“On Your Sister’s Heavens, Ah!” Lin

The sea was amused directly by Zhu Zizhen, and moved towards 2 people shook the head. “

Fortunately! “

Although he killed the beast Loose Immortal level blood beast, Lin Hai has not yet swelled, and really thinks that he can cut Loose Immortal. versus

It said that the blood beast was killed by himself, it is better to say that it was killed in conjunction with Yang Xian and Zhu Zizhen 3 people!

Lin Hai’s heart is very clear, there are various factors in the reason why he can kill the rare beast.

The first is to use the Greater Five Elements Technique to motivate the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, which has just been promoted to Divine Item, with the mysterious Power of Ice, and to perform the 36-way Fumo Blade Technique, which specifically restrains Demon ghosts, which has prevailed!

After Frost Blade advanced this time, the trigger chance of the Frozen effect increased to 10% against the sky, and the continuous trigger made the blood beast rare, and there was no chance to recover. when

Of course, the most important point is that the two are Yang Xian and Zhu Zizhen. Have

The two men resisted, making the blood beast rare beast unable to take any shot at all, resisting their own attacks!

It can even be said that blood beast rare beast is standing there and letting it be chopped, neither hiding nor escaping, nor even fighting back!

Many favorable factors come together, so that they have their own sword to cut Loose Immortal and kill the blood beast rare beast!

Without any of them, I’m afraid today there is nothing more about this blood beast rare beast. “

Master, let’s leave here quickly, just in case! “Yang

Revealing his complexion, moved towards Lin Hai said solemnly. forest

Hai shook his head slightly and said firmly. “

Lin Jian’s life and death are unknown, how can I leave? “

Yang Xian and Zhu Zi really heard that complexion greatly changed. “

Master, can’t you go in? “

Lin Hai heard it and laughed bitterly.

“I want to go in, but unfortunately I can’t get in!”

Yang Xian and Zhu Zizhen couldn’t help but wonder about their faces. “

What do you mean, master? “”

Go out and talk! “Stay here, I’m okay, but unfortunately with the help of the magic **, to absorb Blood Fiendish Qi.

However, it was very expensive for Yang Xian and Zhu Zizhen. especially

This is Zhu Zizhen. Soon after the Transcending Tribulation became Loose Immortal, the strength wanted to show Yang Xian a lot of gaps.

At this moment, the fiery red dandelion is suspended above the head to resist the erosion of Blood Fiendish Qi. In addition to the previous battle, it has begun to tremble slightly, which is a bit laborious! “

Yes! “Yang Xian and Zhu Zizhen agreed, as Lin Hai left quickly, a sea of ​​blood came out in a short while!”

Master, what can you do? “Out

After coming, Yang Xian asked towards Lin Hai.

Lin Hai looked up, looking up at the sky, differently said. “

From the ground into the sea of ​​blood, with my strength, I can’t go deep! “

“It’s better to investigate from the sky. Although this Blood Fiendish Qi goes straight to the sky, the force of erosion in the sky is much weaker!”

Yang Xian and Zhu Zi really heard, nodded, and agreed with Lin Hai’s approach! forest

The sea didn’t talk much, so Xiangyun soared under his feet and rushed directly into the clouds. Yang

Xianhe Zhu Zizhen followed closely from behind and flew into the air. 3 people moved towards the depths of the Blood Sea and flew away.

Entering the scope of Blood Fiendish Qi, Lin Hai immediately transformed the cultivation technique to spread the magic of magic.

The clouds under his feet turned black instantly, and a giant axe suspended above Lin Hai’s head, splitting Blood Fiendish Qi.

At the same time, with two palms waving, the Magic Absorbing Palm will be played, and the nearby Blood Fiendish Qi will be sucked into the body!

Although Yang Xian and Zhu Zizhen did not practice magic, they faced the relatively thin sky, Blood Fiendish Qi, with Loose Immortal cultivation base, and it was easy to resist. very

Quickly, 3 people will go up to 1000 meters, even in the air, it will become extremely difficult to move. forest

Move away from the clouds and use Heavenly Eye Technique, looking down towards moved. but

Seeing the blood red and boundless, boundless, I could not see my head at all.

