“Where is this?” Lin

The sea pumps shrank, I saw a sparkling layer of water mist at the entrance of the cave, which completely sealed the entrance.

Above the water mist restraint, there was a strong feminine force released.

If you want to break through, you will definitely be impacted and hindered by this force. and

Liu Ruyan raised her eyebrows and stopped Lin Hai from moving directly towards the cave. “

Go ahead and I’ll talk to you later! “

Talking, Liu Ruyan lovable body rushed forward and passed through the water mist.

“Well?” Lin

When Haizheng was in doubt, suddenly within the body Xuanbing rays of light flashed, and then felt only surrounded by a feminine force, feeling a kind of water waves squeezing.

And next moment, Lin Hai’s vision looks like a side, and he has actually entered the cave.

“What’s going on?” Lin

The sea couldn’t help wondering, and didn’t expect the prohibition of the cave entrance to be effective for itself.

Could it be because of the relationship between Xuan Bing?

After Liu Ruyan entered the cave, he was finally relaxed. Follow

Then, with a complex expression, moved towards Lin Hai seems.

“Lin Hai, it’s troublesome for you.”

Lin Hai froze, though suddenly laughed.

“Ru Yan, what are you talking about?”

Liu Ruyan’s expression was dim, with a hint of sorrowfully saying. “

Because of me, you have offended Sapphire. Sapphire is a man with a narrow heart. He will never let you go. “”

haha, that’s it! “Lin Hai laughed, and then shook the head with a relaxed look.

“You can rest assured that I’m not paying attention to such goods as Sapphire.”

Liu Ruyan black brows slightly wrinkle, then sighed lightly. “

Lan Yu, although you are not afraid, what about the forces behind him? “

“The forces behind him?” Lin Hai raised a brow, a hint of doubt flashing on his face.

Liu Ruyan gently spit out one mouthful of impure air, slowly.

“Thunder Clouds Sect!”

“Thunder Clouds Sect !!!” Lin Hai heard these three words, his eyes widened for a moment, and then he was surprised.

No wonder, no matter Shangguanhong or Sapphire, Leifa is so good. It has been a long time since Thunder Clouds Sect! and

Liu Ruyan continued to open the mouth and said. “

Thunder Clouds Sect is an extremely powerful sect in the entire Red Jade Kingdom. There are hundreds of cities under the gate, and there are countless sect masters. “

“And for the 7 halls of Thunder Clouds Sect, the owners are Loose Immortal and 7 Loose Immortal, which is a terrifying force enough to destroy any great force.” “

Of course, the most terrifying thing is Thunder Cloud Cloud Sect Master Lei Xiaoyun. His strength is even more unfathomable. No one knows how powerful he is. “

“However, once there was a Loose Immortal who accidentally offended Thunder Clouds Sect, and provoked the thunder of Thunder Clouds. A Divine Thunder directly blasted the Loose Immortal to destroy both body and soul!”

Lin Hai heard this, suddenly suddenly shrinking, his face utterly terrified.

The strength of Thunder Clouds Sect is so powerful. The 7 masters are all Loose Immortal!

And Sect Master, Lei Xiaoyun, was able to kill Loose Immortal.

In this way, Lei Xiaoyun has at least 2 strengths to rob Loose Immortal. strange

Maybe Liu Ruyan saw that she had offended Sapphire, expression was so nervous.

This Thunder Clouds Sect is really a monster and can’t afford to offend!

However, Lin Hai was surprised, but not afraid.

Thunder Clouds Sect has the power of Thunder Clouds Sect, but Lin Hai is not without any cards. do not

Not to mention, just a magic weapon like a demon pot, as long as you hide in yourself, how can Thunder Clouds Sect be strong?

With this in mind, Lin Hai slightly smiled, moved towards Liu Ruyan and relieved. “

Ruyan, rest assured. Although Thunder Clouds Sect is strong, I have my own way to deal with it. “willow

What else would Ruyan want to say, but Lin Hai got off the topic, looked at it 4 times, and asked strangely.

