
Lin Hai was shocked, and felt that True Yuan of the protector was instantly crushed by the yellow sand wind blade. that

The sharp yellow sand particles, moved towards their fleshhy body, cut out! “

mine! “

Lin Hai saw this, shouting loudly, and waved the Purple Thundergod Dragon Arm, and immediately stroked a purple brilliance on his chest. that

The violent purple arc flashes the strength of Thunder, forming a layer of lightning halo, protecting Lin Hai’s figure, and defending the yellow sand wind blade! Ding

ding ding ding ding ~!

A series of sharp and harsh sounds sounded, the yellow sand hiding the sky and covering the earth was cut above the lightning halo, and the purple arc hit the 4 splashes. eye

Looking at the purple halo is unbearable, Lin Hai eyes flash with a cold light, suddenly looked towards that fierce yellow-haired mouse. “

Grandma, buddy killed you first! “body

Stuck in Dragon Scroll Wind, Lin Hai knows that no matter how defense can be broken after all. only

One way is to kill the yellow-haired mouse in the center of Dragon Scroll Wind, and the crisis will be lifted. eye

Looking at the lightning protection of purple, there were already signs of collapse, and Lin Hai didn’t dare to care.

Just open the third eye and use it. “

Magical power, burning light! !! !! “suck

!! !! !! pause

Time, a white rays of light, like a laser, emerged from the third eye of Lin Hai!

The violent Dragon Scroll Wind was directly penetrated by the burning light, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of the yellow-haired mouse.

The yellow-haired mouse only felt that the eyes were bright, and it was difficult to eyes opened, and the brutal face suddenly showed a frightened expression.

I still don’t understand what is going on, the dazzling white light has penetrated its skull, flying out from the other side of Dragon Scroll Wind! boom


The next moment, the body of the yellow-haired mouse burst directly into powder!

The Dragon Scroll Wind seemed to have lost its energy core at once, and after rotating for hundreds of turns by inertia, it suddenly turned into countless yellow sands, floating on the ground. call

~ Lin

The sea was relaxed, and it was discovered that the thunderbolt on the surface of the body had already consumed seven-eight out of ten.

Later, I’m afraid I can’t stand it. “

Fortunately, the yellow-haired mouse in this Dragon Scroll Wind is not invincible. “

“You can kill it yourself, Lin Jian has great opportunities in the sea of ​​blood, it may not be possible!” Lin

Hai remembered the safety of Lin Jian again, and suddenly he moved his mind and hurriedly took out his mobile phone.

If Lin Jian is safe, Dragon Scroll Wind should be out of the way now.

Lin Hai found Lin Jian’s WeChat and just prepared to ask Lin Jian to transmit the news, but found that there was an unread message, which was just sent by Lin Jian.

Lin Jian: Sect Master, Lin Jian is safe, do n’t worry about it! “

haha, Lin Jian is really fine! Lin Hai was overjoyed, and the heart that had been hanging, finally let go.

Depending on the time, Lin Jian has just sent it out. When it was when he was trapped by Dragon Scroll Wind, he didn’t hear the sound. small

Confused: Be careful, let’s meet in the palace! forest

Sword: Yes! Knot

After concluding the conversation with Lin Jian, Lin Hai sent another message to Liu Ruyan. small

Confused: Ruyan, how are you doing?

Liu Ruyan soon recovered. willow

Ruyan: Except for the yellow sand, which ca n’t be seen, True Yuan is consumed quickly. The others are okay. Are you in danger? small

Confused: I’m fine, remember, in case Dragon Scroll Wind gets involved in it, you must immediately attack the center of it, only then can you escape! forest

After sending the message, Hai told Liu Ruyan about his previous encounter with Dragon Scroll Wind.

Liu Ruyan: Well, I remember, Lin Hai, you have to be careful! small

Confused: Ruyan, you take care! Let’s meet at the palace! forest

Hai finished chatting with Liu Ruyan, and then he looked away from the yellow sand ahead.

Soon, the apparently indistinctly, earthen seed that almost blended with the yellow sand, caught Lin Hai’s sight.

“Come!” Lin

Hai Volley grabbed it and seized the earth seed.

“Now I know Great Perfection, I don’t know what effect it will take to continue refining?” Lin

When the sea idea moved, he lifted the soil and went straight into the pot of demon monsters. this

At the moment, Lin Hai already had two seeds of the earthen element in his hands, and he couldn’t wait to try it. “

Xian’er welcomes the host! “

As soon as Lin Hai came in, Xian’er greeted him immediately.

Lin Hai directly beckoned, holding the two earthen seeds in his palm, asked moved towards Xian’er.

“Xian’er, do you say that I will continue to refining these two primitive seeds, will there be any effect?”

Xian’er looked calm, moved towards Lin Hai faintly smiled and said.

“Master’s earthly way, is it Great Perfection?”

Ok! “Lin Hai nodded.”

Then refining this earth element seed, the only effect is to increase the owner of the earth within the body True Yuan! “”

Earth’s True Yuan? “Lin Hai froze, then immediately understood.”

Is it the same as the purple airflow brought by the Purple Thundergod Dragon Arm? “”

Yes, it is! “Xian’er nodded gently.” The owner’s True Yuan today is led by Lei Yuan. “”

Other gold, water, fire, and soil are not as high as Lei Yuan, so they cannot be replaced! “forest

After listening to the sea, slowly nodded.

Under the built-in, you can see your own dantian atmosphere. Cyclones of 4 colors of gold, red, blue, and yellow circle together.

The red and blue colors are significantly brighter than the gold and yellow colors.

That’s the sky fire mysterious ice, in contrast to Fanjinfantu. and

The size of a cyclone is also not the same. The larger the cyclone, the thicker the True Yuan of the corresponding element.

The strength of True Yuan, in layman’s terms, corresponds to the upper limit of magic in Lin Hai’s games. This

For one thing, it’s easy to understand.

“Refining first!”

Lin Hai raised his finger, and the two earthen seeds were instantly shrouded in rays of light. After a while, they were successfully refining by Lin Hai! although

Of course, the True Yuan of the soil is not dominated by Lin Hai True Yuan, but increasing the thickness of the True Yuan of the soil can make Lin Hai use the soil for a longer time, which is naturally beneficial and harmless! Suck

After collecting the seeds of the Yuan Yuan, Lin Hai thought about it and went back to the deserted monuments. “

Hope to be able to meet some yellow-haired mice again, this earth seed is also a great treat! “forest

The sea grabbed a handful of yellow sand again, sprayed it to the sky, read the incantation, turned into a breeze, displayed the earthen urn, and continued to fly towards the palace.

“Oh?” Fei

After thousands of miles, Lin Hai raised a brow sharply, showing astonished expression.

“So many Dragon Scroll Wind!” Only

Seeing hundreds of miles ahead, Dragon Scroll Wind followed one another, lined up in the vast desert sand monuments, boundless and boundless!

The flying yellow sand was swept together by Dragon Scroll Wind. The density was so high that it piled up together. in

In front of the Dragon Scroll Wind, a thick yellow sand wall is formed, as hard as steel! before

The road is completely blocked by this countless Dragon Scroll Wind!

In front of the wall, rows of bright and dazzling lights with different colors are tightly connected together, appearing indistinctly in the yellow sand. forest

Looking at the sea from afar, in the lightning, it is each and everyone silhouette, moving forward hand in hand!

“Those of Lei Yuanzong!” Lin

Hai pumps shrank, immediately recognized the identity of this group of cultivator surrounded by lightning!

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