“Haha, get it!”

Lin Hai was overjoyed, Seven Devils of Plum Mountain was once again subdued by himself.

In addition to Zhu Zizhen, I have another Loose Immortal subordinate, which is really cool!

This trip to the cave, although weird and unusual, has yielded a lot. “

Ruyan, let’s go! “forest

The sea was full of joy, and moved towards Liu Ruyan snapped his fingers and said.

Liu Ruyan froze, then looked at Lin Hai and asked in amazement.

“Really, regardless of Yang Xian?”

Lin Hai shrugged, moved towards that stone wall, one finger far away. “

You see, Yang Xian is still there? “willow

Ru Yan just looked up, but saw that the stone wall where Yang Xian was before had become ordinary. Yang

Showing that face was even missing.

“So, what’s going on?” Liu Ruyan black brows slightly wrinkle, his face blanked.

Lin Hai, with a smug expression, said contentedly. “

Come on, he has been rescued by me! “Say

After that, Lin Hai carried his hands on his back, swayed, and moved towards the front. “

Already rescued? When was it saved? “

Liu Ruyan was more aggressive, but Lin Hai didn’t elaborate, and she didn’t ask any more.

Following Lin Hai, the two men marched all the way, and after a short time, they reached the entrance of the cave.

Looking at the sparkling restraint, Liu Ruyan looked at Lin Hai and asked solemnly. “

Lin Hai, are you really going out? “”

You offended Sapphire, he won’t give up! “forest

The sea was silent for a moment, and then gently spit out one mouthful of impure air, said.

“Let’s go out, this cave is too weird. Staying here, I’m upset!” Liu

Ru Yan didn’t know why, his face suddenly turned red, and then he was nodded. “

It ’s okay to leave! “

“En!” Lin

The sea was nodded, and then a step forward, moved towards the prohibition of the cave, went straight. Hum


Ripples flickered, and Lin Hai’s head transformed into an illusory shadow of ice phoenix.

Then, the body seemed to be under a soft squeeze, and the next moment was out of the cave. willow

Ru Yan followed closely from behind, Qian Ying falling and appeared on the side of Lin Hai.

“Lin Hai, why don’t you find a remote place, take a break and wait for the monument to open after March. Let’s go directly to the monument. What do you think?” Liu

Ru Yan looked at Lin Hai and suggested to Lin Hai. forest

Hai thought for a while, just about to promise, suddenly ding dong, WeChat rang.

Lin Hai took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

Q: This is the first time that WeChat has been sent to me since I was subdued and added WeChat. Do not

Knowing what he was looking for. hit

Opening WeChat, Lin Hai only glanced, and his face changed suddenly. only

See the message of the sky, only a single word!

Ask the sky: save

“What do you mean !!!” Lin

Hai Tong’s eyes contracted for a while. Could it be said that something happened? forest

Hai hurriedly asked Wentian and hurriedly responded with a message.

Little confused: Ask God, what’s wrong with you, is it dangerous?

After a long time, I asked Tiantian’s information and did not reply again. forest

The heart of the sea sank suddenly. “

Lin Hai, what happened? “

Liu Ruyan asked Lin Haiyan’s complexion when he looked different. forest

The sea is heavily sighed and looks heavy. “

Ask God, something may have happened! “

Liu Ruyan could not help but ask God, isn’t that the boss who asked God Inn?

After the conflict with Sapphire, Liu Ruyan took Lin Hai and hurried to the cave to avoid Sapphire’s revenge. and

Wen Tian was driven away by Lin Hai and returned to Titan City to move freely.

didn’t expect, something went wrong. Ding

dong! just

At this time, Lin Hai’s WeChat sounded again.

Lin Hai hurriedly opened it for inspection, and at the first sight it was asked by Tian.

Question day: Little confused? What a weird name! Are you Lin Hai?

Lin Hai raised a brow and could tell from the tone that the person who sent the message was definitely not asking the sky.

