Gong Shuo turned back, with deep excitement, looked towards the distant sky. when

Seeing the dilapidated, but suffocating, strong and simple atmosphere, the palace of rays of light ten thousand zhang multi-colored light, his eyes were magnificent. “

Thunder Clouds Sect disciple, guard the entrance quickly, and those who are not qualified are strictly prohibited from entering! “”

Yes! “mine

The Cloud Sect disciples agreed, and immediately dispersed, guarding the East Entrance. its

One of the persons in charge, moved towards the crowd that swarmed, shouted sternly, thunderbolt.

“Great Ascension Late Stage and above cultivator, as well as potential masters on the Xianxian list, are eligible to enter!”

“Others wait, if you dare not enter, kill without mercy!”

As soon as the person in charge said something, more than half of them suddenly stopped. Follow

Afterwards, they were angry and rebuked.

“Why not let us in, we must go in too!”

“You Thunder Clouds Sect is too aggressive, why can’t you enter the Great Ascension Late Stage below!”

“The so-called great chance is won by those who have the chance. You cannot deprive us of the right of chance!”

This group is just the Great Ascension Middle-Stage or even the following cultivators, and they are angry for a while.

each and everyone protested in anger, wanting to storm the deserted monuments!


Suddenly, a green thunderbolt, with a violent strength of Thunder, landed at the feet of the noise.

Let this group of protesters stagnate for a moment, and banned the sound for a moment. and

At this time, Gong Shuo’s cold voice sounded in everyone’s ears.

“I just said that people below the Great Ascension Late Stage are not eligible to enter!”

“This is the rule of my Thunder Clouds Sect. Who dares to disobey, kill without mercy!”

“Hmph, why not let us in, this deserted monument is not your Thunder Clouds Sect!” A Great Ascension Middle-Stage cultivator stood up with anger. “

Today, I want to go in, you Thunder Clouds Sect dare to kill, ask the Fellow Daoist behind me not to agree! “Say

Now, the cultivator with a stubborn look on his face, the silhouette flashed, and moved towards the entrance of the deserted historic site, and rushed over.


His silhouette just moved, a sudden thunder, and then the green lightning of the arm thickness dropped from the sky, with the tendency of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and suddenly fell on top of his head.


pu! this

The name cultivator, with a scream, the body was chopped by thunderbolt and turned directly into flying ash, destroy both body and soul!


The crowd of angry people behind them suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air and calmed down.

At the same time, deep fears appeared in his eyes, and his face was horrified!

They thought that they could protest with the crowds and fight for the right to enter the deserted monuments.

Although Thunder Clouds Sect is powerful, it never dares to provoke public anger. can

didn’t expect, they totally thought wrong, Thunder Clouds Sect really dare to kill! and

Moreover, the killing was simple and unscrupulous, and it did not soften, much to their surprise. and

At this time, Gong Shuo’s eyes flickered with a cold murderous intention, and one after another swept away from the crowd. Follow

Later, the cold words stabbed everyone’s hearts like sharp swords.

“Who else is not afraid of death, come forward and try?” Gong

Shuo’s words, let this group of cultivators below the Great Ascension Late Stage, all shivered, bow their heads or look sideways, no one dare to meet Gong Shuo’s eyes.

At this moment, everyone’s heart was beating peng peng, and thoroughly persuaded.

Although they desperately wanted to enter the deserted monuments to look for opportunities, they were still afraid of Gong Shuo who was cruel and merciless. no

People answer! “

hmph! “Gong Shuo was coldly snorted, and there was a deep scorn in his eyes.

Subsequently, moved towards Thunder Clouds Sect disciple, a severe shouted.

“Strictly check the qualifications, there are those who dare to break in, kill!”


Thunder Clouds Sect disciple, agreed in unison, the sound of the sky was clear, full of excitement and pride.

Just now, Gong Shuo waved his hands in public to kill, and the horrified people did not dare to speak out, which really boosted morale. Let

This group of Thunder Clouds Sect disciple, feel deeply proud, all of a sudden full of energy, his jaw is raised.

“All line up, each and everyone enters, disrupts the order, and disqualifies!”

Thunder Clouds Sect’s disciples, loudly scolded the qualified cultivator, and passed strict inspection before releasing each and everyone.

Although this group of Great Ascension Late Stage and masters on the Xianxian list were angry, they did not dare to attack.