Lin Jian was even without a trace, and could not help but feel anxiety inside. “

Master, has Lin Jian been killed? With his strength, he can’t get here! “Yang Xian aside, suddenly said.”

will not! “Lin Hai shook the head,” If you want to kill Lin Jian, kill him directly, why should you take it away? “”

The blood beast rare beast, there must be a reason to take Lin Jian away, we look forward! “

Lin Hai glanced across his teeth, gritted his teeth, and moved on! “

Ok? what is that! “

After another 1000 meters, Lin Hai pupils shrank, but in the depths of the blood sea, a black shadow appear indistinctly.

It seemed extremely small in the thick and boundless sea of ​​blood, and it wouldn’t even be noticed without careful inspection. forest

Hai Ning looked at her, and used Heavenly Eye Technique to the extreme. The black shadow was like focus, and instantly magnified in Lin Hai’s eyes. “

Lin Jian! !! !! “Do not

Thank you, Lin Hai cry out in surprise, ecstatic! only

See the shadow of black, not something else, but sword light like a phantom.

In sword light, a silhouette sits cross-legged, eyes closed, surrounded by a black shadow of shadow, as if an old monk is settled, not who Lin Jian is! “

Master, did you find Lin Jian? “Yang

Xian He and Zhu Zizhen couldn’t see the situation below, and when Lin Hai shouted, he hurriedly asked. forest

Hai nodded, didn’t speak, just brows tightly frowns, with a look of doubt. odd

Strange, how could Lin Jian cultivate in such a deep place? press

Theoretically, with Lin Jian’s cultivation base, deep into the sea of ​​blood has long been swallowed up by the endless baleful qi!

why not but live well and can resist the power of Murderous aura here! fierce

However, Lin Hai frowned, thinking of a possibility!

Blood beast catches Lin Jian without killing him, but brings him here and let him cultivate! difficult

Road, is this blood beast rare beast intentionally? he

What is our purpose? forest

The more Hai thought and thought, there must be something unknown here. can

Unfortunately, the Blood Fiendish Qi here is too rich. Although Lin Hai found Lin Jian, he couldn’t go on.

What’s more, Lin Jian’s status at the moment is not dangerous. “

For the sake of this, only Lin Jian was awakened and he asked himself! “miss you

At this point, Lin Hai Zhen Qi was running, suddenly shouting loudly by the method of Moon Palace Immortal Sound. “

Lin Jian, are you in danger, can you leave the sea of ​​blood! “”

Lin Jian, are you in danger, can you leave the sea of ​​blood! “”

Lin Jian, are you in danger, can you leave the sea of ​​blood! “…


The sound of the sea, endless, echoed in the sky.

It was like a sharp drill bit. Forcibly drilled a passage in the rich Blood Fiendish Qi below, and flew into Lin Jian’s ear. positive

At the cross-knee cultivation of Lin Jian, when he heard the voice, he opened his eyes suddenly and looked down, but Lin Hai could not be seen at all! rub


Lin Jian stood up, took a deep breath, and shouted.

However, Lin Jian’s voice couldn’t penetrate Blood Fiendish Qi at all into Lin Hai’s ear.

However, Lin Jian’s move was made clear to Lin Hai and he knew that Lin Jian had heard his own voice.

Moreover, Lin Jian was able to stand up and be surrounded by the sword light and not be eroded by Blood Fiendish Qi, which made Lin Hai relaxed.

Although I don’t know why, it made Lin Jian suddenly not afraid of Blood Fiendish Qi, but Lin Jian is safe and sound!

It seems that he also found his own voice and could not spread it. Lin Jian suddenly became addicted to Blood Sword and pointed at the sky! Follow

After that, the wrist waved, and the sword light flew, cutting Blood Fiendish Qi.

With the rays of light brought up by Blood Sword, in a blood-red sky, forcibly draw a few big characters!

“Good chance, rest assured!”

Lin Hai immediately frowned when she saw it!

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