Shang Xuwen heard it, and suddenly hesitated, and for a long time there was no spirit slowly recovers. Over

After half a minute, I couldn’t help laughing. Imitate

What ridiculous things the Buddha heard were the same, and the tears of laughter were almost shed.

“What did you just say? You want to hit me? Haha, hahaha!”

Shang Xu covered her belly and laughed, pointing at Lin Hai, and said to everyone around to see the lively crowd.

“Did you hear me, did you hear me? He said he was going to hit me, he was going to hit me!” Said

After that, Shang Xu’s face suddenly showed a playful and disdainful expression, and moved towards Lin Hai disdain. “

Boy, did you not hear clearly, I, your father is who? “”

Then you raise my ears and listen, I’ll say it again! “”

My name is Core Disciple Shang Xu of Thunder Clouds Sect. I am the 80th genius on the list! “

“Your little Great Ascension Early-Stage said you were going to punch me? Aren’t you afraid to laugh at people’s big teeth?”

Lin Hai looked calm, watching Shang Xu’s eyebrows fluttering, arrogant and arrogant, with a contempt in his heart. on

Can it be listed on the cloud list? Look

In the future, human strength and morals are indeed irrelevant.

“My grass, who is this person, dare to say that you want to shangxu, it’s not small!”

“If I was Shang Xu, I would kill him directly and let him know that the evil came out of his mouth!”

The current youngster is really crazy, the characters on the list of immortals are dare to look down. “”

Who says no, the key pretense is okay, he is still a garbage, really terrible! “

The onlookers all learned of Shang Xu’s identity, and they also scorned Lin Hai for a while.

When Shang Xu heard the discussion around him, he was even more energetic. on

In the previous step, pointing to his nose, moved towards Lin Hai said with a playful expression on his face. “

You’re not going to beat me, come on, look at this, I’ll have to see, how do you hit me! “forest

As soon as Hai heard this, his eyes flashed.

I have to say that this cheap man is really everywhere. Both

However, Shang Xu has made this request on his own initiative, so I don’t hit him, I am sorry that I have always been willing to help others!

“This is what you said!” Lin

Hai looked serious, pointing at Shang Xu. “

haha, yes, I said, there is ability “


As soon as Shang Xu had finished speaking, a sudden buzz in his head seemed to be hit by a heavy object, leaving it blank.

I haven’t waited to understand what happened. I slammed directly into the fist of Lin Hai and hit the bridge of my nose, and my nosebleeds suddenly!

“Oh!” Shang

Xu cried out, and his entire body was knocked up by Lin Hai’s punch.

The head just woke up, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, but it was volleyed by Lin Hai, fiercely kicked on dantian.

boom! forest

The foot of the sea is as fast as lightning and as heavy as it is.

Shang Xu’s body was kicked directly from the air by Lin Hai and fell heavily on the ground. not

When I had time to resist, I felt numb all over. I was blocked by Lin Hai’s toes, and Instant Yuan was sealed in within the body! and

Lin Hai silhouette followed closely, riding on Shang Xu’s stomach.

Then, like two raindrops, Iron Fist moved towards Shang Xu’s face and fell down wildly.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~! forest

The sea shot like electricity, punched to the flesh, and flew hundreds of punches in an instant, directly turning Shang Xu into a pig’s head.

Then he got up from Shang Xu’s body, and then clapped his hands as if nothing happened, and moved towards the already foolish people, shrugged slightly, and made an innocent expression.

“Don’t blame me, he asked for it!” Said

After that, Lin Hai was fine and walked back to Liu Ruyan.

coax! under

For a moment, the scene was suddenly chaotic, and the crowd was boiling! “

Fuck, he really gave Shang Xu a puppet! “”

Damn, this is unscientific, but Shang Xu is the Great Ascension Late Stage on the list, how could he be mammothed by the Great Ascension Early-Stage? “”

Hallucinations must be hallucinations! “”

I’m going, Shang Xu is too rubbish, right? “

“The Great Ascension Early-Stage is on the Great Ascension Late Stage on the list. If you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, who can believe this fuck!” “

By the way, what’s this guy’s name, it’s too fierce! “”

It turned out that they weren’t pretending just now. “people

They were shocked, and when they were spiritedly, they had already shocked the people who Thunder Clouds Sect was guarding. see

There was a mess here, and I hurried over to look at it, but when I saw a swollen face on the ground who could not see the 5 officials, he stood up staggeringly. “

Hurry up and unlock the sea of ​​air for me! “

Shang Xu didn’t know how to describe his mood at this moment.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Hai was really stunned to become this compelling, it was ashamed and unable to show one’s face, even the dead heart.

“Who are you monsters!” Ray

The guards of Cloud Sect, however, were shocked, took a step back, and asked in horror. surface

The face of this former man is too big, right?

Is it a new breed in Demonic beast? puff

!! Yet

Asahi was originally ashamed and angry, but now she was turned into a monster by her own side, almost spitting out blood.

“Put your mother’s fart, I’m Shang Xu, Shang Xu of Orange Diantang!”

“Shang, Shang Young Master?” Lei

Cloud Sect’s guards were surprised, with a shocked expression on their faces.

Unexpectedly, this pig-like person turned out to be Shang Xu, who is not inferior in Thunder Clouds Sect! although

Although there are still doubts in my heart, I don’t know how Shang Xu became like this, but I dare not neglect.

One of them hurried over, fumbled in Shang Xu’s gas, and found the blockade. Whoosh


With one finger, the closed air of Shang Xu is instantly unlocked. boom


The next moment, a monstrous Murderous Aura, shot out from Shang Xu’s body. mad

The violent orange arc was instantly covered with Shang Xu’s body, and the thunderous thunderbolt and the like drove everyone back and forth! “

what! !! !! !! “

“I’m so angry !!!” Shang

Asahi a violent roar, a pig’s head-like face, instantly restored to its original state. Two

In the eyes, there was a general anger that was burning, almost burning the air.

Apparently, Lin Hai’s sudden anger caused Shang Xu to burst into flames.

What makes Shang Xu even more resentful is that until now, he didn’t know why Lin Hai would succeed! just

After the moment of blankness in his mind, he was already controlled by Lin Hai, and only the beaten was left.

This unexplained violent agitation made Shang Xu’s mania and anger even more furious, and his chest was almost blown up! especially

It was still a shame to be violent in public by a kid who was far inferior to himself! fierce

As soon as he raised his hand, Shang Xu pointed at Lin Hai, gnashing teeth said.

“Boy, I won’t kill you today, I swear I won’t!”


Xu Xu’s voice fell to the ground, his arms waved violently, a thunderbolt of orange lightning, with a violent strength of Thunder, moved towards Lin Hai fell off.

“Shang Xu, hurt my friend!”

Liu Ruyan was on the side, suddenly slim eyebrows, tenderly shouted.

With a light arm shake, Xuan Bing became apparent, and he was about to shoot. can

I haven’t waited for Liu Ruyan’s shot, and suddenly there was a Murderous intention that had one’s hair stand on end, suddenly dropping from the sky!

suck! steep

However, a red Jianmang, with endless baleful qi, slashed on the lightning. Click


Suddenly, the lightning bolt of Shang Xu was directly smashed by Red Jian Mang.


Xu suddenly startled and looked up in shock.

But I saw a dark shadow, with a heart-rending murderous aura, suddenly falling, standing between him and Lin Hai!

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