My Best Wife

Chapter 2276: Take over

When Li Xiaoxiao’s words fell, not only Wang Xia, but even Fang Zhiqiang was taken aback. Although he had mentioned this to her before, it was obvious that Li Xiaoxiao’s mentality at the time was obviously reluctant to love Li, but At this moment, listening to her suddenly said this sentence, it was obvious what she meant.

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but froze again when he felt several people cast their eyes on him, and then said seriously: "What are you all looking at me doing?"

Fang Zhiqiang no longer cares about what Li Xiaoxiao said. Just what she said just now is enough to make Fang Zhiqiang mistaken. Fang Zhiqiang knows very well that Li Xiaoxiao can say this sentence definitely not because of impulse. If you are not ready, you will not easily say it.

However, when she really said this sentence, Fang Zhiqiang felt that she was not ready yet. Mingda's current situation is naturally clear to Fang Zhiqiang. It is a mess. If Li Xiaoxiao really wants to If you help, it is definitely not an easy job.

After Wang Xia pondered for a long time, she finally slowly said, "No, no matter what, this matter is not your turn to worry about, after all..."

"Yes, you should come back now to help Mingda tide over the difficulties. If you don’t do this, I will definitely not stop you, but you don’t look at what your own situation is now? Even you can’t take care of yourself. Now, do you still have the mind to worry about other things?"

Li Xiaoxiao interrupted Wang Xia's words very decisively, and Wang Xia couldn't help but stunned again. Li Xiaoxiao's words really made her speechless at this moment, although she could feel that she was not hurt this time. It is extremely serious, but at least half a month of hospitalization is required, but the current half month is too important for Mingda. If you miss this half month, Wang Xia can't imagine what Mingda will fall into. situation.

Fang Zhiqiang has been listening to the words of the two women all the time, but he has not spoken. Looking at them, you say a word to me. Until this moment, Fang Zhiqiang finally couldn't help but suddenly said: "If you have to do this If you do, it’s completely hitting me in the face!"

When Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao heard the words, they turned their heads to look at Fang Zhiqiang at the moment. Fang Zhiqiang continued without hesitation: "Don't you think I made this decision too hasty? If it doesn't work, it's a big deal. Isn't it enough to go back?"

Fang Zhiqiang's words made Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao stunned. When they said this question, they did not consider Fang Zhiqiang's feelings at all. After hearing Fang Zhiqiang's words, they couldn't help but feel a little bit dumbfounded.

Li Xiaoxiao immediately said solemnly: "Don't follow along!"

"No...Is there anything wrong with what I said?" Fang Zhiqiang looked at Li Xiaoxiao's impatient frown and continued.

"You don’t want to think about it. You just abdicated and now announce your return. What will the people of Mingda think about you? What will the public think of you? What will they think of Mingda? Is this kind of thing as simple as a child’s play for such a large enterprise Is it? Even if it’s not for your own reputation, you have to consider Mingda’s reputation?"

Li Xiaoxiao's remarks really made sense. Fang Zhiqiang immediately shut up after listening, and Wang Xia on the side also said again: "Qiangzi, I have nothing to blame for your abdication this time. Some time ago, I voluntarily told you to let you abdicate. Now that you have retired, don’t say these things. But having said that, Mingda’s problem is still there. Now you are no longer in Mingda, we naturally I have to think of other ways. After all, I am still reluctant to ignore Mingda. You should also know the reason."

Fang Zhiqiang nodded, and then stopped talking, Xiaoya in the room also looked at Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao at the moment.

"Xiaoxiao, I don’t worry, but you really can’t stop Mingda’s affair. The struggle between Mingda and Juying is not a day. Let alone you, even if I come back now, it may not be Juying’s opponents, you have to know that the strong son has fought with them for so long before, and there is still no victory or defeat. This is enough to prove that Juying is strong, and it is enough to prove that our Mingda does not have that strength at present."

As soon as Wang Xia's voice fell, Xiaoya on the side couldn't help but frown and said, "It's alright, you don't need to worry about these insignificant issues anymore. You can find a way to raise your own body first, and then talk about it. It’s not too late for some, isn’t it just a business? What big things can happen if you delay a few days?"

Xiaoya may not know Mingda's situation well. It is not surprising to say such a thing. Wang Xia only smiled when he heard the words, but Xiaoya didn't understand Mingda's situation, but she knew Wang Xia's physical condition. It was very thorough, so Wang Xia nodded very seriously for Xiaoya's words.

"Sister, there is no need to talk about this matter. I will discuss with my dad when I go back to see how Mingda's current situation should be handled next. You don't have to worry about it, just leave everything to us." Li Xiaoxiao also She sighed helplessly again. It seemed that she was really determined this time. No matter what, she would not agree to let Wang Xia come back.


"Okay, don't say it anymore." Fang Zhiqiang looked at Wang Xia wanting to speak again, and immediately stopped him: "You also know Xiaoxiao's temperament. If she doesn't make up her mind, she won't do it easily. Those who made these promises, since she has spoken out now, I think no matter what we say, it should be useless."


