After Lin Hai finished speaking, before Liu Ruyan began to speak, the man in the Qingpao laughed exaggeratedly, and the laughter was accompanied by strong irony and drama.

“Hahaha, you kill me? You, an ant-like Great Ascension Early-Stage, say you want to kill me?”

“Strength is rubbish, but Niubi blows up the mountain. Kung fu stands up?”

After that, the Qingpao man looked at Liu Ruyan with a hint of obscenity.

“Liu Ruyan, is this kid conquered by your mouth?”

“You shameless!” Liu Ruyan couldn’t hear the words of the man in the green robe? pause

Time, shy and angry, the lovable body trembled, and the anger rose in the two beautiful eyes. “

courting death! “forest

The sea is more direct, he has long seen this man in the Qingpao displeased. see

He spoke so indecently, humiliating Liu Ruyan lightly, and immediately lifted his palm, a golden brilliance, penetrated the space, and moved sharply with a strong momentum, moving towards the Qingpao man.

“Hahaha, the little ants, dare to do it, overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Seeing the attack from Lin Hai, the man in Qingpao was not afraid, but sneered. Sudden

However, a punch was thrown, the cyan ray was rolling, the air wave was boiling, and a dozen azure vines burst out from the void in an instant, like sharp claw, to meet Lin Hai’s attack.

“Lin Hai, be careful!”

Liu Ruyan was crying out in surprise.

This Qingpao man, the cultivation base is not ordinary. Although it is the Great Ascension Late Stage, it is close to the strength of immortal dao Paragon. on

It’s your own shot, and you need to spend a lot of effort to defeat it.

Lin Hai, a Great Ascension Early-Stage, is very different in strength.

Once head-to-head, Lin Hai will at least be seriously injured, even if his vitality is severe, even if he does not die!

However, Lin Hai and the Qingpao man, both of them are shot like electricity, and they are so close.

Even if Liu Ruyan wanted to block it, it was too late.

Suddenly, Liu Ruyan felt a tingling in her heart. If Lin Hai died, she didn’t know how to handle herself! boom


Unseen effort, Lin Hai and the Qingpao men’s attack violently collided. pause

In time, golden rays of light seemed to encounter great resistance and suddenly stopped in mid-air. and

Those dozens of arabesques were twinkling with intense brilliance, entangling golden rays of light.

Weng weng weng!

The golden rays of light trembled suddenly and violently, trying to break free of the azure vines. mad

The violent golden Guanghua 4 splashes and shoots, the golden and jade in glorious splendor that maps the entire room, gorgeous. and

The azure vine is rays of light appear indistinctly, as if there is a horrible soft force, the air flow of azure is like a spring, spreading throughout the space, strange and abnormal. “

hahaha, just because of your little trick, dare to give up in front of Lao Tzu? “

The man in Qingpao controlled Lin Hai’s attack and burst into a scornful laugh.

“Look at me catching you, stripping away all your clothes, and making your sexual relationship with Liu Ruyan public!”

boom! green

As soon as the man in the robe finished speaking, the azure glow flashed overhead.

After that, the dozens of arabesques were suddenly more than double thick, and the rays of light were flourishing!

It is twice as strong as before. It slams on the golden rays of light and deforms the golden rays of light at once.

bang! tight

Then, a loud noise came, and the golden rays of light were directly converted into powder, a little golden rays of light, just like the stars, disappeared instantly.

sou! while

After azure’s Arab Vine destroyed Lin Hai’s attack, he did not stop, but moved directly towards Lin Hai, and rushed forward. Shua


The next moment, Lin Hai’s entire body was completely entangled by a dozen azure vines.

Like a dozen chains, tied to his body, he instantly lost his ability to act.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

The man in Qingpao laughed, and the laughter was full of contempt and disdain.

“Lin Hai !”

Seeing this, Liu Ruyan was in a hurry. Jiao

The white flicker of the body flashed an extremely cold breath, filling the room suddenly, as if the air was freezing.

As soon as Hao’s wrist was raised, an Icicle flashing with sharp rays of light appeared in the palm of Liu Ruyan.

However, before Liu Ruyan started, the Qingpao man shouting loudly.

“Liu Ruyan!”

“If you dare to do it, I will immediately cast a spell and drain his flesh!”

sou! green

The man in the robe finished talking, lingering on Lin Hai’s azure vine, suddenly crawling like a poisonous snake, on Lin Hai’s body, quickly moved.

At the same time, a horrible murderous intention was released from the azure arabesques, appearing indistinctly, and horrifying.

As if it was possible at any time, Lin Hai was swallowed up instantly! “

you! “

Liu Ruyan was instantly stunned, and Icicle in his hand was dripping around in the palm, cold light was dazzling, but he was not released after all.

After more than ten seconds, Liu Ruyan’s face was dull, and suddenly he stomped. puff


Icicle in my heart suddenly disappeared, Guanghua faded, and my heart was bitter.

“Lin Hai!”

Liu Ruyan’s tone was cold, without a trace of emotion, frowning, and said firmly. “

haha, let him go? “The man in the green robe sneered, sneering.

“If you say let it go? Why?”

Cold glow flashed in Liu Ruyan’s beautiful eyes, shouted in deep anger with deep anger. “

So what do you want! “green

The man in the robe smiled wretchedly, showing a lewd expression, and stared at Liu Ruyan with a sullen expression.

“What do I want, you know!” “

Liu Ruyan, I have to say, you look more charming when you are angry! “”

My soul is almost hooked by you! “

“Well, shameless!” Liu Ruyan lovable body shuddered, tears of gas came down. and

The man in Qingpao changed his face, showing fierce rays of light, coldly snorted. “

Liu Ruyan, give you ten seconds to think about it! “”

If you passed me, then that’s all, otherwise, I killed him immediately, stripped him, and threw the body on the street. “”

At that time, the scandal between you and him will be well known! “

After speaking, the man in Qingpao glanced at Lin Hai again, and said with a smile of contempt.

“Boy, you are dead or alive, it depends on her Liu Ruyan, how to choose!” “

If I were you, please persuade her quickly, otherwise it would be worthless! “

“Ha ha ha ha!” The man in the green robe laughed again, and then his eyes flashed coldly. “

Countdown and start! “

“Ten, 9, 8, 7, …”

As the man in the blue robe started counting down, Liu Ruyan’s heart was almost as painful as a knife.

Every number seemed to be a sharp knife, stabbing her to the point.

As a man in Qingpao, he is very clear. Since he can tell, he will definitely do it!

That’s why she didn’t promise Lin Hai to look for her at home. She was afraid of being seen by a man in the qingpao, his cousin who loves her.

But didn’t expect, the two met here to meet, but still accidentally followed him to this point, only now has the dangerous situation. miss you

It’s impossible to agree to his insignificant request.

But if he doesn’t agree, Lin Hai will probably die in his hands soon.

Lin Hai came to Titan City by herself. If she lost her life again, she would not be able to bear it! “

3, 2, XNUMX! “on

When Liu Ruyan was anxious, the countdown of the Qingpao man was over. “

Liu Ruyan, say your choice! “green

The man in the robe was coldly snorted, with an obscene smile on his face, intimidating.


Liu Ruyan suddenly became angry, tears swirled in his eyes, and finally stomped. “

You let him go, I will die for him! “

“Are you dead? Ha ha ha ha!” The man in the green robe laughed loudly, wryly.

“You little beauty, how can I let you die?”

“Follow me, otherwise he will die!”

Ting Pao man tone barely fell, and suddenly a cold voice sounded indifferently.

“You’re so confident, will you fix me?”

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