As a Loose Immortal, Zhu Zizhen is already the most powerhouse Lin Hai has seen besides Xiao Ming City Lord.

Undoubtedly, it is also Lin Hai’s best bodyguard. Do not

However, he is not needed now, but in the pot of refining the demon, he can make a little difference.

The chaotic space opened by the werewolves is extremely slow. Zhu

Zizhen opened up with the strength of Loose Immortal. I think it should be much more efficient than the werewolves. “

Well, if something comes out to be a thug, nothing will go in to be a coolie. This arrangement is too reasonable! “

Lin Hai was very satisfied with nodded, and since then Comrade Zhu Zizhen’s work allocation problem was clarified.

“A’hua, you dead dog, what are you doing?” Lin

Hai leisurely lay on the bed, communicating with A’hua through thoughts.

“In the bath, wa ha ha ha, whoops, drool came out!” Lin

Hay had a black face all over his face. This dead dog was so enjoyable! Do not

By asking, Lin Hai can also guess who A’hua is bathing with. “

Explain your task, how is it done? Asked Lin Hai.

“Father, are you talking about taking you to the 7th house?” “

That’s right! Lin Hai secretly nodded, this dead dog is quite reliable at critical moments, without being completely obsessed with femininity, forgetting the business.

“Father, beautiful girl Murong said, 7 Star Palace does not allow men to enter.”

“Aren’t you going to change shape, or else you become my handsome and mix in with Murong Damei?”

pu! Lin

After listening to the sea, I almost vomited.

Fuck, what do you mean, make big brother a dog?

Don’t say that big brother will not change, and even if it does, it will definitely not do it! “

Do you have no other choice? “Lin Hai said dissatisfied.”

Murong Damei Niu is not in a high status in the 7th Star Palace. She can’t do it if she wants to bring a man in. “

“However, I can persuade her and let her take you to the sect of the 7th Star Palace. As to whether you can go in, it’s up to you!” Lin

Hai thought about it, and there seemed to be no other way. real

If it doesn’t work, just open and aboveboard to the 7th Star Palace, and go to the door to meet the 7 palace masters.

Just asking about one thing, they can’t always start with themselves, right?

With this in mind, Lin Hai told A’hua by thought.

“Communicate with Murong Yanran, take me to the 7th Star Palace as soon as possible, I will go to the palace owner myself!”

“Oh, rest assured father, I’ll do it for you!”

Disconnected from A’hua, Lin Hai could not help exhales one mouthful of impure air.

If the owner of the 7th Star Palace doesn’t tell himself that there is no sky alliance, what should he do?

Suddenly, Lin Hai had a headache. this

I thought that when I arrived in the Red Jade Kingdom, I could easily hear the news of the skyless alliance. No

The mysterious thought of Wutianmeng’s fame is completely unexpected. Ding


Just as Lin Hai thought about how to ask the 7 star palace master, WeChat suddenly rang.

I took out my phone and saw that it was actually from the East China Sea Dragon King.

Tokai Dragon King: ha ha ha ha, Shangxian, your previous strategy is really wonderful! (Behind is a happy expression) Lin

Seeing the sea, it is slightly smiled, an unexpected look. small

Confused: Why, convince the Supreme Taoist? east

Hailong King: Persuaded and persuaded, really didn’t expect it to be so smooth. I mentioned the plan to Laojun. He said nothing if he said nothing and immediately agreed.

Little confused: But if the profit is shared, I am afraid that it will be changed from at least 5 5 points to 3 70%, right? You 3, he 7! east

Hailong King: Xianyou, how do you know? You’re very awesome, guess how accurate! (A row of shocked expressions behind) Lin

Hai shook his mouth slightly, revealing his disdain.

He doesn’t understand others, Lin Hai is not clear about Supreme Taoist? Have

Not cheap, that’s not Supreme Taoist.

Little confused: everything is in the expectation of this fairy! (Behind is an expression of found mystery) Dong

King of Dragons: But Supreme Taoist also made a lot of good suggestions. I feel that if all of them are implemented, I am afraid I will get rich! (Behind is a drooling expression) Xiao

Confused: Don’t worry, follow Supreme Taoist, it’s not normal to get rich! east

King of Dragons: haha, who said no, Daxian, I’m going to Zhang Luo to open a business now, without disturbing you, I think there will be countless merit points soon, and I will be continuously excited, I will not be excited. ah ha ha ha! forest

Seeing the East China Sea Dragon King happy to be like this, helplessly shook the head. This

old dragon king, really easy to satisfy. versus

Supreme Taoist 3 is 70% cheaper, so Supreme Taoist has taken it up, and he can be happy to be like this.

Ding dong!

The conversation with the Dragon King of the East China Sea just ended, and Lin Hai’s WeChat rang again.

“Well, it’s the God of Wealth!”

Lin Hai could not help but smile. God of fortune has cooperated with himself, but has not vomited blood in the group for a long time. hit

Opening Wechat on God of Wealth, Lin Hai glanced. fiscal

God: I heard a top secret message. 4 The Dragon King is going to partner with Supreme Taoist to engage in a theme park! (Behind is a boo expression)

Alas, the top secret news!

Lin Hai shook his head, silently shook the head.

The planning of this theme park is big brother, okay?

Little confused: What then? forest

The sea was curious, and God of Wealth said to himself what he wanted to do.

God of Wealth: It is said that the name of the theme park is called the big navigator, and within 4 seas, random sailing is not allowed!

Little confused: Well, you continue to say! fiscal

God: I heard that Supreme Taoist is going to lay down the Formula on the edge of the 4 seas, prohibiting anyone from entering, if you want to go sailing, you need to buy a ticket! small

Confused: Well, collecting tickets to earn merit, this is normal!

God of Wealth: You think too simple. I heard that the ticket is only a very small expense. The key is that there are 2 purchases inside, and there are many tricks and endless fun. It is more interesting than just sailing! “

That’s natural! “

Lin Hai was a moment of pride. Anyway, buddy is also a great young man in the 21st century in the world. especially

Since it is rich, which of the major tourist attractions and playgrounds in the country has not been visited?

Those attractions that make tourists spend money on spending, it’s just five spend Eight Sects, countless! forest

Hai randomly chooses a few and teaches them to the East Sea Dragon King.

God of Wealth: Xianyou, let me tell you, the head of Mu Tou of the Dragon King of the East China Sea can’t think of such a brilliant idea, it must be thought of by Supreme Taoist, because this method is so wicked!


Lin Hai almost vomited after reading this message. Ny

M, this is the way the buddies come up with it. Why is it lacking in morality? This

A bad luck God of fortune, the mouth is really bad, big brother wishes you vomit blood every day! small

Confused: I think it’s okay, this is also a normal business model!

Lin Hai resisted the urge to knock the god of fortune out and justified himself. fiscal

God: What’s the matter, it’s a meritorious point, these two old fellows, this time they must make a profit! (Behind is an unhappy expression)

Little confused: Are you jealous? (A blank-eyed expression is behind)

God: I’m not jealous. I’m just angry. In the era of great sailing, I brought it up with “One Piece”. They used my achievements to earn merit points. Why didn’t they take me?

Ding dong!

system News: Wealth and fortune are plagued by heart attack, hematemesis is injured, and Daoxing is reduced by 10 years. “

Uh … hahaha! Lin Hai first froze, then laughed suddenly. Neh

Ma, this god of fortune is really a terrible one! This

Can vomit blood too, really no one!

Little confused: It’s useless to vomit blood, just say, what do you want?

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