As Liu Ruyan spoke, Lin Hai scolded himself more and more.

It’s a shame to see a netizen who actually makes her daughter talk first. If she spread it out, she wouldn’t be laughed at by the guys from Fatty Wang? Do not

However, Liu Ruyan’s words made Lin Hai extremely useful.

Liu Ruyan is such a beautiful beauty who is suffocating, boasting that he is handsome, what a glory it is!

“Haha, I have won awards and awards. I am in my hometown, and I can only count as the 2nd handsome. The first handsome has not been born yet!” Lin

The sea shook her head and waved her hands, while bragging shameless boasted. puff


Liu Ruyan was immediately teased by Lin Hai, covering her mouth and chuckling. She was so full of smiles that Lin Hai couldn’t help but be stupid.

Then, he hurriedly shook his head slightly and scolded in his heart. “

Grass, why lost self-control again, really shameful! “”

If you continue this way, you have to be treated as a satyr! “and

After Liu Ruyan laughed, his eyes turned slightly, and sexy bearing and charming temperament glanced at Lin Hai softly. “

You this person is really narcissistic! “

“Hahaha, yeah, this person is super narcissistic. If I were a woman, I would definitely fall in love with myself!” Lin Hai shouted haha.

Suddenly, Liu Ruyan giggled again, and Lin Hai, who laughed, almost jumped out of his heart. thing

Up to now, Lin Hai has to admit that Liu Ruyan, as a woman, is lethal to men. It is too big. “

Miss Liu, you are much more beautiful than your avatar on WeChat! “

Uncontrollable, Lin Hai looked at Liu Ruyan and said sincerely.

Hearing Lin Hai complimenting herself, Liu Ruyan suddenly turned her pretty face on, and lowered her head slightly. “

Thank you! “

hu ~ forest

The sea gently exhales one mouthful of impure air. I have to say that the beauty of Liu Ruyan really makes Lin Hai completely unprepared. Do not

As a result, Lin Hai remembered his beloved wife Liu Xinyue again.

In terms of appearance and body, Liu Ruyan and Liu Xinyue should be comparable, each with their own advantages. but

Yes, the style of the two is completely different. willow

The beauty of Xinyue belongs to pure beauty, and it feels like Fairy in 9 days.

Liu Ruyan is different. Her beauty is a kind of charming beauty. Even standing in front of it will make the heartbeat speed up, and I ca n’t wait to pounce on her and press her fiercely under her. “

cough cough! “forest

Hai Qing coughed twice to relieve the awkward atmosphere, and then moved towards Liu Ruyan said with a smile.

“Miss Liu, you said that the monument will open after 3 months. What is going on?”

Liu Ruyan heard it, lifted the head slightly, and looked at Lin Hai with a beautiful smile. “

The monument was originally a forbidden area of ​​Titan City. According to legend, the inside was extremely dangerous. Loose Immortal was once caught in it, but never came out. “”

But 3 years ago, the sudden rays of light among the monuments suddenly caught the attention of the cultivators. “”

According to several experts at the level of Loose Immortal, he said that the monument is about to open, but the time cannot be determined. “”

Until half a year ago, the rays of light in the monuments became more and more intense, and there was a faint smog over the monuments, which rumbling from time to time, and there were already signs of opening. “

“The masters of Loose Immortal, went to observe again, and have already made a judgment. The opening time of the monument will be 3 months later!” Lin

The sea heard, nodded.

With 3 months left, it’s not too anxious.

Could not help but Lin Hai remembered the matter of the skyless alliance again.

Titan City is bigger than White Rock City. I don’t know how many times it will be. Maybe we can hear news from the sky alliance? miss you

At this point, Lin Hai looked up and asked moved towards Liu Ruyan.

“Miss Liu, there is one thing, I want to inquire with you.” Liu

Ru Yan at this moment, there is no tension and shyness at the beginning.