Li Xiaoxiao's decision was made in such a hasty process, and for Fang Zhiqiang, he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

I have just left Mingda, and now I’m turning around, but I’ve also transferred Li Xiaoxiao in. Although Fang Zhiqiang did want her to experience it, after all, the burden of Mingda is so heavy that Fang Zhiqiang is so powerful. Still have not forgotten.

After staying in the ward for a long time, Li Xiaoxiao's mood improved a little after Wang Xia's repeated comforts. Xiaoya also told Li Xiaoxiao several times that Wang Xia's injury was not particularly serious this time, and Li Xiaoxiao was a little relieved. a little.

After that, the two people wearing couple costumes walked out of the hospital. Originally, they wanted to take a good turn today, but because of this matter, no one lost the mood, and Li Xiaoxiao immediately said to go home.

On the way home, Fang Zhiqiang asked Li Xiaoxiao again: "Have you really decided?"

"What else is there to hesitate? Now that the eyebrows are burning, can we really watch our sister's hard work been so wasteful?" Li Xiaoxiao was still a little excited when she said it, if it weren't for the incident of Wang Xia today, She really can't make up her mind to go to Mingda, but everything is a coincidence. All the wrong things will happen at the right time. This is a good statement.

"Well, if you have already decided, I will probably tell you about the current situation of Mingda." Fang Zhiqiang did not intend to persuade too much. After all, it is indeed necessary for someone to stand up for Mingda's issue. Just like what they said, now that they stand up again, it is obviously no longer appropriate. Wang Xia has also encountered such a thing, and now it seems that only Li Xiaoxiao can carry this burden.

However, when it comes to the current situation of Mingda, one or two sentences can not be clearly stated. Fang Zhiqiang before to prevent Li Xiaoxiao from worrying about it, so most of Mingda’s matters have not been told to her, except for some particularly critical things. Fang Zhiqiang would reveal something to Li Xiaoxiao as appropriate, and at this time, Fang Zhiqiang did not know how to speak.

"First of all, you already know something about portable computers. Recently, we are developing real new products. During this period, our portable computers have been improved and we have begun to prepare for the second launch on the market. Some time ago, the data was The stolen incident has not yet been dealt with. After losing the case, we have been preparing for the appeal. During this time, we have already submitted the materials and sorted them out. These materials are on the side of Yaxin and Lin Shan. If you need it, you can pick it up with them at any time. The other is my appointment to Lao Bi. He is now the acting president of Mingda. This position cannot be moved now, so after you go, you will become the executive director..."

Fang Zhiqiang couldn't stop talking, and Li Xiaoxiao was already confused when she listened. She only realized that she didn’t understand too many things. It seems that several major events that happened before Mingda Fang Zhiqiang I told her more or less, but now listening to the details, Li Xiaoxiao realized that there were too many things that he didn't know.

"Don't talk about these details yet, just tell me, what is the most important thing right now?" Li Xiaoxiao interrupted Fang Zhiqiang's endless words and asked her most concern. Obviously, if you want to accept Mingda, you must first integrate yourself quickly and enter the working state at the fastest speed. This is the most important thing. Li Xiaoxiao knows this very well.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he said without hesitation: "Of course the most important thing is the appeal. Originally, Yaxin and Lin Shan were responsible for this matter. However, Yaxin is also involved in this matter now, so It is temporarily shelved." Fang Zhiqiang continued.

"The information is with them, right?" Li Xiaoxiao asked without talking nonsense, taking out his mobile phone.

Fang Zhiqiang followed and nodded.

At this time, Li Xiaoxiao had already made a call.

She didn't call someone else, she was calling Wang Yaxin.

When Wang Yaxin saw Li Xiaoxiao's call, she also answered the call with surprise and confusion.

"Hello?" Wang Yaxin's tone was full of doubt and curiosity.

"Sister Yaxin, let me ask, all the materials on the appeal are with you, right?" Li Xiaoxiao asked straightforwardly.

"Yeah...what's the matter?" Wang Yaxin naturally didn't know what Li Xiaoxiao was going to do, but she was still relieved. As long as it wasn't because of the misunderstanding that night was not over, other things were easy to talk about.

And Li Xiaoxiao also continued: "You let Lin Shan sort out and send all the materials to my mailbox, I will study it first, and then if there are any problems, we will communicate together."

After listening to Li Xiaoxiao’s words, Wang Yaxin became even more confused. She didn’t understand what Li Xiaoxiao was going to do. Wang Xia told her before that she was going to come back. She was still thinking about how to persuade Wang Xia. Hearing Li Xiaoxiao's words, how does it sound like Li Xiaoxiao is coming back?

"What do you...what do you want these to do?" Wang Yaxin couldn't help asking immediately.

"I will take over your next job." Li Xiaoxiao said very seriously.

"Wh...what?" Wang Yaxin said in surprise.

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