When Lin Hai said something, Ye Cheng’s face suddenly changed. he

I didn’t expect to speak with the respect of his Immortal Monarch, but Lin Hai refused it so simply, his face suddenly couldn’t stop.

However, at this time, Lin Hai smiled slightly and continued.

“Just now, Ye Immortal Monarch rescued the junior. The junior didn’t have any hope of returning it. He would like to send this Pleidan to Senior for the favor of Immortal Monarch. I hope Immortal Monarch will not let it go!”

what? !

Ye Cheng heard it, and suddenly he laughed heartily.

Originally, Ye Cheng was still a little upset in his heart. Now listening to Lin Hai’s words, he felt relieved for a while. “

little brother is refreshing! “leaf

The city moved towards Lin Hai glanced with admiration, and then he condensed. “

This pill is very useful for me to study Pill Dao. This Ye is welcome! “”

The little brother is so generous, it suits my appetite of Yecheng, but in the future, even if you find me, Yecheng, you friend, I made a deal! “forest

Hearing Ye Cheng’s words, he suddenly felt ecstatic.

For Lin Hai, a very cheap Poledan, in exchange for the Celestial Immortal’s favor, it is a big profit! “

To be friends with Ye Immortal Monarch is an honor for the younger generation! “

Lin Hai grinned as he took out his phone while talking.

“Ye Immortal Monarch, add a WeChat?”

Ye Cheng froze, and then laughed heartily. “

OK, just add a WeChat! “Two

I quickly added friends to each other, and Lin Hai felt relieved and put away the phone with satisfaction. Have

With Ye Cheng’s WeChat, he is not afraid to find him when something happens.

Seeing that Lin Hai gave Pleidan to Yecheng, the people on the side looked at each other in blank dismay, and they were anxious. This

Poledan, for Yecheng’s Celestial Immortal, which has passed the Heavenly Tribulation, it is not very useful at all. but

To them immortal dao Paragon or even Loose Immortal, the meaning is completely different. very

So, with this pill in hand, I said that I lost one more life when I crossed Heavenly Tribulation!

“Well, this brother, this Radan, do you have any more?”

One of them, immortal dao Paragon, looked at Lin Hai and asked nervously.

If Lin Hai hadn’t broken Reddan, the hope they had just ignited would be dashed.

They must not die, go and grab the one from Yecheng, right? This

Immortal dao Paragon asked, and everyone else brushed his eyes on Lin Hai’s body.

each and everyone stared at Lin Hai with an eye to eye, his heart peng peng beating, for fear that Lin Hai would say nothing.

Lin Hai is faintly sighed, helplessly said.

“Yes, yes, but this old Qi and King Paragon thought that I was not qualified to enter the Treasure Pavilion. Even if I wanted to put it up for auction, there was nothing I could do!”

Lin Hai said this, Qi Donglai and Wang Paragon on the side, his eyes suddenly rounded, his hair almost erected.

Fuck, this kid is too bad, doesn’t it make them both anger?

Sure enough, the crowds of the crowd immediately spoke, yelling at Qi Donglai and King Paragon.

“Put this little brother in, we’re going to buy Poladan!” “

I really have eyes and no beads, and even said that this little brother is not qualified, then who is still qualified! “”

What shit is Alchemy Dao’s’ Master. “

Listening to the indignation and yelling of everyone, Qi Donglai and Wang Paragon were flushed with shame, why dare to say no? “

Please, little brother please! “

Qi Donglai hurried and respectfully moved towards Lin Hai to make an invitation gesture. Although Lin Hai cursed Lin Hai to death, where did he dare to show it?


Lin Hai nodded, not too much embarrassment Qi Donglai, stepped into the treasure hall. when

Of course, it’s not how big Lin Hai is, but the effect of Countless Demonizations, it’s time!

Lin Hai was brought into a VIP room by Qi Donglai himself. As soon as Qi Donglai left, the effect of Countless Demonizations disappeared, and Lin Hai returned to his original appearance. “

hu ~ So dangerous! “forest

The sea was sighed in relief, it was delayed too long at the door, and it was really exposed a little later. sit

It was only after Lin Hai discovered that the VIP room was extremely spacious and luxurious. Through the Taoist barrier in front, he could clearly see the situation outside. and

People outside can’t see the scene inside the VIP room. Correct

At this point, Lin Hai is extremely satisfied. complete

After all, he is now a wanted man in Titan City, and if found, it will inevitably cause trouble.

