Lin Hai is already down the mountain in the 6th Star Palace, waiting for the Second Primordial Spirit.

Seeing a dark cloud dropping from the sky, the Second Primordial Spirit fell in front of Lin Hai, with tears on his face. Do not

By, Lin Hai stepped forward, lightly said with a smile. “

Why are you crying? “

Second Primordial Spirit frowned, “What did you say?”

“How could I cry? Flying too fast, my eyes were blown by the wind!”

Seeing the Second Primordial Spirit rubbing the tears in his eyes, Lin Hai couldn’t help sighing, not at all laughed at him. from

Other pain, Lin Hai is more deeply felt than Second Primordial Spirit. go

Come forward, Lin Hai extend the hand, gently pats Second Primordial Spirit on the shoulder, with a sincere face. “

Otherwise, just stay! “

“Titan City, I’ll be enough!”

2 Primordial Spirit smiled, and lifted Lin Hai’s hand away, his face surprised. “

Are you sick, are you? “”

You are me, I am you, what makes you go? “”

Stop talking nonsense, and set off! “

Lin Hai remained silent, and after a long silence, smiled bitterly.

“There is a lover but they can’t keep each other. It seems that we both have this life!”

Helplessly shook the head, Lin Hai lost his thoughts, and the Second Primordial Spirit disappeared and entered Lin Hai’s within the body.

Afterwards, the eyes flashed in his eyes, flashing a little firmness!

“Whether it’s me or the Second Primordial Spirit, someday we will be reunited with our loved ones!” Om


Under Lin Hai’s feet, a cloud of clouds emerged out of thin air.

With a thought, a soft and powerful force suddenly flew into the cloud holding Lin Hai.

Feeling the breeze blowing away, the previous sadness disappeared, Lin Hai suddenly opened his heart. Teng

Yun Jiawu’s feeling is really cool!

Unexpectedly, he is now a Divine Immortal figure in fiction and television.

Can actually be in the sky, flying freely.

I have to say that the Great Ascension Stage and Spirit Transformation are two completely different concepts. very

It can be said that it is a real dividing line that distinguishes people from immortals.

A soar into the clouds and mount the mists is enough to show the respect of the Great Ascension, the prominent position in the entire cultivation system.

It can look down on all the cultivators of Spirit Transformation like looking down at ants. “

Buddy will finally fly, Little Hong can retire in the future, and specialize with A’hua’s dead dog to study their weekends! “

Lin Hai, flying with joy, followed the index on the map and went straight to Titan City.

Titan City is still quite far away from the 6th Star Palace.

Even if Lin Hai soar into the clouds and mount the mists all the way, it took 3 full days to reach the edge of Titan City.

Just preparing to land, suddenly a cloud came, moving towards Lin Hai coming quickly. eye

Seeing that Lin Hai was approaching, there was no distance to stop.

Seeing this, Lin Hai suddenly frowned, and was slightly mournful. This

I am too rude. I am about to crash a car. Do n’t know how to apply the brakes?

“Wang Family Second Young Master drove out of town, and idle people flashed away quickly!”

At this moment, a voice with a domineering tone suddenly sounded.

“Wang Family Second Young Master? What a big shelf!” Lin

Hai Nei could not help but sneer, but when she first entered Titan City, Lin Hai didn’t want to mess with him, so there was no need to offend this imperious 2nd generation ancestor.

Seeing the auspicious clouds ahead, he rushed to the front, Lin Hai hurriedly moved towards the side and flashed. Whoosh


Lin Hai had just flickered away, and that auspicious cloud passed by, extremely brutal.

Lin Hai shook the head with disdain, and at the same time, he had clearly seen the person on Xiangyun.

She was arrogant, with a high toe, about 40 years old, and dressed as a domestic servant.

“I thought it was the Wang Family Second Young Master. It was a long time since I was a dog slave!”

Thinking of the overbearing words just now, Lin Hai was even more disdainful. This

This kind of dog-fighting thing is really everywhere.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came, and suddenly the rays of light were booming. I’m afraid the pressure fell on Lin Hai’s body instantly.


Lin Hai was taken aback, and then saw a giant tiger illusionized by Taoism, and moved towards himself and rushed over. “

Let you get away, deaf! “

At the same time, the rude scolding of the house servant passed into Lin Hai’s ears again.

“Hah! ”

Lin Hai eyes flash with a cold light, his right fist waved violently, and a golden light flickered, spraying out!

weng! gold

As soon as the color rays of light came out, they instantly turned into a lance, Venus shot straight, and went straight to the giant tiger.

pu! one

The muffled sound came, and the giant tiger was pierced by lance, and froze stiffly. Follow

After a bang, it burst open and became invisible! “

Ok? “that

Seeing this, all the servants were shocked, with a deep shock, looked at Lin Hai, his face was incredible!

Although his hit just now was done by hand, the formidable power should not be underestimated.

Besides, he is the cultivation base of the Great Ascension Late Stage, and a Great Ascension Early-Stage in Lin Hai district, how can it resist?

And Lin Hai, at this moment, also had his eyes narrowed, showing cold light moved towards this slave, cold and severe!

He was no longer oneself to somebody’s level with him, and forbeared to avoid it. He didn’t expect to shoot at himself.

This is also myself. If I change to the ordinary Great Ascension Early-Stage, I am afraid that it will be directly swallowed by the giant tiger just now. This

A dog slave, it’s really awful! “

Boy, can’t see it, there are really two hits! “This

After the domestic servant was shocked, Lin Hai looked up and down and said with a smirk.

Lin Hai frowned, frowning at him in disgust, and turned to prepare to leave. versus

Lin Hai feels that the price is such a dog-fighting and rude entanglement. can

Yes, before Lin Hai left, suddenly a horrible rays of light suddenly rose, blocking Lin Hai’s way. Follow

Later, the arrogant voice of the housekeeper sounded again.

“Give me a good stand, shall I let you go?” Lin

The sea’s eyes stood up, and the fire inside burst out. slow

Turning slowly, Lin Hai’s eyes narrowed slightly, flashing a sensible cold glow, coldly said.

“Are you courting death?”

The family servant heard it, and he couldn’t help but hesitated, then he seemed to hear a big smile, and immediately covered his stomach and laughed. “

Boy, what are you talking about? Am I in courting death? hahaha, I’m so ridiculous! “

The house servant laughed exaggeratedly, and at the same time looked like an idiot, pointing at Lin Hai.

“You’re a little Great Ascension Early-Stage, you can’t get water in your head, and you said I was courting death?”

Okay! “The servant took a heavy drama, moved towards Lin Hai nodded, and then pointed at his nose, saying ironically.”

I’m courting death, you have the ability to kill me! “”

Come, you kill me! “forest

Hai expressionless, looking at the house servant coldly, the shameless face, shook the head silently.

“Since you think like this die, I will fulfill you!” Said

After that, Lin Hai lifted his right arm suddenly, and the dazzling golden light suddenly shone on his fist.

A strong force of no stronghold one cannot overcome, spewing out, breaking through the air and swinging a vacuum!

“En?” Yes

The domestic servant’s smile stopped abruptly, and then he felt only a breath of death and suddenly landed on him.

“Not good !”

This domestic servant complexion has greatly changed. Before he can wait and respond, Lin Hai’s punch suddenly blows out! boom

!! pause

In time, the golden rays of light emerged from the body and suddenly condensed into a golden Iron Fist. The rays of light shimmered, tumbling the air impact 4 times, and moved towards the housemaid’s chest, smashing!

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