

Fang Zhiqiang wanted to ask, and Li Xiaoxiao suddenly said, "If you said not to disturb me, just come in quietly and don't say anything."

Before Fang Zhiqiang had time to speak, he heard Li Xiaoxiao's words, and he had no choice but to shut up, and sat aside helplessly, watching Li Xiaoxiao research the materials and the dialogue materials needed to go to court so hard. Fang Zhiqiang looked anxious.

If you are your own, you don’t need these things at all. You just need to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the evidence materials. After arriving in court, most of them are Wang Yaxin speaking. The opportunity to speak is good, even when it is his turn to speak, Fang Zhi Qiang has always been improvising, and it has been the same in previous times.

There are too many things to understand, and it is indeed not worthwhile to waste so much time and energy on these trivial things.

However, after all, I was the president of Mingda at the time, and Li Xiaoxiao is only an executive director now. Such behavior is not incomprehensible.

Since Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to disturb herself, Fang Zhiqiang had to watch it quietly all the time. Sometimes he was really anxious and wanted to rush up to tell her what to do, but Fang Zhiqiang finally held back.

After sitting for a while, Li Yonggui and Xiaoma in the living room were a little relieved when they saw Fang Zhiqiang walk into the bedroom, but Xiaoma still looked at Li Yonggui with a worried look and said, "You said my daughter won't eat. , How can you go on like this? If it doesn't work, you can just be soft. You can't let her torture yourself like this."

"What kind of soft service? This is just the beginning. If she can't hold on now, how can she go so long in the future?" Li Yonggui said so seriously.

"I know you want to experience your daughter, but Mingda is such a big company after all. You and I both know that she has no ability to handle all the affairs well. You can help whenever you need to. No matter when, she It is still our daughter, can we really ignore her?"

Xiao Ma continued to talk, but did not notice, the expression on Li Yonggui's face was getting more and more gloomy.

"I will help myself when it is time to help, but at least not now. If she doesn't let her suffer, how can she realize how mischievous she is?" As soon as Li Yonggui's voice fell, there was a sudden crying sound in the bedroom, Xiao Ma suddenly He quickly got up and ran across the bedroom quickly.

After a while, Xiao Ma helped Xiao Ai Li and walked out slowly from the bedroom.

Speaking of Xiao Ai Li, it’s okay to be really stupid. At one and a half years old, he still walks crookedly, he must be supported by someone to walk steadily, and now he can only call him “Mom and Dad” and “Mom”. The call is not really true.

But even so, in the eyes of Xiaoma and Li Yonggui, they still treat him like a treasure, and they usually treat him well, perhaps even Li Xiaoxiao is beyond the dust.

Xiao Ai Li walked out of the bedroom door, seeming to feel that he could walk, very happy, watching Li Yonggui'chuckle' and laughed, Li Yonggui's gloomy mood disappeared with the child's smile, and he immediately laughed. Laughed.

Time continues to flow. When Li Yonggui is fine, he usually goes back to his bedroom to rest after eight o'clock. But he sat so late on purpose to see when Li Xiaoxiao can arrive. However, it is almost ten o'clock. , Li Xiaoxiao still did not come out to eat.

Li Yonggui glanced at the door of Li Xiaoxiao's bedroom again, and finally sighed helplessly, but still did not step forward to shout.

Of course, Li Yonggui didn’t really ignore Li Xiaoxiao. After all, Fang Zhiqiang had already gone in. He couldn’t keep watching Li Xiaoxiao going on like this, so he would definitely persuade Li Xiaoxiao to come out for dinner, but now it’s obvious. Even though Fang Zhiqiang had persuaded, she still did not come out, so Li Yonggui knew that even if she said it herself, it would just be useless.

Standing up, Li Yonggui walked towards the bedroom.

The lights in the living room went out, but Li Xiaoxiao in the bedroom was still staring at the materials on the screen.