It was a while before the auction started, and Lin Hai thought about it and took out three more Pyramids.

At the same time, the description of Portan in his mind also emerged.

Poletan: Quasi Heavenly Rank medicine pill. After taking it, it can resist any 9th Heavenly Tribulation, except for the number of poles of 9. Thunder Tribulation. Only one of the same grade of Poletan can be taken.

“With this thunderbolt, the immortal dao Paragon in the world can be driven by me!” Lin

In the eyes of the sea, a bright glow suddenly flashed, ten thousand zhang of helplessness! This

Poladan is a thousand thousand merit points spent by Lin Hai. He has refined 1000 in the Supreme Taoist, with an average of only 100 merit points. although

Although it was still pitted by Supreme Taoist, it was quite a good deal for Lin Hai. to

Rarely is this thunderbolt in hand, and I am afraid that any immortal dao Paragon will seek Lin Hai.

As long as Lin Hai is willing, he can gather countless immortal dao Paragons under his lord and let him drive himself!

“Find a time, and let Supreme Taoist refining a higher-ranked Poledan, able to resist 2 9 Heavenly Tribulation or even 3 9 Heavenly Tribulation!” “

In that case, even Loose Immortal, he has the capital to conquer! “Boom

Dong dong!

Lin Hai was thinking, there was a knock outside the door.

“Come in!”

The door was pushed open, and Qi Lao walked in with a smile on his face, but after seeing Lin Hai’s look, he suddenly hesitated. “

Don’t be surprised, you also know that Poledan is so valuable that it is inevitable that there are people with bad intentions who want to hit my mind because I changed my makeup. “

Qi Donglai listened to Lin Hai’s words, and suddenly realized that he was nodded again and again. “

Right, right, little brother makes sense! “

This kind of thing is not surprising. Many people who participate in auctions will hide their true colors if they are of average strength.

For example, Qi Donglai sees a cloak, a mask and the like.

Just like Lin Hai, the whole person’s appearance has changed, and he really saw it for the first time. Do not

However, this is not the point, Qi Donglai has never seen Lin Hai’s original appearance, and soon he was relieved. “

Until now, don’t know what the little brother is called? “Qi Donglai laughed.”

Dongfang Ye! Lin Hai used Dongfang Ye’s name again.

“It turned out to be the Oriental little brother. I don’t know the Oriental little brother. How many poland are you going to auction this time?”

“Three!” Lin Hai said as he placed three Pleidan on the table in front of him.

“3 pieces !!!”

When Qi Donglai saw this, he suddenly pumped shrank and was overjoyed. he

I thought that there wouldn’t be too many such medicine pills. Lin Hai could come up with another one, which is already pretty good. can

didn’t expect, Lin Hai shot 3 in a single shot, really great generosity!

With the release of these 3 Pyramidans, I am afraid enough to cause the madness of those immortal dao Paragon outside!

“Oriental little brother, this pill is too precious. After requesting the owner of Thunder Clouds Sect Lvdian Gong, this Poledan will be the finale of this auction!”

“Um.” Lin Hai nodded, he didn’t care much about it, it didn’t matter if the finale was final.

Qi Donglai reached out and took out a black gold-plated card and gave it to Lin Hai. “

This is the Paragon Card of Zhenpin Pavilion. You can get 7% off with this card for settlement. There is a hundred thousand Spirit Stone presented by Zhenpin Pavilion. “forest

Hai took the Paragon card, moved towards Qi Donglai laughed. “

Thanks! “

“Little brother, you’re welcome!” Qi Donglai reached out, carefully lifted Pleidan, and then moved towards Lin Hai nodded. “

The auction will start right away and I will not disturb the little brother! “Say

Afterwards, Qi Donglai turned around and left the VIP room. very

Quickly, a loud voice from outside came into Lin Hai’s ear.

“This auction starts now!”

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