The Omiya lord suddenly looked up and looked at the huge wild boar illusory shadow above his head.

Just looking at the momentum of this wild boar, she has determined that Zhu Zi is really a cultivation base, and she is not weak at all!


There was a loud noise that deafened and the sky seemed to have been dropped by a blockbuster. The flashes of time suddenly splashed, the wind was erupted, and the call was terrible!

The huge wild boar illusory shadow collided with the palm print of the main palace master, as if two giant mountains collided together, shaking the entire space and shaking. boom

!! tight

Then, the wild boar illusory shadow crashed and shattered into dust, and a little bit of light bloomed in the air for a long time. and

The palm print of the main palace owner also gradually faded, cracked, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

The huge impact force shocked the two people, like a disconnected kite, and moved towards the rear and flew back. Hum


Behind the two of them, a halo appeared at the same time, constantly flashing rays of light, gradually dissolving the huge impact, and then stopped.

“Hehe, you little girl, you have some strength!” Zhu Zizhen’s eyes flashed, he looked at the main palace lord, grinned and said with a smile. Big

The palace master was more and more angry, without saying a word. Suddenly, the palm of the palm was pulled, and suddenly a sharp sword with purple rays of light appeared in his hands!

Shua! pause

In time, there seemed to be a flash of light in the sky, and it seemed that a crack had been cut in the space. with

At that time, a powerful murderous intention, with a sharp killing spirit, instantly fell on Zhu Zizhen. “

magic weapon! Zhu

Zizhen frowned suddenly, his smile froze suddenly and became extremely dignified.

The main sword of the Great Palace, pointed finger towards Zhu Zizhen, suddenly made Zhu Zizhen feel a fearful oppression.

In particular, the sharp edge bursting from the sword tip seemed to cut Zhu Zi really, and felt a sting all over! Do not

I also guessed that this long sword magic weapon has terrifying lethality in the hands of the Omiya master! “

kill! “

At this time, the main palace owner suddenly coldly shouted, and the long sword in his hand came out! Hum

!! under

For a moment, this long sword directly penetrated into the sky, the rays of light were magnificent, and countless purple glows dropped from the sky, as if countless sharp blades were moved towards Zhu Zizhen!

Zhu Zi really looked up suddenly, a flash of fierceness flashed in his eyes, hehe sneered. “

You have the magic weapon, but the pig grandfather? “


Suddenly, Zhu Zi suddenly opened her mouth wide and raised a loud roar!


Time, a ping-pong-sized red ball spurted out of Zhu Zizhen’s mouth!


As soon as the red sphere flew into the air, it suddenly burst into flames and crackled the air.

At the same time, in the sky, the violet wind erupted, and the fire suddenly moved towards 4 sides and 8 winds, spreading wildly! One

In the blink of an eye, the whole sky seemed to burn up, and the 7 star palace suddenly became a fire sea! “

No, everyone will withdraw! “a few

Seeing this, the palace master was crying out in surprise, and waved his hands quickly, directing Gu Yanxi to wait for the guard to flee!

After escaping the distance of 3 4 miles, she stopped bravely and moved towards the sky.

But I saw that the flames of the sky had already collided with the long sword magic weapon of Omiya Lord. One

Time, in the sky, the flames boiled, and in the flames, the sword light of purple appeared indistinctly, and the sound of the sword screamed from time to time. and

Zhu Zizhen and the Great Palace Master were all solemn at this moment, their hands clenched, and the blue tendons on their arms were exposed.

Obviously, I’m doing my best to engage in thrilling and crazy fighting techniques!

Lin Hai was also pulling Kou Yixuan into the distance at this moment, looking at these scenes, her eyes were shocked. “

Loose Immortal-level fighting is so horrible! “

“Just watching it, I feel the power of terrifying, as if it could be swallowed at any time!”

Lin Hai was shocked at the same time, could not help but open Heavenly Eye Technique, the fire source moved towards in the sky, which is the red Fire Core that Zhu Zizhen spit out.

“This is the true magic weapon of Zhu Zi, is Flaming Dan?” Lin

Hai remembered, however, that Zhu Zi was really fiery red, but it was sky fire, and the formidable power was extremely powerful. although

Although compared with their own Fire Phoenix, there is still a big gap, but it is also very threatening. seal

In the battle of the gods, Zhu Zizhen relied on the fiery red dandelion, but she suffered a lot of losses from her teaching. Big

Although the strength of the palace master is not weak, but it is really against the real fire of Zhu Zi. fruit

However, in the sky, Omiya’s long sword magic weapon was completely engulfed in flames, and the fire became more and more fierce.

Although the long sword magic weapon is also fighting to break through, but the rays of light of the purple are getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, with a slamming sound, the long sword magic weapon completely burst, turned into a purple glory, dissipated in the sky, and was completely devoured. “

what! !! !! “

The main magic weapon of the Omiya was destroyed, and a sudden scream was made, and a blood arrow sprayed out.

At the same time, the body shook for a while, as if being severely hit, and moved towards the rear and hurried back. boom


At this time, the flame of the sky was like life, and the move towards Omiya rushed over.


When it came to the top of the main palace’s head, the raging flame suddenly condensed and formed into a wild boar burning fire. wild

The pig roared, spitting out flames, moved towards the top of the main palace’s head, and swallowed violently! Big

When the palace master saw this, his eyes suddenly showed deep fear. she was

Life-Source Magical Treasure was destroyed and seriously injured. It is obviously impossible to resist the real attack of Zhu Zi!

“Big sister!” 7

When the other palace masters of the Star Palace saw this, they couldn’t help exclaiming, and they were dismayed.

Obviously, anyone can see that the Omiya Lord has no power against Zhu Zizhen. If

It was devoured by this flame-transfigured wild boar, and I am afraid to die on the spot! Big

The palace master is also anxious at this moment, in a crisis, he can no longer care about other things, and suddenly wipes on the Storage Ring, takes out an object, and throws it violently! “

disease! “


Suddenly, a 4-sided 6-Layer, palm-sized treasure tower was sacrifice by the main palace. treasure

As soon as the tower came out, they released 7 colorful brilliance, solemn treasures, and crushed on 4 sides, directly destroying the wild boars transformed into flames. versus

At the same time, the treasure tower zoomed in rapidly, like a 9-day mountain, with a heavy power like destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

When Zhu Zi really saw this, he couldn’t help but be shocked, and his eyes suddenly showed fear!

His fiery red, just after he achieved Loose Immortal, just tempered again.

Although formidable power can’t be underestimated, it is obviously still growing. It is totally different from the treasure tower that suddenly appeared in front of it.

If it is hit by a treasure tower, it will be damaged in a small way, and it will be destroyed in a serious way! can

Yes, this treasure tower has such a powerful impact. If Flaming Dan is recovered, Zhu Zizhen will be the target of the treasure tower attack.

With Zhu Zizhen looting the cultivation base of Loose Immortal, it is impossible to withstand the impact of such terrifying magic weapons, and he will lose his life!

“This is how to do!”

Suddenly, Zhu Zizhen’s cold sweats came out, and suddenly he fell into a dilemma.

“Fuck, it’s important to save your life, the magic weapon is destroyed, and re-cultivation is just that!”

At a critical moment, Zhu Zi couldn’t help but think about it, and clenched the teeth made a decision to abandon the car. No

There is a way to sacrifice the magic weapon of your hard refining! on

As Zhu Zizhen was about to abandon Fiery Red Dan and escape from the scene, a faint voice suddenly sounded in Zhu’s ear.

“Don’t panic, everything has me!”

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