The name of a scene I’ve heard a long time ago appeared in Lin Hai’s mind.

“Maritime Mirage !!!” Both

Although the palace did not exist in the air at all, it was clear that it was suspended there, not an illusion. that

There is only one explanation left, because the refraction of light creates a mirage!

“Yes, it must be!”

Think again about where you are now, all over the yellow sand, endless, and no doubt about the desert.

Lin Hai became more and more certain that what she saw was definitely a mirage. This

The ancient and dilapidated palace must exist in reality, but it is not in the air, but somewhere in this deserted historic site!

Looking at the horrified crowd around him, Lin Hai suddenly felt a deep sense of superiority. Look

Come, compared with the civilization of science and technology, civilization may not be backward. to

Little, the mirage in the mortal realm has already been cracked by the scientific community, and will no longer be regarded as Immortal Realm of illusory. and

Look at these cultivator before, but each and everyone is incredible, confused.

You know, this group of people are all cultivation bases above the Great Ascension Late Stage, or masters on the list.

As far as the cultivation world is concerned, all are innate talents, and those who have achieved outstanding achievements belong to the existence on the top.

But even so, they still knew nothing about this mirage.

“Believe in science!” Lin

In Hai’s mind, a line from Luban 7 suddenly popped up, and then a smile appeared on his face. you

We were slowly shocked here, and slowly smoked the bar. brother

Let ’s take a step first and we wo n’t be with you!

With this in mind, Lin Hai landed directly on Xiangyun, and then rushed away towards the front!

Now that it has been determined that this palace in the air belongs to the mirage, it doesn’t make any sense to look at it here. also

It is on the ground, looking for the entity of this palace, is the business!

People’s attention is all in the palace in the air, Fei brains to think about the cracking method to enter the palace.

No one noticed Lin Hai’s whereabouts at all, and even if he did, no one would care. palace

The temple was right in front of him, and instead of hurrying to study the method of entry, he ran away in the yellow sand.

Isn’t that sick? forest

Haicai didn’t care what they thought, while running, they let A’hua out. “

Father, what are you running, is there a beauty in front of it? “Ah

Hua said with excitement as she ran along with Lin Hai.

“Less nonsense!” Lin Hai glanced at him before asking, pointing to the sky.

“A’hua, have you seen the palace above?”

A’hua looked up, and suddenly the glare of the palace’s rays of light made A’hua’s eyes narrow.

“See, it’s so good. Is there a bitch there?”


Lin Hai was almost on a creeping ground. What did this dead dog think? “

That’s a mirage, you … understand? After Lin Hai finished speaking, I remembered that A’hua was just a dog, and told him that the mirage was too overestimated?

However, when A’hua heard it, he was proud of his face, and his tail shook. “

What’s wrong with mirages, father? This question is too pediatric, right? How can I rarely live with this exceptionally intelligent genius dog A’hua? “

“The so-called mirage is not an optical phenomenon caused by the refraction of light in gas layers with different densities along the straight line?”

This kind of knowledge that the puppy knows for 3 months, don’t ask me in the future, it is an insult to my IQ! “

pu! Lin

Hai Wen heard, almost sprayed, his eyes were rounded, staring at A’hua’s face was incredible!

Fuck, what kind of dog is this, he, he even understands!

Not only do you understand, the interpretation of the mirage, it sounds very professional. to

Less, let Lin Hai explain, it is not necessarily easier to understand than A’hua’s explanation. This

Is he … Lin

Suddenly, the sea felt like a dog.

Anyway, I am also a college student of Jiangnan University, a dignified book! How

How does it feel that the knowledge reserve is not as good as a dog? “

Mard, who blame Fatty Wang, took her to learn love action movies, and she wasted her studies! “

“Well, yes! That’s it! This fat man!”

Lin Hai shamelessly pushed the responsibility onto Fatty Wang. Do not

Soon after, Lin Hai cried again.

Something else, that’s not true! A

Flower that dead dog seems to be better at one aspect. Even the countless Fatty Wang who reads the film is not the opponent of this dead dog, let alone himself.

Mad, is this dead dog really a genius? Pooh

Alas, thinking wildly.

Lin Hai suddenly realized that she was off topic and hurried to continue.

“A’hua, is there any way for you to find the body of the mirage in that market, where is it?”

Hua squinted her eyes, asked a little surprised moved towards Lin Hai.

“Father, come out to me, is that a trifle?” Xiao


Lin Hai laughed as soon as he heard it, and it seemed to be okay to listen to A’hua’s tone! “

In this case, you can say if you can find it! “”

Easy and enjoyable! A’hua said with a puff of her lips, smug.

Then, moved towards Lin Hai flickered. “

Father, you follow up! “嗖


After A’hua spoke, he suddenly turned in one direction and ran away.

“Where is it?” Lin Hai froze, and then he was grateful. Fortunately

You called out A’hua, or you found the wrong direction!

Silhouette flashed, Lin Hai followed A’hua and ran all the way. After a short time, he went out for thousands of miles.

Suddenly, A’hua figure stopped and stopped.

“How did it stop?” Lin Hai asked in wonder. “

Over here! A’hua suddenly turned her direction and moved towards the other direction. Lin

The sea frowned, followed closely from behind. “

A’hua, how far is it? “”

It’s not too far away, it’s almost here! A’hua said as he ran quickly. Lin

Hai Wen heard it, and suddenly he was refreshed. He followed A’hua and continued to run. also

It was thousands of miles away, A’hua stopped again, and then changed direction …

In this way, Lin Hai followed A’hua’s ass and ran for 3 or 4 hours. True Yuan had eaten two. in

In the direction of the journey, I don’t know how many times I have changed, but I still don’t see the palace itself.

Could not help but Lin Hai was a little impatient, with a hint of doubt, looked towards A’hua. “

A’hua, you honestly tell me how far it is! “

“Hurry up, father, you need to be patient!” A’hua’s eyes dodged a little as she spoke. forest

Hai looked at A’hua with a look of vigilance, and said with a touch of anger. “

It’s not that I’m impatient, the key is the path we took, and I find that a lot of them overlap! “”

You take me around as if going around! “”

Go round and round? Impossible, we will be here soon! A’hua said in a guilty conscience, afraid that Lin Hai would ask again, and hurried away towards the front. Lin

The sea was speechless, and now had to believe in A’hua and continue to run wildly.

One person and one dog ran for a distance of 3 miles.

Suddenly, Lin Hai’s eyes lit up suddenly, his heart shook, and his face was surprised!

And A’hua stopped at this moment, staring at the two small eyes ahead! only

Seeing forward, a golden-bright and dazzling rays of light radiate from the sky, and the golden brilliance sparkles!

A huge palace exuding a simple atmosphere appeared in sight! versus

Before the mirage in the air, exactly similar! “

Found it, haha, really found it! !! !! Lin Hai was overjoyed.

It seems that he had wronged A’hua’s dead dog before.

Lin Hai’s heart, while excited and rejoicing, could not help but feel guilty.

“A’hua, okay you!” Lin Hai moved towards A’hua cast a look of admiration. “

How did you find it? “Ah

Hua stood up, raised her head with her hands on her back, and looked quizzically, shaking her head. “

Father, do n’t you understood this, right? “”

I’m looking for this palace in A’hua, it’s all a word! “puff

!! roll

You shit! forest

The guilt in the heart of the sea instantly vanished, kicking A’hua into the sky with one kick!

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