Lin Hai and Liu Ruyan were startled, never expected, and there is a third person in this stone chamber! startle

Of course, the two lifted the head, True Yuan rolled, guarded the whole body, and moved towards the sound.

But I saw a thick pink smoke that gradually turned into a shape, and then a voluptuous woman appeared in front of the two.

As soon as this woman appeared, Liu Ruyan was okay, but Lin Hai’s eyes were all round and his face was incredible! “

How could it be you! “

Lin Hai cry out in surprise, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

The coquettish and enchanting woman in front of her is not someone else, but she has never seen Zhen Shuang for a long time!


Zhen Shuang moved towards Lin Hai flirted and laughed.

“Why can’t it be me?”

“Lin Hai, I haven’t seen you for years. Have you missed my old lover?”

“Who is your old lover? Zhen Shuang, you talk less nonsense!” Lin Hai stared, with a look of disgust. “

Alas, what a wicked man, I hate it! Zhen

Sorrowful sigh of breath, muzzled, moved towards Lin Hai said while playfully pouting, really sexy bearing and charming temperament, which made Lin Hai’s heart unbearable. Do not

Scolded by a curse, it is really a hooky fairy!

Zhen Shuang frowned, suddenly turned her head, and looked towards Liu Ruyan with curiosity. “

Lin Hai, don’t you just love Liu Xinyue, why did you give this Liu Ruyan? “willow

Ru Yan heard this, and she was blushing and angry.

Lin Hai stared, moved towards Zhen Shuang scolded. “

Zhen Shuang, pay attention! “

“Attention? How do you pay attention? Am I wrong? Haven’t you just got up from her?” “

Why, are you going to lift up your pants and not accept it? Zhen

Shuang looked at Lin Hai with a charming look, and giggled with a smile.


Lin Hai can’t wait to spit on Zhen Shuang’s face. This woman really has no shame.

The words spoken were so unpleasant! Of course

However, Zhen Shuang ignored Lin Hai’s anger and continued to move towards Lin Hai Mei with a smile. “

Just now, Liu Ruyan said, Liu Xinyue is big, she is small, then Lin Hai, you say, why am I? “

Lin Hai frowns, said in disgust.

“What kind of thing do you count, and also with Xinyue and Ruyan, mental on equal terms!” “

Giggle Giggle! “Zhen Shuang heard that, and then there was another laugh.

Then, sticking out her tongue and licking her lips gently, moved towards Lin Hai charmed.

“Are you abandoning others?”

“But why were you so rude to others when you were prestigious on them!” “

what did you say? !! Lin Hai heard that, his face suddenly changed, and his head hummed.

And Zhen Shuang suddenly stepped forward, walked in front of Lin Hai, pulled a hand of Lin Hai, and pressed it on his own body. “

I hate it. You want to eat it clean and you don’t confess it? “”

Don’t bullshit! Lin Hai pulled his hand back and looked at Zhen Shuang with his eyes blank. 恍

Suddenly, that strange dream reappeared in my mind.

The women who go to ** with themselves, besides Liu Xinyue and Liu Ruyan, do have Zhen Shuang!

Is everything that happened in the dream before true? except

Outside of Xinyue, what happened to Liu Ruyan and Zhen Shuang that I cannot describe? One

With this in mind, Lin Hai’s head suddenly got messed up. and

Zhen Shuang, however, stretched out Bai Nen’s fingers, slightly raised Lin Hai’s chin, and her rosy lips slightly opened, sulking in Lin Hai’s ear, whispering like a dream. “

I have nothing to say, you should know better than me! “

“Go away!” Lin Hai shouted angrily and pushed Zhen Shuang aside. Follow

Later, his expression was flustered and he looked at Zhen Shuang with a deep confusion in his eyes.

“What’s going on, what’s going on !!!!!!”

