Yang Xian, Yang Xian!

Isn’t that the Goat in Seven Devils of Plum Mountain?

Lin Hai was suddenly excited. If it was Yang Xian, if he was subdued, then there would be two Seven Devils of Plum Mountain under his own hands!

Calm, calm, ask carefully.

After all, there are so many duplicate names, it may not be so clever, it is not good to stop making Oolong. forest

Hai took a deep breath, temporarily suppressing the excitement in his heart, and then moved towards Yang Xian asked.

“Yang Xian, before you were sealed, where was the cultivation?”

“I am cultivation in Meishan!”

Meishan! Really Meishan! forest

Haixi looks so colorful, it looks right now! mouth

The angle was tilted, Lin Hai showed a smile on his face, and moved towards Yang Xian said playfully. “

If I read correctly, your body should be a goat? “forest

As soon as Hai said this, Yang Xian suddenly changed complexion greatly, revealing the horror and shock. “

how do you know? “

Yang Xian blurted out, his tone full of incredible.

Although he does not yet have the strength of Shape Transformation, what he is presenting in front of Lin Hai is just a face.

Lin Hai was able to see through her own body with this face, which was really shocking. Yang

Obviously, he acknowledged that he was a goat.

Lin Hai At this moment, it is basically determined that this Yang Xian is the goat monster in Seven Devils of Plum Mountain!

With ecstasy inside, Lin Hai moved towards Yang Xian, smiled slightly.

“Let you see an old friend!”

Lin Hai finished speaking, a thought, a tall and burly silhouette appeared behind Lin Hai.

“Master, what am I doing?” Zhu

Zizhen moved towards Lin Hai, asking respectfully. forest

The sea smiled, moved towards Yang Xianyi, said differently.

“Look, who is that?” Zhu

Zi Zhen froze, then with doubt, moved towards Yang Xianwang.

“Well, why are you so familiar?” Zhu

Zizheng brows frowned, quickly thinking in his mind, and then thrashed his thigh! “

I rely, you are Yang Xian big brother! “”

Are you my big brother Yang Xian! !! !! Zhu

Zi Zhen was immediately excited, looking at Yang Xian, with a look of excitement, asked loudly. Yang

Xian was stunned, looking at Zhu Zizhen in front of him, his face blanked.

“Who are you and how did you meet me?”

Yang Xian asked in confusion, he racked his brains and couldn’t remember where he had seen Zhu Zizhen. and

Zhu Zizhen said with an excited grin loudly with a smile. “

Yang Xian big brother, I’m a pig, Zhu Zizhen! !! !! Zhu

Zizhen? !! !! !! Yang

Hearing and hearing, he froze suddenly, then his eyes suddenly rounded, his face was incredible. “

You said, you are Zhu Zizhen? “

Yang Xian asked with a look of dull expression. “

Right, is this still fake? Zhu Zi really patted her thigh and said with a smile.

Yang Xian looked at Zhu Zi for a long time, then coldly smiled, contemptuously.

“Don’t lie to me, with Zhu Zi’s true cultivation base, now that is just Transcending Tribulation, and want to succeed in Shape Transformation, unless Transcending Tribulation is successful, it will become Celestial Immortal.” “

And you are nothing but Loose Immortal, how can I believe your evil words! “”

Aiya, my big brother! Zhu Zi really saw that Yang Xian didn’t believe himself and couldn’t help rushing to his feet.

“Yes, I am a Loose Immortal, but is Master, he gave me Shape Transformation grass, I have Shape Transformation ahead of time!”

“Shape Transformation grass? Shape Transformation ahead of time?” Yang Xian shuddered, but quickly shrugged the head.

“I have never heard that Loose Immortal can shape transformation in advance. You pretend to be my brother, what is your intention?”

“You, why don’t you believe it!” Zhu Zi turned around in a hurry.

Suddenly, Di Zi light flashed in Zhu Zi’s mind, thinking of one thing, patted his mind.

“Yang Xian big brother, do you remember, when I was Deity Transformation Early Stage, you caught a beautiful woman and invited me to enjoy it at your Cave Mansion?”


Lin Hai heard Zhu Zizhen’s words and almost lay on the ground.

Fuck, there is such a thing, Zhu Zizhen and Yang Xian are two things, but it’s really not a thing.

Liu Ruyan was aside, flushed with a blush, a look of contempt.

While Yang Xian was stunned, staring at Zhu Zizhen with a stunned expression, his face was incredible. Over

After a long time, Yang Xian said with deep surprise, incredibly. “

You, are you really my brother Zhu? “Such as

Only Yang Xian and Zhu Zizhen knew about this secret thing, not even other Meishan brothers.

And Zhu Zizhen now tells this matter, it must be true that Zhu Zi is undoubted!

“Hahaha, Yang Xian big brother, do you believe it now?” Zhu

Son is happy to slap thighs.

“Little pig, unexpectedly, I can see you here, it’s really mixed feelings!” Yang

While showing excitement, he could not help showing deep shame and ashamed and unable to show one’s face. miss you

No, when I was in Meishan in the past, the little brother who still needed to take care of himself had already successfully transformed Shape. and

I was sealed here, never seen the daylight.

It’s so shameful. “

Yang Xian big brother, who are you sealed here, I will save you first, then let’s kill him together and take revenge for you! “

Zhu Zi really saw Yang Xian’s expression sad, and could not help expressing anger, said sharply. Yang

He smiled bitterly, “This is an inexplicable matter. You must let me out before you say it!”

“Okay!” Zhu Zi really promised again and again, but then held back again. “

Yang Xian big brother, how can I save you? “Yang

When Xianwen heard it, he stayed for a while. How did he know how to unblock the seal while he was in the seal?

“You try to attack hard!”

“it is good!”

Zhu Zizhen was nodded, then loudly shouted, his fists fluttered, the flames were dripping, and he moved toward Shibi with a punch!


There, the whole cave was shaken, The earth shook and the mountain quivered. Of course

However, the walls of the seal Yang Xian remained untouched. Do not

Only that, Yang Xian groaned, showing extremely painful face.

As if, Zhu Zizhen this fist hit him. “

Yang Xian big brother, how are you? “

Zhu Zi was suddenly shocked and said hastily. “

Piggy, do n’t fight, do n’t use brute force, otherwise the seal is not broken, I ’ll die first! “Yang

His face was dark, and moved towards Zhu Zi said in pain. “

What should I do? “Zhu Zi really hurried again.

Suddenly, thinking of Lin Hai still around, Zhu Zi suddenly lighted up.

“Master, is there any way you can save me, Yang Xian big brother?” Lin

The sea is faintly smiled, with a braided look, slowly nodded.

“It’s not difficult to save him.” Zhu

Zi Zhen and Yang Xian were immediately overjoyed when they heard this, but a sentence behind Lin Hai made the two people’s smiles freeze. only

Seeing the laziness behind Lin Hai’s hands, he said indifferently.

“But why should I save him?”

Yang Xian looked at Lin Hai’s indifferent look, and his eyes were cold light flashed, coldly said. “

Haven’t I promised you that I’m the Lord? Shouldn’t you save me? “

Lin Hai heard it, turned his head sharply, his eyes burned, and landed on Yang Xian’s face, coldly said. “

Is that how you recognizing Master? “Yang

Suddenly, he became angry. “What do you want me to do?” “

Even if you want me to salute you, wait until I come out, right? “

“Hmph!” Lin Hai grunted coldly, with a deep disdain. “

In this attitude of you, wanting me to save you is purely a dream! “”

I think you are still here, and live the rest! “

After speaking, Lin Hai turned around and turned away!

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