It should have been asked about Tian ’s cell phone, which was obtained by another person. small

Confused: I’m Lin Hai, who are you? Ask God, how is he?

Ask the sky: Lin Hai, I’m Lan Yu. Ask the sky in my hands, if you want to save him, come to the ambassador’s residence! One day later, if I can’t see you, ask God to destroy both body and soul! (Behind is the expression of a bloody knife)


Lin Hai read the information, angry roar immediately!

Really didn’t expect, Sapphire turned out to be so shameless, ask the heavens to stab yourself! “

Lin Hai, what happened? “

Seeing Lin Hai being so angry, Liu Ruyan could not help asking. forest

Sea coldly snorted, angrily. “

Lan Yu really shameless, he grabbed and asked the sky, let me go to the residence of the ambassador to the city, if not, kill the sky! “

Liu Ruyan froze, then a little puzzled.

“I’m going to beat you by asking? You don’t need to bother!”

Lin Hai froze, looking puzzled, asked towards Liu Ruyan.

“How do you say that?” Liu

Ru Yan said resolutely, “Ask Tian that he has no relationship with you, what is his life and death with you?”

Lin Hai heard it, frowned, and then slowly shook the head.

“Ru Yan, what you say is bad!” “

Ask Tian since submit to me, call me a master, then he is my brother! “”

How can I ignore his life and death! “

After Liu Ruyan listened, Zhu’s lips moved, and he was speechless for a while, watching Lin Hai speechless. she was

It is impossible to understand Lin Hai’s approach, but he continues to persuade.

“Ask Tian since you are Lord, you are your slave.”

“His life belongs to your master. It is his duty to die for you at any time.”

“A slave, how can you let the master go to risk for his life?”

Lin Hai shook the head, no further explanation. he

Unlike Liu Ruyan, the growing environment is different, and some ideas will naturally be biased. willow

Ru Yan grew up in the Earth Immortal realm, paying attention to the powerhouse is respected, weak are prey to the strong, the lives of the weak are like ants, and it is a matter of justice to be killed by the powerhouse.

But Lin Hai is different. Lin Hai is from the realm of the world, and the concept of equality among the world is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. and

Moreover, Lin Hai has always attached great importance to affection, affection and true. although

Ran asked Tian to call him a master, but Lin Hai did not treat him as a slave, but as a brother!

Brother is in trouble, how can Lin Hai stand by and stand by!

“Ru Yan, ask God, I must rescue!”

Liu Ruyan saw Lin Hai say so resolutely, and did not persuade any more, but the flash of rays of light in the beautiful eyes, indifferently said.

“I stay with you!” “

no need! Lin Hai shook the head and looked at Liu Ruyan.

“Ruyan, Sapphire dared to provoke me after seeing Loose Immortal’s help.”

“If he’s not stupid, he has another hole card.”

“I don’t want you to follow me in danger!” Liu

Ru Yan shook the head with a smile, then looked at Lin Hai’s eyes and said seriously. “

Lin Hai, you say that, it’s too out of sight! “

“My Liu Ruyan is not talented, but at least he is on the list and will not be a burden to you!” Lin

The sea mouth moved and wanted to continue to persuade, but saw Liu Ruyan lift his palm directly. Follow

Later, a resolute gaze flashed through the two beautiful eyes, and moved towards Lin Hai said firmly. “

Lin Hai, stop talking! “”

Besides, just don’t treat me as a friend! “”

This … “Lin Hai was speechless for a while, seeing Liu Ruyan said so resolutely, knowing that he could no longer refuse. No

Then, very mighty made Liu Ruyan sad. call

~ Lin

The sea spit out one mouthful of impure air, and then a wave of arrogance rose into the sky, watching Liu Ruyan heavily nodded. “

Okay, so, mountain of blades and a sea of ​​fire! Let’s go together and meet this sapphire! “


After that, Lin Hai and Liu Ruyan soar into the clouds and mount the mists, headed straight for the Titan City ambassador’s residence!

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