“What it is!”

Lin Hai looked at the Demonic beast that was soaring into the sky. only

See that Demonic beast, which has several hundred zhang, is black and scales, 4 claws like gold, like a dragon and a snake!

What is even more shocking is that this non-dragon and non-snake thing actually has 3 heads. each

A huge head, now full of anger and wide open, with a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, Yangtianchangxiao, seems to be provoking the majesty of Thundercloud!

Below the thundercloud, this Demonic beast is a giant body, rolling and boiling in the air, agitating the wind and clouds, making the violet wind erupted.

And the group of Demonic beasts on the island, when they saw this non-dragon non-snake Demonic beast rushed into the sky, they all fell to the ground, especially to worship their king! boom

rumble! !! !!

At this time, the thundercloud in the sky suddenly made a loud noise.

Then, the arc crackled, like a huge thunder net, and gradually began to take shape, completely locking the breath of Demonic beast! forest

The sea was so far away, and suddenly felt a dullness in his chest. The terrifying coercion made Lin Hai hurriedly back up to 100 meters and looked again towards Lei Yun, his heart was shocked!

Very terrifying ! ”

Lin Hai suck in a breath of cold air. From this thundercloud’s sense of oppression, Lin Hai can conclude that this Heavenly Tribulation is not the same as Zhu Zizhen’s time!

“This Heavenly Tribulation is at least 2 robbers and above. I don’t know if these 3 demonic beasts can resist it!” Lin

Haizheng was thinking, but in the thundercloud, suddenly a Divine Thunder with a thin arm was dropping from the sky! Click

!! Follow

With a loud noise, the Divine Thunder flashed a flash in the clear sky, with a violent and powerful momentum, moved towards the 3 Demonic Beasts, and it split off!

“Heavenly Tribulation has begun!”

Lin Hai’s heart flinched, his eyes blinked, and he stared at the Demonic beast to see how he resisted! “

roar! ”

3 Demonic beast Seeing the thunder splattered, instead of panic, instead angry roar, shaking the huge body, soaring into the sky, moved towards Divine Thunder greeted! boom

!! One

The deafening sound came, the lightning 4 splashed in the sky, and the arc flew! that

Divine Thunder was firmly on one of the three Demonic beasts, and it suddenly bloomed!

Look at the 3 demonic beasts, the huge body sinks down suddenly, and the pressure of Divine Thunder drops down several dozen meters. Follow

Later, Yang Tian angry roar, again lifted off, unscathed!

Damn, great! forest

The sea looked at it from afar, and its eyes were straight!

These 3 demonic beasts are simply too powerful.

Lin Hai remembered that when Zhu Zizhen was in the Transcending Tribulation, the first Divine Thunder split Zhu Zizhen into a serious injury. and

These 3 demonic beasts, in the face of Divine Thunder, which is far more powerful than Zhu Zi ’s Heavenly Tribulation at the beginning, have nothing at all.

In addition to being powerful, what words can be used to describe it!


Just when Lin Hai was shocked, Lei Yunzhong lighted flashed again, and it was a Divine Thunder again.

This time, the horror of thunder and lightning is more intense than the first Divine Thunder!


Lin Hai’s expression was tense, her eyes were straight, and she moved towards those 3 demonic beasts.


But I saw 3 demonic beasts, and once again issued angry roar, soaring into the sky, using the flesh and blood to hard connect Divine Thunder! boom


The terror-like waves like explosions, once again moved towards all around, swept away, and the water waves below were excited several ten zhang high, zi zi straight arcs, spreading throughout space!

3 Demonic beasts took this Divine Thunder, and the body sank again, but soon stopped, and rushed into the sky again! forest

Seeing the sea from afar, he was so excited. “

Strong, too strong! “

“Two Divine Thunders are hardwired, no trace of damage!”


Lin Hai was amazed, and among the thunderclouds, the third sky thunder fell again!


3 Demonic beasts, still fearless, soar into the sky again! First

4 Sky Thunder! First

5 Sky Thunder! First

6 Sky Thunder!


Demonic beast first faced Heavenly Tribulation, unyielding from the beginning to the end, resisting with a strong body.

Shocked Lin Hai, his mouth was closed! especially

It was when the 8th thunderbolt was easily picked up by 3 demonic beasts, Lin Hai couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air!

There is one more thunder, and there are 9 more! This

If Great Ascension Late Stage Transcending Tribulation, we have to face the final blow!

And these 3 demonic beasts, actually lively dragon and animated tiger, there is no trace of injury, it is really awesome! Do not

Knowing this ninth path, can he continue unscathed!

Lin Hai couldn’t help but look up, moving towards the sky, the increasingly gloomy thundercloud looking out.

But in the thunder cloud, the arcs flow, the violent strength of Thunder, terrifying more and more! This

The 9th Divine Thunder, not at all, as before, it quickly falls.

In the sky, suddenly fell into a deadly silence!

However, whether it was the 3 Demoic Beasts of Transcending Tribulation or Lin Hai, my heart suddenly suddenly tightened. Who

You can see that the quietness at this time is exactly the rain coming! day

The empty thundercloud is brewing far more horrifying than the previous 8 Divine Thunder, the Force of Tribulation! Click

!! steep

However, a loud sound that seemed to shatter human eardrums suddenly came from Thundercloud! Follow

Later, a golden light glittered, with the thickness of a bowl of Divine Thunder, falling violently.

It looks like a dazzling beam of light, connecting Heaven and Earth! that

The crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood-like penetrating power even penetrates Heaven and Earth. root

Ben did not give the 3 demonic beasts below the reaction time, and it fell directly on his body! boom


A loud noise came, golden light 4 splashed and flesh flew! 3

The first Demonic beast roared, and the flesh on the back was instantly blurred! that

Shield-sized black scales were directly hit by Divine Thunder for more than a dozen slices, radiated into the water, setting off a monstrous water wave! and

The huge body of the three Demonic beasts finally can’t resist the terrifying power of Divine Thunder. straight

With a bang, I fell into the water and smashed the water column into the sky. “

Damn, this Demonic beast dying! “forest

The sea watched in the distance, and his heart suddenly jumped. miss you

With less than 3 demonic beasts, facing the first 8 Divine Thunders, it is easy and pleasant to deal with.

But this ninth Divine Thunder fell, but was directly smashed into the water and was seriously injured. 9

It is the number of poles. It seems that this 9th Divine Thunder is really not the 8th one in front. It can be compared!

I just don’t know how the three demotic beasts hurt, and whether they can withstand the Thunder Tribulation in the back. Do not

As a result, Lin Hai stared at the boss, and moved towards the lake where the waves rolled. Roar


Suddenly, an angry beast roar suddenly came out of the water.

next moment, 3 Demonic beasts, huge bodies, soaring into the sky! band

The splash of water, up to huntred zhang, 4 splashes, smashed a tree in the distance!

Roar! ! !

Fly 3 demonic beasts in the air, 3 heads open at the same time, moved towards Thunder Cloud roaring!

The huge roar of the beast shook the space, full of violent meaning!

“He is provoking Heavenly Tribulation !!!”

Lin Hai pupils shrank, stunned! learn

For the sake of Moon Palace Immortal Sound, Lin Hai has an independent understanding of sound.

From the roar of 3 demonic beasts, he heard a deep sense of provocation and provocation!

Could not help but Lin Hai laughed inside.

These 3 demonic beasts really have the courage and personality!


It seems that the provocation of 3 demoic beasts, and the thunder cloud above his head, suddenly burst into a crazy surge, seeming to convey an angry mood. Follow

Later, a thunderbolt that was stronger than the ninth thunderbolt was bursting!

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