“Reporting back to master, Loose Immortal has already served, and now kneels outside the door!” ”

it is good! “Lin Hai is nodded with satisfaction. Think

Before the dignified lady of Xian’er’s gracefulness, she really convinced the big man Loose Immortal.

At the beginning, Lin Hai was a little worried that Xian’er wouldn’t be ruthless. Walking

Stepping forward, Lin Hai walked out of the wood house and saw Loose Immortal at the door, kneeling on the ground covered in dirt. “

Met the host! “One

Seeing Lin Hai come out, Loose Immortal has long lost her previous concubine, and respectfully moved towards Lin Hai paid respect. forest

The sea looked cold, coldly snorted, differly said.

“Do you want me to look up and talk to you?”

“Dare not dare!” Loose Immortal shivered and responded immediately.

Then, with a bang, he lay directly in front of Lin Hai.

However, even so, his huge skull was two stories high.

Lin Hai wanted to talk to him and had to look up at him. This

Now, I can lose Loose Immortal, and I’m at a loss for a while, I don’t know what to do.

“Master, look, my head is too big, here, this …”

Lin Hai resisted the urge to laugh, and still looked majestic on the surface, differently said.

“Well, that’s it!” “

I heard that you changed your mind? Not ready to continue talking to me? “

Loose Immortal listened, grinned, and almost cried. “

The master, who was previously arrogant and conceited, annoyed the master. “”

From now on, the subordinates must only look at the owner, and the owner says East, I will never go west! “”

Well, that’s ridiculous! Lin Hai nodded with his hands on his back, “Get up! “”

Yes! “

Loose Immortal hurriedly got up from the ground, but just stood up, but made a snoring sound and knelt down again. forest

Hai frowned, some dissatisfied. “

Didn’t you say that I got you up? Why are you kneeling again? “San

Xian burst into tears, grinning and crying.

“Master, it’s not that I don’t want to get up, but that I can’t get up.”

“My legs have been discounted by Xian’er!”


Lin Hai almost spit upon hearing this.

“What the hell, are your legs discounted by Xian’er?” Lin Hai asked, unbelievably.

“Yeah, comminuted fracture, it’s all bones!” Loose Immortal wiped his tears, aggrieved.

Yu Yiqinxicai Shanbenguishe

Hai eyes immediately stared at the boss, almost unbelievable.

Really can’t see it, Xian’er Wenwen’s quiet little girl shot so aggressively!

No wonder this Loose Immortal suddenly became so honest that he became disabled for a long time? “

Yes, Xian’er! “

Lin Hai turned his head, and couldn’t help but moved towards Xian’er, gave him a thumbs up, and praised in surprise.

Xian’er heard it, and immediately the pretty face became red and shy. “

The master’s order was to hold on until he knelt down for mercy. “”

Xian’er was afraid that the owner would wait too long and was anxious, so he used this most direct method. “

“Broken his leg bones, he naturally knelt down.”

“Ha ha ha ha, Xian’er, You’re quite something!” Lin Hai laughed loudly.

Xian’er this move, although hard enough, has to say that Xian’er is really cute. Do not

After that, Lin Hai suddenly froze after laughing, then looked at Loose Immortal and asked in surprise. “

I remember, aren’t you the Primordial Spirit? How can there be bones? “San

Xian shrunk his neck, weakly. “

Heavenly Tribulation is baptism of fleshhy body and soul. Even if it fails to become Loose Immortal, it will quickly regenerate fleshhy body. “

“That’s what happened!” Lin Hai was surprised, nodded.

Loose Immortal, at this moment, suddenly asked with a look of pleading, begging Lin Hai.

“Master, sister Xian’er said, you have the ability to regenerate my bones, is it true?”

“Also ask the host to show mercy and heal my legs. I don’t want to be a cripple!”

“Eh …” Lin Hai froze and then smiled.

Then I realized why Loose Immortal suddenly became so honest. It turned out to be asking for myself!