I had to scold Thunder Clouds Sect in my heart, holding back my anger and starting to enter the deserted monuments in turn. and

Those under the Great Ascension Late Stage can only watch side by side, dare to be angry and dare not speak, leaving only envy. “

Little Jin, when do you go in? “

As the cultivators lined up to enter in sequence, Yang Xian suddenly turned his head and asked moved towards Jin Dasheng.

Jin Dasheng grinned, “Yang Xian big brother, I naturally want you to go in, and then bring the brothers in!” Yang

Hearing heard a smile, nodded. gold

Although Dasheng is not willing to die for himself and the piglet, Gong Shuo, who is similar in strength, is dead.

But being able to escort one of them into the deserted sand monuments will not let Gong Shuo take another shot.

“Okay, many thanks!”

“Hahaha, Yang Xian big brother, what kind of politeness is it with me, Little Jin!” Jin Dasheng laughed and looked extremely bold. but

Yes, Lin Hai was on the side, sneering in his heart.

This Jin Dasheng looks tall and mighty on the surface, like a person without a mind.

No one is better than him!

Helplessly shook the head, Lin Hai moved towards Yang Xian and Zhu Zizhen, and Lin Jian Liu Ruyan waved their hands.

“Come on, let’s go in too!” Said

After that, Lin Hai took a step and took the lead to move towards the entrance and walked in line. Gong

Shuo’s eyes kept looking at Lin Hai and the others. When Lin Hai also entered the team, he couldn’t help but sneer.

“I want to enter the monument, there is no door!”

Gong Shuo didn’t answer, so he sneered, watching Lin Hai getting closer to the entrance. forest

People in front of the sea, after entering the historic site, finally Lin Hai’s turn.

The Thunder Clouds Sect disciple in charge of the inspection, at the first sight was Lin Hai, and suddenly the pumps shrank, when the achievement was rampant.

His mouth moved and he was at a loss. forest

After all, Hai had just had a fierce conflict with them. The terrifying demonic beast was still standing on the side of Lin Hai. on

Even the owner of Gong Tang had to bear the burden of humiliation and temporarily let go of Lin Hai. can

It’s Lin Hai, but now he wants to enter the deserted monuments. Is he letting in, or not?

“Dude, please let me go!”

Just as the Thunder Clouds Sect disciple was at a loss, Lin Hai slightly smiled, a faint voice sounded.

“You can’t go in!” No

When the disciple started to speak, a sneer came suddenly, and Gong Shuo came proudly. “

Lin Hai, you are not eligible to go in! “”

Oh? “Lin Hai raised a brow and smiled.”

Why am I not eligible to go in? “

“Did you not hear the rules? I will tell you again!” Gong Shuo coldly smiled.

“Only the Great Ascension Late Stage and above, and the masters of Dengxianbang are eligible to enter the deserted monuments and look for opportunities!” “

Excuse me, are you a cultivation base above the Great Ascension Late Stage? “

Lin Hai narrowed his eyes and slowly shook the head.


Gong Shuo chuckled suddenly, “Since it’s not, why did you go in?”

“Can’t you say that you are a master on the list?”

Gong Shuo said, looking at Lin Hai, smirking.

“Master on the Xianxian list?” Lin Hai smiled suddenly, “How to become master on the Xianxian list?”

“Hahaha, really ignored and inexperienced!” Before Gong Shuo started to speak, Lan Yu suddenly stepped forward, both hands crossed near chest, and moved towards Lin Hai with a sarcastical expression. “

There is only one way to become a master on the list, is to kill the original master on the list and replace it! “”

is it? Lin Hai looked at Sapphire, suddenly showing a playful smile.

“If I remember correctly, are you a master on the list?”

Lan Yu’s expression immediately turned, and she was extremely proud.

“No, just 66th on the list!” 唰


Sapphire tone barely fell, only feeling the blue light flashed in front of her, and the chill of the bone was hiding from the sky and covering the earth.

Then, a pain came, and before I understood what was going on, my body slammed and burst suddenly!


Sapphire is dead! !! !! This

The sudden scene stunned everyone.

each and everyone’s eyes are round and the brain is blank, all with aggression on one face! and

Lin Hai held the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in his hand, with a cold glow in his eyes, looked towards Dumbstruck-like Gong Shuo, said differently.

“Now am I eligible to go in?”

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