“Demonic beast crossing the Heavenly Tribulation !!!” Lin

As soon as Hai thought of the word Heavenly Tribulation, he was immediately dying. day

Jie, Lin Hai used to watch the scenes of Heavenly Tribulation when he was reading novels. Cross

Heavenly Tribulation, it can be said that nine deaths and still alive, the winner is soared to fairy, the loser is destroy both body and soul.

The lucky loser is the destruction of the fleshhy body, and the Primordial Spirit gets tempering, achieving Loose Immortal. but

Regardless of success and failure, if you can reach the Heavenly Tribulation level, that is already the master of the most Peak. to

Less, Lin Hai has been among everyone he knows since he practiced. except

With the exception of Kunlun World Lord of found mystery and Xiao Ming City Lord of the Forgotten City, no one has reached such a height. which is

It is as strong as Demon Venerable, but it is also Great Ascension Great Perfection. There is still a gap between crossing Heavenly Tribulation and Heaven. can

I didn’t expect. Today, because of curiosity, I entered this deadly blocked mountain range and actually saw a rare scene of Demonic beast crossing Heavenly Tribulation. This

It made Lin Hai really excited and nervous.

According to Dao Scripture’s record about Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Tribulation, which turns into fairy, is the smallest Heavenly Tribulation, which is a total of 9 Divine Thunders.

Today, this unknown Demonic beast has suffered two sky mines, and it is not known whether it will survive in the end. One

Once the Transcending Tribulation is successful, then Lin Hai is today to witness the birth of a Celestial Immortal!

ka! this

At that time, the clouds rolled and another Divine Thunder fell. This

third Sky Thunder, more than twice as thick as the previous two, is even more terrifying!

“Roar !!!!”

When the beast saw Divine Thunder fall, a terrifying roar was issued, and finally there was a hint of fear in the voice. boom


Divine Thunder took the terrible strength of Thunder, and suddenly strikes on Demonic beast. under

For a moment, Demonic beast flew, fleshhy body 40% 5 split, destroyed directly by Divine Thunder! “

Finished, failed! “

Lin Hai watched from a distance, a murmur in his heart, and even a sorrowful emotion came up. This

Demon Beast, can reach the point of crossing the Heavenly Tribulation, I do not know how many years of cultivation, how many sufferings. miss you

No, it ended in such an end.

If Primordial Spirit cannot get tempering and become Loose Immortal, then waiting for him will be destroy both body and soul!

“roar! !!”

Demonic beast uttered another tragic roar, and Primordial Spirit emerged from the broken fleshhy body. Click


Another Divine Thunder fell and moved straight towards the top of Demonic beast Primordial Spirit’s head. Demon

In the eyes of the beast Primordial Spirit, fear and unwillingness suddenly appeared.

The Transcending Tribulation failed, and it has forever lost its chance of achieving Celestial Immortal. and

This time, Divine Thunder slashed directly at its Primordial Spirit. yuan

God is cowardly. Once he cannot bear this Divine Thunder, he will disappear forever in this world. “

roar!! !! “Demon

The beast carried a deep unyielding, and the heaven sent out angry roar.

Subsequently, the Primordial Spirit rushed straight up, moved towards the falling Divine Thunder, and crashed away in a frantic way! One

The sorrowful breath was instantly released in the Demonic beast Primordial Spirit.

At this moment, even if the Demonic beast is dead, he will die vigorously, and never give in to Thunder!

ka! god

Thunder relentlessly fell on the Demonic beast Primordial Spirit. The Demonic beast Primordial Spirit suddenly stiffened, and the momentum of forward stagnation stopped. Follow

Later, the crazy moved towards the ground fell, and the entire body almost became transparent.

Wow! day

The empty thick clouds suddenly dispersed, exposing the hot sun.

As if the previous thunderbolt never appeared, everything was quiet again.

Lin Hai stood awkwardly in the distance, like a woodcarving clay sculpture, and could not calm down for a long time. “

Heavenly Tribulation, is it over? “

“Then Demonic beast, dead?”

With a touch of pity, Lin Hai sighed.

“Heavenly Dao is ruthless, the home of the cultivator is far less perfect than mortal imagined!” But

Then Lin Hai did look for a moment, and then a sudden flash of rays of light flashed in his eyes.

“No, that Demonic beast, not dead!”

Lin Hai took a deep shock, and looked towards the place where the moved towards Demonic beast disappeared. but

On the ground, an extremely thin, nearly transparent shadow seemed to be wriggling. If

You can’t even detect it yourself!

“That is, Primordial Spirit of Demonic beast !!!” Lin

The sea pump suddenly shrank, suddenly stunned, my heart was pounding!