“Come!” Lin Hai followed Beckoned, and the needle bag fell into his hands. “

Now that you have submitted to me, I will naturally heal you! “forest

Hai said, taking out the gold needle, and then dunking it into Loose Immortal’s leg at a dazzling speed. Hum

!! pause

Time, a hazy halo, appeared over the gold needles.

There were hundreds of gold needles, a slight tremor, as if there was a thick warm current, flowing into Loose Immortal’s legs.

“Don’t move, after 3 days, your broken bones will heal!” “

Thank you Master! “Loose Immortal heard it, and immediately rejoiced, moved towards Lin Hai, thank you very much!”

Ok! “

Lin Hai majestic nodded, returned to the wooden house of Xian’er. “

Xian’er, you are a trick, really Old Daoist! “forest

Hai sat on the bed and moved towards Xian’er, holding his shoulders for himself, said playfully.

Xian’er pretty face is red, softly with a smile. “

Xian’er had followed his first master and experienced countless battles. “

“No wonder!” Lin Hai nodded, otherwise, Xian’er’s little beauty, how could it be done just right. “

Fortunately, you just caused the illusion of Loose Immortal’s broken bones, otherwise I really don’t have the ability to regenerate the broken bones. “forest

Hai smiled bitterly and laughed at himself. although

However, Lin Hai 鈥檚 medical technique, inheritance from Iron Crutch Li 鈥檚 medicine king inheritance, is extremely brilliant. but

It is the rebirth of broken bones, which is already an unconventional method, which cannot be achieved by medical techniques alone. “

Xian’er, you have become a wicked person, but you have created opportunities for me to be kind to Loose Immortal. “

“The master is overpraised, this is what Xian’er should do.” Xian’er can not help but be a hit. “

Master, are you ready to take Loose Immortal with you? “Sin

The child asked with a smile while holding his shoulders for Lin Hai.

“I have the idea.” Lin Hai nodded, but quickly frowned. “

But this Loose Immortal was too big, and it was too eye-catching to take him out. “

“Moreover, I took Loose Immortal from Kou Yixuan’s hands. It wouldn’t be great if Kou Yixuan ran into it!” Xian

When the child heard it, Dai Mei frowned and whispered softly. “

Loose Immortal’s shape is indeed a problem. “

“Unfortunately, only after Loose Immortal of 3 robbers can Shape Transformation, and he is far from 3 robbers.”

“Shape Transformation?” Lin Hai heard it, hesitated, and looked at Xian’er a little bit puzzled.

“Xian’er, what do you mean by Shape Transformation?” Xian

The child smiled and explained to Lin Hai patiently.

“Everything that is a Demonic beast Transcending Tribulation, once successful, is in Celestial Immortal, you can take off your skin and Shape Transformation is a man!”

And the Transcending Tribulation fails to become Loose Immortal, only after becoming 3 Loose Immortal, can this ability! “”

Oh? “Lin Hai couldn’t help but be surprised.”

Xian’er, do you mean that this Loose Immortal Demonic beast can become like a human? “

“Yes!” Xian’er nodded, “but you have to wait for him to spend 3 Heavenly Tribulations.”

“Shape Transformation! Become human!” Lin

The heart of the sea was suddenly sealed. This

This was the first time he heard about Shape Transformation. although

However, according to Xian’er, Loose Immortal Demonic beast wants Shape Transformation and needs to successfully go through Heavenly Tribulation twice.

But Lin Hai didn’t care.

In Lin Hai’s view, the situation that Xian’er was talking about was just the usual way. but

Who is Lin Hai? Yes

What a mess to talk to Divine Immortal in Heavenly Court!

He didn’t believe that for a Shape Transformation of Loose Immortal, those Heavenly Court bosses, there would be no way to take a shortcut! One

Once Loose Immortal Demonic beast becomes a human, it is so convenient to follow your side! miss you

At this point, Lin Hai took out his phone directly, opened WeChat, and found Sun Wukong!

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