The jade finger lifted lightly and pinched the drooping hair on the forehead, said softly with a slight smile. “

What’s the matter, you say, and … let me Ruyan! “”

Uh … OK, Ruyan! “Lin Hai nodded, a change in appellation, once again brought the distance between the two people a lot closer.

“Ru Yan, have you heard of Skyrim?” Liu

When Ruyan heard 3 words from Wutianmeng, the pretty face stunned, and at the same time, a horrible breath suddenly released, making Lin Hai almost jump. I

Rub, Liu Ruyan turned out to be immortal dao Paragon! Of

Before, Lin Hai saw Liu Ruyan’s delicate appearance and thought it was just an ordinary cultivator.

Coupled with nervousness at the beginning, Lin Hai not at all explored Liu Ruyan’s cultivation base. can

Seeing now, Liu Ruyan was so powerful that it really surprised Lin Hai’s expectations.

“Ru Yan, are you okay?” Lin

The problem of tension in the sea, he didn’t expect Liu Ruyan to hear 3 words from the Sky Alliance, and he responded so much. willow

Ru Yan was silent, his lips were biting, two lines of tears could not help falling down, and fell along the pretty face of Bai Jingnen.

Then the sound of sorrow and hatred sounded indifference.

“I do n’t know, I do n’t know?” “

I and the skyless alliance, do not share the sky! “”

Oh? Hearing Lin Hai, he couldn’t help but be surprised. Liu Ruyan and Skyrim were unexpectedly enemies.

That way, Liu Ruyan is bound to know the information of the skyless union.

“Ru Yan, what are your resentments against Skyrim?” Lin Hai didn’t rush to ask about the whereabouts of Skyrim, but was slightly related, and moved towards Liu Ruyan asked. with

At the time, Lin Hai’s heart already had a hint of speculation.

Being able to make Liu Ruyan so hateful, sad and crying is most likely related to her dead lover. fruit

Of course, Liu Ruyan shed tears and said sadly.

“I haven’t told you before, my lover, was the battle dead?” “

The people who killed him came from the skyless league! “

“Really so!” Lin Hai pupils shrank, unexpectedly causing Liu Ruyan’s beloved separation, turned out to be a skyless person. “

Ruyan, you know, where is the skyless man? “

“Without telling you, I have been searching for the whereabouts of the skyless alliance. If I can, I am willing to avenge with you!”

Liu Ruyan froze, then shook his head again and again. “

No, Lin Hai! You can’t stand against the Skyless Alliance because they are too powerful! “

After speaking, Liu Ruyan’s eyes suddenly flashed a cold cold glow.

“It’s good to say, for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long!” “

The deep hatred of the skyless alliance, Liu Ruyan, I must report this life, but can’t be in a hurry! “”

Otherwise, it can only be the moth flies into the flame, walking right into a trap! “

“So, Lin Hai, don’t act blindly without thinking, or you will hurt yourself!” Lin

After listening to the sea, he couldn’t help but think that Liu Ruyan had such a grudge, but he was so calm. bitter

With a laugh, Lin Hai shook his head helplessly.

“Ru Yan, have you thought about it, but the cultivation base realm is getting harder and harder. Can you guarantee that your strength will one day surpass Skyrim?”

Liu Ruyan wiped off his tears and then smiled calmly. “

I dare not say anything else, but in terms of cultivation, Liu Ruyan is confident enough! “

“Someday, the skyless alliance will perish in my hands!”

“Oh?” Lin Hai couldn’t help but be surprised. although

Although it was the first time to meet Liu Ruyan, but WeChat communication has been a long time ago.

Lin Hai can feel that Liu Ruyan is not the kind of arrogant person, but instead has a delicate mind and is extremely calm.

But why did she say that? Do not

As a result, Lin Hai asked Liu Ruyan with a little confusion.

“Ru Yan, what are you so confident about?”

Liu Ruyan slightly smiled, then said with a hint of indifference. “

Just because I can be on the list! ”

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