Felix glanced over coldly and saw that Yan Su was speaking. He seemed to be thinking of her deeds at Blue Star, and the indifference on his face actually dissipated a little.

This is a unified standard fee for all military academies. We at Klein Military Academy cannot charge as much as we want.

He paused and looked at Yan Su with a half-smile, The fees at Klein Military Academy are already the lowest in the industry.

Yan Su: ... That's sloppy.

She prepared everything, but forgot about the tuition.

It was her subconscious that deceived her. After all, no matter in her past life or this life, the public tuition fees she studied were not very high. There were even various scholarships and grants after her studies. If she had good grades, she would not need to pay for her studies at all.

But it's different now.

Reading is expensive.

Yan Su reacted quickly, showing eight white teeth, Oh, thank you Teacher Felix for the answer, I understand.

Felix said no more, I'll wait for you here.

It means letting them queue up and pay by themselves.

Yan Su sighed secretly in his heart. Fortunately, he had about 130,000 alliance gold coins with him. Otherwise, he would have arrived at the school gate and found that he could not read the book.

Her eyes darkened, maybe her brother had thought of this, right? Recalling what I did at that time, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment.

Most of the twenty exchange students had already made some moves. Only a few exchange students were still awkwardly standing there, silent for a long time. One of the exchange students cautiously spoke to Felix:

Teacher Felix, I don't have enough money to pay the tuition...

Me too, I'm still short of 20,000 gold coins...

I'm still fifty thousand short...


The exchange student who was the worst was almost crying. He never thought that despite all the difficulties, he would eventually lose out on the tuition fee.

You've come here, but you can't just go back home just because you can't afford the tuition, right? This is too embarrassing.

Especially this is the only way they can leave their original planet. If they can't attend Klein Military Academy, wouldn't their more than ten years of hard work be in vain?

An exchange student's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes when he thought of this. He never imagined that he would lose here at the last moment.

Felix: You don't have any money to pay tuition?

The remaining exchange students looked at each other and nodded slowly under Felix's gaze.

Don't worry about not having enough money. Felix pointed at another window casually, where there seemed to be more people. That's the tuition loan window. If you don't have enough money, just go there and pay the loan.

After saying that, he curled his lips slightly and showed a meaningful smile, It's free of interest during school.

Exchange Students:………

But - Felix continued: The school will not grant a diploma to students whose loans have not been repaid during school. They must extend their graduation until the student loans are repaid.

Exchange Students:………

So, what difference does it make if you are in school or not? You don’t have to pay back the money to graduate!

Then, we don't have any skills,

Felix's smile deepened, Don't worry, the school understands that it is difficult for you to study, so the school will provide you with various part-time job opportunities and will definitely not delay your studies.

But let me remind you, if the loan has not been repaid after graduation is postponed, your interest will be calculated.

Exchange Students:………

They were already trembling and dared not say a word.

What if, I mean, what if I still have to pay off the tuition?

Felix's smile gradually disappeared, Then work until the end!

Several exchange students swallowed, and Felix looked at them coldly, So, you still have a chance to choose. I'll give you a minute to think about it.

It’s up to you whether you choose to take out a loan to study or return to your hometown.

In fact, the school is already very user-friendly. After all, the tuition fees are stipulated by the alliance and cannot be changed unilaterally by any military academy.

Moreover, the college also provides student loans and even job opportunities to repay the loans.

The purpose is to prevent the loss of talent and prevent the threshold of tuition fees from blocking talented students from low-level civilization planets.

It's a pity that only those with a truly long-term perspective can see through the school's good intentions.

The exchange students that Felix brought here now who couldn't afford the tuition obviously didn't think of going there together.

They went to the loan window and queued up with frowns on their faces. Felix looked back, showing no expression.

Not all military academies allow students to choose student loans. Some military academies have a high profile and set very high thresholds, euphemistically claiming to screen out some of the lowest social classes.

Sometimes this kind of military academy is famous, and there is an endless stream of students attending it.

After Yan Su paid the fee, he looked at the balance on the terminal and sighed.

There is still a balance of about 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, which should be enough to live on for a while, right?

When she was just queuing, she heard Felix's voice from behind, saying that the school had a place to work and make money. Although she couldn't imagine what jobs the school would provide, she might be able to give it a try.

After Yan Su paid the tuition, he stepped aside and waited for Gu Huaizhi.

Although she didn't know why he came here, she vaguely felt that Gu Huaizhi could actually go to a better place.

While waiting, Yan Su quickly scanned every exchange student present and found that most... no, at least 70% to 80% of the exchange students did not wear terminals on their wrists, especially at the loan queuing window. People wear it.

Yan Su subconsciously touched the terminal on his right wrist and thanked his brother for his foresight!

Terminals are so convenient. In this era of poor information, it is very important to grasp information in advance.

Let's go.

Gu Huaizhi walked over, with a tall and straight posture, and his handsome appearance that could not be ignored, which had really attracted a lot of attention since he entered the door.

Especially those girls who are in love with spring.

Yan Su approached him slightly, smiled and joked: I'm afraid your face will make even a man's heart flutter.

Then will you be moved?

The man suddenly turned his head, his crow-feather eyelashes thick and curled, slightly covering his deep eyes.

The deep voice is like a mellow wine that makes your heart beat faster and refuses to go away for a long time.

Yan Su laughed awkwardly and took a step back silently, What?

Gu Huaizhi stared at her, Let me ask, would someone like you be moved?

When Yan Su heard this, he actually raised his head and glanced at him.

Underneath her pretended calm face, there was a troubled heart. She said in a natural tone, No, you are not my type.

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