Demonic beast Primordial Spirit, survived the Thunder Tribulation. Of course

However, Heavenly Tribulation has dispersed, does that mean that this Primordial Spirit has undergone Thunder Tribulation tempering and has been sublimated! “

Loose Immortal! !! !! “

Suddenly, Lin Hai’s mind popped up with two words, which made Lin Hai stunned at the spot! Such as

If Lin Hai’s analysis is good, this Demon Beast will become Loose Immortal!

“Haha, heaven helps me !!!”

Just as Lin Hai was in a daze, a laugh came suddenly. Follow

Later, the one silhouette of the uncle, the Primordial Spirit that moved extremely towards the Demonic beast, rushed over.

In the blink of an eye, I stood in front of the Demonic beast Primordial Spirit.

“Loose Immortal? Ha ha ha ha ha, it’s my turn!”

This person suddenly shot, transfigured a group of purple rays of light, and moved towards the seriously wounded Demonic beast Primordial Spirit.

“Roar !!!!”

When the beast Primordial Spirit saw this, he uttered an unwilling roar, and looked desperate!

Today, he has experienced Thunder Tribulation tempering, and although Transcending Tribulation has failed, he has become Loose Immortal. only

Give him a few days to restore Peak power. To

At that time, with the power of Loose Immortal, you can wave this hand in front of the immortal dao Supreme Destroys And Slaughters. can

Unfortunately, this man took advantage of his danger, at this time, and shot him, leaving him with the realm of Loose Immortal, but without the ability to fight back.

This feeling of powerless humiliation made Demonic beast Primordial Spirit, which had become Loose Immortal, almost unwilling to go crazy. Chirp

!! eye

Looking at this immortal dao Paragon, he will hold the Demoic beast Primordial Spirit that has become Loose Immortal.

Suddenly, a sharp sky-splitting sound started, and then a horrific force came suddenly. “

who? “

The immortal dao Paragon was taken aback, hurriedly withdrew, and at the same time moved towards the rear to retreat, only to survive the blow. Hum


Ripples flashed in the air, a pampered young master dressed in Tsing Yi, holding a folding fan, appeared in front of him.

“This Loose Immortal, it’s my turn, get out!”

The young master of the folding fan was gloomy, moved towards the immortal dao Paragon, coldly snorted. “

Hmm, what the hell do you want, want this Loose Immortal, just by the ability! “


With that said, the immortal dao Paragon suddenly shot, and moved towards the folding fan Young Master attacked. “

courting death! “fold

Fan Young Master’s face changed, and he waved the fan, and suddenly numerous needles flew out.

In an instant, the two men fought together, making it difficult to compete!

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ Shua!

At this moment, more than a dozen silhouettes arrived, and the cultivation base realm was all immortal dao Paragon!

As soon as this group appeared, they didn’t say a word, they shot one after another, moved towards Loose Immortal, rushed, ready to snatch!

However, how can other people let others do the same, wave their arms for a while, use the tactics to stop the robbers. boom

bang bang bang! drama

The violent Taoist impact sounded through the sky and lasted forever. This

These people restrained each other, and for a while they became a ball, and no one could snatch Loose Immortal in their hands. Of course

However, the aftermath of this horrible fight fell on Loose Immortal, but it made him the already fragile Primordial Spirit again damaged, and it was on the verge of dissipating!

“roar! !!”

Loose Immortal uttered an unwilling and hateful roar, looking desperate. Such as

If he died like that, he might as well just be stabbed to death by Heavenly Tribulation.


Just as everyone was fighting, a blue shadow suddenly appeared beside Loose Immortal out of thin air. Follow

Then he reached out and caught Loose Immortal in his hand. “

No, Loose Immortal was robbed! “

“Fuck, somebody the early bird catches the worm!” This

The group of immortal dao Paragons fighting was furious and stopped to move towards the people. but

See an iceberg woman in a blue dress, like Celestial Immortal, holding Loose Immortal in her palm.

“Give up Loose Immortal!”

The group of immortal dao Paragons screamed and scolded, and immediately surrounded the blue clothed woman. “

Want Loose Immortal, see if you guys have this ability! “Blue clothed woman’s voice is not loud, but she is domineering, no doubt!”

Courting death ! ”

“Destroy her first!” This

The group of immortal dao Paragon, all angered, and moved towards blue clothed woman rushed over. blue

Skirt woman complexion turned cold, a murderous intention flashed in her eyes. just

I wanted to take a shot, but suddenly the lovable body shuddered, with a deep horror, and moved towards my hands.

Then, shocked to find that Loose Immortal in his hand was gone! !! !!

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