“A bigger surprise?”

Loose Immortal Demonic beast for a moment, looked at Lin Hai with some confusion, apparently did not understand what Lin Hai said about the bigger surprise, what it meant.

Lin Hai slightly smiled, and didn’t make nonsense, just took Shape Transformation out. “

What is this? “

Loose Immortal Demonic beast glanced at the Shape Transformation grass in Lin Hai’s palm, and asked blankly.

“这是Shape Transformation 草,吃下它可以让你不用等到渡过第3 次Heavenly Tribulation ,提前Shape Transformation !”“

Really? !! “Loose Immortal Demonic beast heard, suddenly cry out in surprise, full of excitement. People

Classes are the spirit of all things. As a demonic beast, how can you not want to be able to incarnation yourself? only

However, this wish is too difficult to achieve, 99% of the demonic beast, never dare to think for a lifetime. which is

It was Loose Immortal Demonic beast, which was fortunately spared under Heavenly Tribulation, and became Loose Immortal.

But for Shape Transformation, it’s still something that I can’t even dream of. Of course

However, Lin Hai now tells him that after eating this Shape Transformation grass, he can immediately Shape Transformation.

until now A dream that is difficult to reach is so easy to realize. How can Loose Immortal Demonic beast not be excited? forest

Hai looked excited at Loose Immortal Demonic beast, it was slightly smiled, differly said. “

Do you think I need to lie to you? “

“Eat or not, you decide!”

“Eat, I’ll eat!” Lin Hai said in a hurry, Loose Immortal Demonic beast said quickly.

He had no doubts about Lin Hai’s words.

As Lin Hai said, there was no need to lie to him.

After all, the moment he was put into the demon pot, life was in Lin Hai’s hands.

If Lin Hai wants to harm him, he only needs a single thought, so why bother?

As soon as he reached out, Loose Immortal Demonic beast took Shape Transformation grass directly from Lin Hai’s hand. Follow

Then, open your mouth and swallow it!

As soon as Shape Transformation entered the grass, it instantly turned into juice and flowed into the inside of the Loose Immortal Demonic beast. Hum


The next moment, Loose Immortal Demonic beast’s huge body fluttered, and then his eyes were widened suddenly!


紧接着,Loose Immortal Demonic beast 一声大吼,全身rays of light 大盛,激射4 方。同

At that time, Loose Immortal Demonic beast suddenly curled up and lay on the ground.

Subsequently, the huge body was reduced at a speed that was visible to naked eyes!

In less than a minute, the body of Loose Immortal Demonic beast has become the size of a normal person.

Lin Hai pupils shrank, with a touch of shock, looked towards Loose Immortal Demonic beast on the ground. but

See, the previous Demonic beast has disappeared, and the man curled up on the ground is a middle-aged man!

“So amazing!” Lin

The sea is full of wonders and wonders.

This is also the first time Lin Hai has seen Demonic beast Shape Transformation and become a person.

At this time, the rays of light of Loose Immortal’s body gradually disappeared and disappeared. Whoosh


Loose Immortal Demonic beast, already in Shape Transformation on the ground, jumped up and jumped from the ground.

Then, with a deep unbelievable and violent ecstasy, he looked at himself carefully, and immediately shivered with excitement.

“Haha, ha ha ha ha!” “

Shape Transformation is really happening, I have become a human form, ha ha ha ha! !! !! “

After laughing, Loose Immortal took deep excitement and gratitude, moved towards Lin Hai one-knee kneels! “

Thank you Master, remaking grace! !! !! “forest

The Shape Transformation grass of the sea, let him take off the skin of the Demonic beast, Shape Transformation is a man. This

For Ende, for Loose Immortal Demonic beast, it must definitely be re-created!

“You’re welcome, get up!” Lin

Faintly smiled, a True Yuan gently lifted Loose Immortal.

Then, with a hint of curiosity, Lin Hai looked up and down to Loose Immortal of Shape Transformation.

Looking at the age, Loose Immortal looks like a middle-aged man in his 40s, tall and mighty, with a bad face, giving a fierce feeling.

“Come!” Lin

Hai Qing sang, and the air shook, and a man’s clothes appeared out of thin air.

“Since Shape Transformation, let’s just be shameful and put on your clothes!” “

Yes, Thank you Master! “Loose Immortal grabbed the clothes, and put them on with curiosity and clumsiness.”

haha, it looks so good! “

Looking at his clothes, Loose Immortal was pleasantly surprised again. “

By the way, what are you demonic beast? Lin Hai asked suddenly.

“I’m a wild boar!”


Loose Immortal’s words almost made Lin Hai sit on the ground with his butt.

“What the hell do you say you are a boar?”

Lin Hai asked with a deep suspicion on his face.

“Yes, master, is there a problem?” Loose Immortal looked blank. “

No no! Lin Hai waved his hand, but it was a shock on his face, but he couldn’t let it go for a long time.

Ma, really didn’t expect, this buddy is actually a wild boar! This

As a result, Lin Hai was too surprised.

Before Loose Immortal was a demonic beast, it was too huge, Lin Hai couldn’t see the whole picture at all.

Coupled with the goods with their legs upright, tall and mighty, Lin Hai didn’t even associate with pigs. “

Unexpected, too unexpected! “forest

There was a bitter smile in Haixin’s heart, and finally he received a great expert at the level of Loose Immortal, but he was a pig!

Although Lin Hai does not discriminate against pigs, he cannot connect pigs to powerful ones.

“So, what’s your name?” Lin

With a trace of silence, Hai continued to ask. “

My name is Zhu Zizhen! “

“Oh, Zhu Zizhen … what a fuck !!!” Lin Hai muttered, and then his face suddenly changed.

“You, you, you just said, what’s your name ?!” Lin Hai asked with a look of shock. “

Zhu Zizhen! Loose Immortal was aggressive, weakly replied.

“Well, I’ll go, your name is Zhu Zizhen?” Lin Hai couldn’t calm down all of a sudden. “

Who gets your name for you? Lin Hai asked again in shock.

“I don’t know!” Zhu Zizhen shook the head, and then there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

“I just know, my name is Zhu Zizhen, yes, I’m Zhu Zizhen!”

Zhu Zi really thought about it, and then was extremely sure and heavily nodded. “

Fuck, wouldn’t it be so coincident? “

Lin Hai stunned his head, completely shocked.

It is a wild boar, also called Zhu Zizhen, is it really it? “

What skills will you have? Lin Hai asked again hurriedly.

Zhu Zizhen grinned, and said with great pride. “

I’ve cultivated a magic weapon called Fire Red Dan, absorb Sun and Moon Essence, achieve the power of the sky fire, and release everything to burn everything! “puff

!! listen

After Zhu Zi’s true words, Lin Hai almost sprayed on the spot.

Then, with a deep imagination, Lin Hai pointed at Zhu Zizhen, incredible.

“Zhu Zizhen, the prototype is a wild boar, the magic weapon is Fiery Red Dan, fuck, really you!”

Zhu Zizhen looked blank, and looked at Lin Hai with a doubt in his face. “

Master, have you known me before? But why am I not impressed by you? “forest

Hai did not answer what Zhu Zi really asked, but asked again with shock. “

Where is your cultivation, but Meishan? “

When Zhu Zizhen heard it, he was surprised and suddenly nodded. “

Yeah, I was cultivation in Meishan, how do you know the master? Do you really know me before? “


Lin Hai stood on the spot all at once, shocked and incredible. Ny

Mama, never run away!

This cargo cliff is one of the Seven Devils of Plum Mountain killed by Erlang Shen Yang Jian in Fengshen Romance.

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