Fang Zhiqiang was already standing behind Li Xiaoxiao anxiously. Several times before, he told her to go to dinner. Every time he hadn’t finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Xiaoxiao. Fang Zhiqiang didn’t dare to speak any more. Standing behind her silently like this.

But Li Xiaoxiao, who was attentive, was not affected at all, still looking at the information on the screen, as if he hadn't noticed Fang Zhiqiang behind him at all.

Fang Zhiqiang even wanted to bring in the food for Li Xiaoxiao to eat, but looking at Li Xiaoxiao's concentration, Fang Zhiqiang knew that even if she did bring in, she would not eat it.

During this period, Fang Zhiqiang witnessed that Li Xiaoxiao contacted Lin Shan and made an online contact, which lasted for nearly twenty minutes, and talked about technical issues. Li Xiaoxiao didn’t understand these things even more. It was also in the mist. Although Lin Shan made several explanations, Li Xiaoxiao still couldn't understand some things.

Seeing that this would not work, Lin Shan finally suggested that they discuss these issues in detail after they meet, and now let Li Xiaoxiao study the information by himself.

Naturally, Li Xiaoxiao could only agree to continue to check on the Internet and make detailed comparisons with those materials.

In Fang Zhiqiang's view, all that Li Xiaoxiao did was completely unnecessary, but Li Xiaoxiao didn't think so.

She believes that since she is the representative of Mingda's appeal this time, she must be clear about the ins and outs of the matter, including all the professional and technical issues that occurred during it, and it will be fine if there is no chance to speak for herself. , But once there is, I must not have nothing to say, it is not only my own person, but also the face of Mingda!

Since I have decided to take up this burden, I must let those in Juying realize that besides Fang Zhiqiang, Mingda also has Li Xiaoxiao, who can also provoke a big beam!

Late at night.

At more than one o'clock, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't stand it at all. Standing on the ground, he felt his body sway from side to side. He almost fell asleep while standing like this several times.

But looking at Li Xiaoxiao's concentration at the moment, it was obviously not over for a while.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't wait any longer, and crawled into the bed to go to sleep. He knew that everything he said was nothing.

The information sent by Lin Shan covers a wide range. It is not only aimed at Juying’s previous program damage to Mingda, but also for hackers controlled by Mingda. They confessed from their mouths about the specific matters of the Juying plan, and even detailed it. Time and place and the means used to break the protection program.

These minutiae, even Fang Zhiqiang seemed to feel big, let alone Li Xiaoxiao.

But even so, she still did not give up, searched a lot of relevant professional knowledge on the Internet, conducted tests and comparisons again and again, and took notes seriously.

She knows that her experience and knowledge in this area are far from enough, but she believes that if there is a will, there is nothing to be done. As long as she works hard enough, there is nothing she can't understand!

One night's time is fleeting.

When Fang Zhiqiang opened his eyes the next day, sunlight had already been scattered from outside the window.

Fang Zhiqiang looked around at his side, but didn't notice Li Xiaoxiao's figure. Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but suddenly turned his head to look at the dressing table.

Sure enough, Li Xiaoxiao was still sitting there like a mountain, continuing to study the materials...

"Xiaoxiao, wouldn't you stay up all night?" Fang Zhiqiang was also panicked. How could Li Xiaoxiao's body stand up like this? After all, the previous leukemia also caused great damage to her body. The several surgeries performed before and after also severely damaged her vitality. Having treated her body like this, sooner or later, it will be overwhelming!

Fang Zhiqiang's voice fell, but Li Xiaoxiao didn't move. Fang Zhiqiang suddenly became more nervous. He quickly opened the quilt and walked towards Li Xiaoxiao.

Looking closer, Fang Zhiqiang was shocked in his heart!

I saw Li Xiaoxiao dragging her chin with her palms, her eyes closed, but her cheeks were still facing the computer screen in front of her.

She just sat and fell asleep...

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