Lin Hai suddenly roared angry, Divine Spirit Art couldn’t help but move quickly, and a Spiritual Consciousness suddenly hit his mind. Hum

!! under

For a moment, Lin Hai suddenly shivered, and the scene immediately changed. “

Ok? “forest

The sea turned pale with fright and found that Zhen Shuang had no idea where he was going. Even Liu Ruyan disappeared from his arms.

And he was lying on the stone bed with a blank expression. “

fantasy? Is everything just a fantasy? “

Lin Hai sat up abruptly, the expression on his face was terrified!

Turning his head, he saw that Liu Ruyan was lying on his side, his clothes were messy, his breathing was even, and he seemed to be sleeping. call

~ Lin

The sea was silent for a while, then exhales one breath saying, and then smiled bitterly. Make trouble

For a long time, everything before was fake! straight

At this moment, he was completely out of the illusion and awake.

Let’s just say, Zhen Shuang last appeared on Penglai Immortal Island. How did he come to this mysterious cave?

And myself and Liu Ruyan, did not want to come to that kind of shame, everything is just a dream.

Looking at Liu Ruyan’s beautiful face and a proud lovable body close at hand, Lin Hai’s mind could not help but appear the crazy picture again, and suddenly he was a little bit amused. Make

He shook his head vigorously, and Lin Hai forced the evil thought down forcibly.

“It’s unexpected. I dreamed that dream. It seems that I have left Xinyue for too long!”

“Last time I dreamed this kind of dream, it seems that after watching the masterpieces of island artists with Fatty Wang, right?”

Lin Hai shook the head with a wry smile, ready to wake Liu Ruyan. can

Just about to speak, Liu Ruyan’s lovable body suddenly turned lazily, facing away from Lin Hai.

Lin Hai’s gaze suddenly fell under Liu Ruyan’s body, and then his heart jumped.

The next moment, Lin Hai’s eyes straightened, staring at the stone bed, he could never move away! only

See, at the stone bed under Liu Ruyan, there is a bright red, like a begonia in full bloom!

The wink, the shape, was exactly similar to what I saw in my previous fantasy!

“Fuck!” Lin

Hainan exclaimed, feeling a deep fear and incredible!

Under Liu Ruyan’s body, how could this really be so red?

Is it true that everything that happened in the dream was true?

“Fuck, what the hell is going on !!!” Lin

Hai could not help but have a chaotic brain, and couldn’t help but grab his hair, his face full of pain.

At this moment, Lin Hai was a little lost, and he couldn’t tell what was true and what was false! very

So far, whether he is awake at this moment or still in a fantasy, Lin Hai is not sure!

“No, this cave is too weird!”

Lin Hai couldn’t help but stand up, he felt that he had to leave the cave.

With this in mind, Lin Hai stepped forward and gently pushed Liu Ruyan’s shoulder. “

Ru Yan, wake up, wake up soon! “willow

Ru Yan murmured, and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Lin Hai, she frowned first, then blushed.

“Are you OK?”

Seeing Liu Ruyan’s complexion, Lin Hai couldn’t help asking.

Liu Ruyan sat up, bowed his head, and moaned like a mosquito. “

All right! “

“Ru Yan, let’s leave here quickly, I find it very weird, people can’t distinguish between dream and reality!” Lin Hai said anxiously. willow

Ruyan looked up violently and looked at Lin Hai in surprise, not knowing why, her eyes suddenly wet, and tears swirled around her eyes. Of course

However, Lin Hai didn’t realize that his mind was all in the stone cave at this moment. “

OK, let’s go! “willow

Ru Yan forced his tears back, and stood up, said moved towards Lin Hai. “

go! “

Lin Hai moved one step away from the stone chamber. willow

Ru Yan turned his head, glanced at the stone bed, and then waved his arm.

Suddenly, a majestic True-Yuan Force wiped off the rubbing red from the stone bed, leaving no trace.

After doing all this, Liu Ruyan just moved gently and followed Lin Hai out of the stone house. can

Yes, the two had just taken two steps, and suddenly a cloud of pink smoke in front of them stopped them.

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