“Where is this cave, why did you take me here?” Liu

Ru Yan heard it, pouted, and said differently.

“Do you remember, I told you once that I was seriously injured, chased after, and finally hid in a safe place to heal?” Lin

Hai nodded, “Naturally remember!”

“That safe place is here!” Liu

Ruyan finished, the sparkling mist of water moved towards the cave entrance, indifferently said.

“That prohibition, unless you have the Xuanbing way, you can’t break through how much cultivation base you are.”

“Oh?” Lin Hai heard it, and a surprised look flashed in his eyes.

No wonder, when I came in just now, Xuan Bing within the body seemed to feel something. Make trouble

For a long time, the Xuanbing Road was the key to passing this ban! “

Lin Hai, you have offended Thunder Clouds Sect now, don’t go anywhere for now, just hide in this cave. “

“As long as you don’t go out, even if Thunder Cloud of Sect Master from Thunder Clouds Sect is close, it may not be you!”

Lin Hai listened, and a warm current surged in his heart.

Liu Ruyan brought himself here for a long time for his own safety. “

Ruyan, thank you! “

Lin Hai’s eyes were warm, and moved towards Liu Ruyan gratefully.

“Thank me for what!” Liu Ruyan blushed. “If it weren’t for you, I would have committed myself to Sapphire.”

When mentioning this, Lin Hai’s brows frowned, and his anger suddenly rose.

“Ruyan, although Sapphire is hateful, the Yue Family is not a good thing!”

As soon as Liu Ruyan raised his hand, he stopped Lin Hai from going on, showing pain.

“say no more!”

Lin Hai’s mouth moved, but eventually he didn’t hold back, and continued. “

Ru Yan, what you love is only your lover. Now that your lover has passed away, you don’t need to sacrifice yourself for the Yue Family. “willow

Ru Yan expression was dim and sad. After a long time, he said sadly.

“Yue Ziyang said to me, if I don’t agree with Sapphire, Thunder Clouds Sect will destroy the Yue Family. At that time, I will be the eternal sinner of the Yue Family. My dead lover will also carry the insult for me!

After listening to the sea, he laughed directly at Qi. “

absurd! “”

What is the relationship between Yue Family being not destroyed? “”

This Yue Ziyang is really smelly shameless, and his son Yue Qin is completely jackals of the same tribe! “see

Liu Ruyan was silent, with deep grief, but Lin Hai began to comfort.

“Ru Yan, you are still too simple.” “

Rest assured, it is impossible for Thunder Clouds Sect to go to great lengths to kill a family because doing so is harmful to Thunder Clouds Sect. “”

All this is what Yue Ziyang lied to you! “”

really? Liu Ruyan’s eyes flashed, with a touch of eagerness, asked moved towards Lin Hai.

“I promise you!” Lin Hai solemnly nodded.

Liu Ruyan put out a long breath, muttered.

“In that case, I’m at ease.” “

Just now, I was really scared. I ran out with you, and when Blue Jade was angry, she would destroy the Yue Family. “

“Haha, you have to worry about it, Ruyan.” Lin

Hai laughed, and at the same time could not help but burst into a bitter laughter. I couldn’t think of Liu Ruyan’s mind, it was so simple. see

Liu Ruyan also had some feel ill at ease, Lin Hai suddenly looked around and looked around, diverting Liu Ruyan’s attention. “

Ruyan, have you explored this cave? “

“The prohibition at the door must have been intentionally set.” Liu

Ru Yan just raised her eyebrows and moved towards Lin Hai nodded. “

I have explored that the cave is empty and extremely small, and going forward several hundred meters, it is the end! “”

Oh? Lin Hai couldn’t help but wonder.

With such a powerful restriction at the door of the cave, would it be just an empty cave? “

Ruyan, let’s take a look inside! “

“En!” Liu Ruyan promised, and as Lin Hai walked towards the depths of the cave.

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