With a wave of his hand, Lin Hai threw the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade into the refining area. Hum

!! pause

In time, a colorful rays of light are mapped out from the refining area, holding the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade in the air.

At the same time, a few lines of bright and dazzling fonts emerged from the sky above the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade. class

Type: magic weapon, etc.

Grade: low grade Immortal Grade

attribute: water “

Actually can automatically recognize the information put into the item! “

Lin Hai’s eyes were brilliant, and I felt that this area of ​​the refiner was really magical. “

Hey, what’s that? “suddenly

However, Lin Hai found that next to the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, there was also an illusive box formed by the brilliance, blinking constantly.

There is also a line of font above the illusive box, which is particularly dazzling.

“Please put in the object to be fused.”

Lin Hai couldn’t help it, more and more surprised. This

The function of the refining area is quite intuitive. It seems that you need to put the fused object in that box to start the refining.

Could not help but Lin Hai remembered some of the rpg games played before, the operation of this refiner area is almost similar to those games. “

What to put in? “

Lin Hai thought about it, and the silhouette fluttered to the body of Divine Dragon. “

Xian’er, get me a keel! “

“Yes!” Xian’er promised, stretched out jade hand, and grabbed sharply. Ga

bar! pause

In time, a keel was severed by Xian’er, held in his hand, and handed to Lin Hai.

Lin Hai turned keel, returned to the refining area again, and then swung!

“go with!”

The keel instantly turned into glory and flew into the box.


Next moment, an illusive Three Pointed Double Edged Blade appeared in Lin Hai’s consciousness.

At the same time, as a result of such a refining, Lin Hai instantly understood clearly in the mind.

“The fusion of the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade and the keel has not significantly improved, and the matching degree is only 1%.”

No fusion, start refining? no

!! forest

Hai directly chose negative, less than 1% of the degree of fusion. Forcibly refining, not only did not improve the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade, but it would damage the purity and reduce the magic quality. versus

It’s better to do it like this. forest

Hai took out Three Pointed Double Edged Blade and put Sun-chaser Bow in again.

Later, it was found that the degree of fusion with the keel was only about 1%, which was not suitable for the refiner.

“It seems that this refiner is not as simple as imagined!” Lin

Hai laughed bitterly, and the previous excitement suddenly dropped.


Just after Lin Hai retrieved the Sun-chaser Bow and keel, a sudden message appeared over the refining area.

“There is no magic weapon for the instrument soul, it is recommended to refining with the soul, the degree of integration is high!”

“Soul ?!” Lin Hai couldn’t help but stunned, then surprised. true

Unexpectedly, there are still hints in this refiner area. This

It’s much better, otherwise let each and everyone take things to try the integration, you have to try crazy. only

But where is the soul? forest

Hai thought about it. The best way, I’m afraid I can only grab some Primordial Spirit of Demonic Beast and merge it.

“Well, pay attention in the future!”

Turning his head, Lin Hai moved towards Zhu Zizhen standing not far away, beckoning. “

the host! “

Zhu Zi grinned and laughed over. forest

The sea extends the hand, heavy pats Zhu Zi really shoulders. “

Old pig, good job! “

“Thanks for opening up this chaotic space!” Zhu

Son really scratched his head and laughed.

“Master, you have won the prize, but also the credit of those werewolves.”

The sea was nodded, followed by a serious note. “

You were credited for the werewolves’ credit. “”

So starting today, unless I summon you, don’t do anything! “”

With the werewolves, continue to open up the chaos space! “


Zhu Zizhen, who was praised and proud of himself, almost cried when he heard this. “

Master, also, have to open up! “

“Of course!” Lin Hai nodded, looking at Zhu Zizhen with a strange look. This

The chaotic space, after opening up, has both Hongmeng Purple Qi and the refining area. What a great thing! forest

How could the sea stop developing? “

Good job, promising! “forest

Regardless of the way Zhu Zi really cried out, and pats his shoulder, he said a word of encouragement, and drifted away with Xian’er.

Zhu Zizhen and the werewolves looked at Lin Hai’s back, and looked at the boundless chaos. Do not

As a result, everyone burst into tears.

Now, fuck is the hard labor that can’t see hope! return

In Xian’er’s cabin, Lin Hai lay comfortably on Xian’er’s fragrant wooden bed, unspeakable. This

The development of the sub-chaotic space, Lin Hai’s harvest, is really too big.

The refiner area is still second, so that Lin Hai really benefits, or that is Honghong Purple Qi.

Greater Five Elements Technique Needless to say, one of 3000 Avenue.

According to Xian’er, even most Divine Immortal in Heavenly Court does not have such a blessing and can control the avenue. and

I got it with no difficulty. except

In addition, a more direct gain is the cultivation base realm, which suddenly jumped from Deity Transformation Early Stage to the Great Ascension.

Great Ascension!

Lin Hai feels like dreaming, and when he wakes up, he is the Great Ascension! “

Xian’er, in just a few days, I became the respect of the Great Ascension, it was incredible. “”

Even, I feel extremely unreal. “forest

The sea looked like a dream, murmured moved towards Xian’er. “

How many days? “Sin

When the child heard it, it was a stun, and then he looked at Lin Hai in surprise and said softly. “

Master, are you wrong? “

“From the moment you refining Hongmeng Purple Qi, it has been 3 years and 6 months to date.” “

Oh, 3 years and 6 months … “Lin Hai nodded, and then his face changed dramatically, and he almost fell off the wooden bed. 蹭


At the next moment, Lin Hai just sat up, shocked, and looked at Xian’er, couldn’t believe it. “

Xian’er, what did you just say? “”

I refining that Hongmeng Purple Qi, refining for 3 years and 6 months? !! !! !! “

Xian’er is serious, moved towards Lin Hai nodded. “

Yeah, master, is there any problem? “

pu! Lin

The sea almost sprayed, this fuck, the problem is big!

I refining a Hongmeng Purple Qi, which was unconsciously, 3 and a half years passed?

This, this also isn’t this too ridiculous? from

It ’s been 3 years and 6 months. Ny

Ma, Lin Hai was distressed and suddenly felt a waste of life.

3 years and 6 months. For such a long time, the outside world has not yet known how many major events have occurred! forest

Hai quickly took out her phone, checked the date, and then paused!

I saw the date on the mobile phone, and the time displayed is really 3 years and 6 months later!

“Oh, I’ll go!”

Lin Hai suddenly put his forehead on his forehead and really didn’t know what to say.

For a moment, he was really unacceptable to this fact. Immortal

On the side, she was relieved softly.

“Master, Hongmeng Purple Qi and other Heaven and Earth sacred relics, you can successfully refining in 3 and a half years, it is a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again.” “

The so-called cultivation has no years. Many people just retreat for countless years. “”

The master just spent 3 and a half years, so why bother! “

Lin Hai was heavily sighed, and his face shook the head. “

Xian’er, I also know this truth, but it’s just a bit unsuitable! “turn

Looking at WeChat, Lin Hai was speechless. This

During the three and a half years, the news received was countless. it is good

Now, Xian’er has helped himself deal with it. only

However, Liu Ruyan’s message made Lin Hai feel guilty. Of

Liu Ruyan promised to meet in Titan City in the near future, but the delay was more than 3 years. From

In Liu Ruyan’s message, Lin Hai also felt the process from anticipation, doubt, and disappointment. “

Mad, it’s broken! “

Lin Hai smiled secretly, maybe Liu Ruyan had already regarded himself as a big liar. small

Confused fairy: Sorry, I refining a treasure before, I do n’t know when time has passed, I ’m so sorry for you (Behind is a guilty expression)

Lin Hai sent a message of apology to Liu Ruyan. After a while, Liu Ruyan responded.

Liu Ruyan: Are you finally out of customs? It’s not too late, do you remember the monument I mentioned to you?

Little confused: Naturally remember!

Liu Ruyan: The monument is still 3 months away and will be opened. Come to Titan City!

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