“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Xia Houchuan held medicine pill in his hand and couldn’t help but burst into a proud laugh. Follow

Then he turned around and looked at Lin Hai’s disdainful sneer.

“Lin Hai, what else can you say?” “

If I give in now, and promise to join my Pill Dao sect, and be a bottom-level Dantong, I can never blame you and spare you the crime of sect! “

Lin Hai blinked, like Xia Houchuan, and said differently.

“What are you laughing at?”

“A trivial Grade 9 medicine pill. It has been practiced 3 times before it succeeded. Do you still have a smile?” “

Do you treat shame as glorious? “puff

!! forest

As soon as Hai said this, everyone was almost lying on the ground. Ny

Ma, that ’s Grade 9 medicine pill. It has been refined 3 times, and that ’s the Grandmaster Rank. throw

people? Not at all! summer

Hou Chuan was even more anxious and laughed, and moved towards Lin Hai for a while without words.

“Lin Hai, I don’t think you hit the south wall or look back!”

“Three successful times are shameful? OK, if you don’t agree with you!” “

Don’t say 3 times. If you succeed 30 times, I will lose! “

Xia Houchuan was furious. He normally refined Grade 9 medicine pill, and at least once, it took ten or seven times to succeed.

Since Cheng Dan has been played three times, Xia Houchuan himself even thinks it can be described as perfect.

But Lin Hai’s words almost crooked his nose. 3

This success is shameful, why do you come once!

Xia Houchuan did not believe that Lin Hai was younger than he was. very

So far, he doesn’t think Lin Hai has the ability to refine Grade 9 medicine pill. “

30 times? “Lin Hai froze, then shyly shook the head, said differently.”

If it takes 9 times to make Grade 30 medicine pill, isn’t it the same as you? “Say

After that, Lin Hai raised a finger directly. “

Only once is enough! “

“If you don’t succeed in a refining, I will lose!”

“What ?!” Lin Hai’s words surprised everyone, and then they looked scornful.

Refining Grade 9 medicine pill, will it be successful again? Ny

Mama, Lin Hai is a little bit arrogant. Is he ready to give up?

“Haha, I have seen crazy, I have never seen you so crazy!” Xia Houchuan even laughed directly.

“If you can succeed once, I’ll eat shit live!” Lin

Immediately before the eyes of the sea brightened, he couldn’t help laughing, pointing at Xiahouchuan Road. “

This is what you said, everyone heard it! “

“I said, if you have the ability, you can make Grade 9 medicine pill for me at once!” Xia Houchuan blackened and roared.

Lin Hai’s arrogance and contempt really annoyed him and lost his mind.

“Okay, then you open your eyes and see clearly!” Om

!! forest

Hai Huayin landed, and suddenly took out Laojun furnace and put it in front of him. “

This is … Laojun furnace! !! !! “old

The moment the King Furnace was taken out, Xia Houchuan was complexion greatly changed and issued cry out in surprise! “

Lin Hai, how could Laojun Furnace be in your hands! !! !! “

Xiahouchuan screamed, her voice was a bit distorted.

In my heart, there is a heaven overflowing giant wave, and countless thoughts rush out.

Lin Hai saw Xia Houchuan’s reaction, but she was sneering, which was already expected.

“You don’t care about this, you just look at me, once Chengdan!” Said

After that, Lin Hai sprayed the flame in the palm of his hand while throwing herbs one by one into the Laojun furnace. Refine

The Grade 9 medicine pill system, Lin Hai’s success rate is already 100%. The entire refining process, like flowing clouds and casually, looks extremely smooth. “

Fuck, cooking again! “

The disciples of Pill Dao are completely dumbfounded. No

I thought that even when refining Grade 9 medicine pill, Lin Hai threw all the herbs into it, and did not follow the routine. This

Fuck, are you playing?

However, ten minutes later, the thick danxiang suddenly disappeared!

“Get up!”

Lin Hai a light shout, the lid of the Laojun furnace flew up, and ten medicine pills containing huge energy appeared in the hands of Lin Hai in an instant.


Lin Hai put away the Laojun furnace, and then held the medicine pill in his hand, moved towards the stunned Pill Dao sects, indifferently said.

“Who can come forward and identify?”

When Pill Dao’s disciplines heard the sound, they were taken aback and woke up from the shock. Ny

Ma, this, this is made? also

Is it ten at a time?

Lin Hai, isn’t it going to be a 4 Grade 5 medicine pill? band

With deep doubt, the previous high-level executive walked up to Lin Hai again.

With one hand out, pick up a medicine pill and examine it carefully. Knot

As a result, the more the senior looked more and more excited, and the more shocked his face became, the more he shook with excitement.

“Grade 9 medicine pill, it’s Grade 9 medicine pill !!!” This

While talking, the executives shook their hands and checked the remaining 9 medicine pills. Follow

Then, with a deep incredible, shouted in surprise.

“All Grade 9 medicine pill, ten of them!”

“Lin Hai, really is pill concocting genius! Shaking the ancient and present, unique and unmatched !!!” Coax

!! This

As soon as the words of the high-level executives came out, the disciples of Pill Dao were immediately confused.

Ten Dan 9 Grade XNUMX medicine pill at a time, this is actually true! pause

In time, the eyes of these Pill Dao sect disciples who were immersed in pill concocting all day, looked towards Lin Hai, all changed. this

At the moment, they no longer have hostility, but instead have deep worship and respect in their eyes!

Most of these Pill Dao sects are like Jin Shuo Wang Xu. They are pure-minded, disdainful of rivers and lakes, and only pursue pill concocting.

Lin Hai’s performance today has instantly conquered their hearts, giving them the urge to follow Lin Hai and learn the Pill Dao technique.


At the moment Xia Houchuan was completely dumbfounded. Whoosh

He rushed over, with deep suspicion, took medicine pill in his hand and inspected it in person.

But when he saw it, the ten medicine pills were really after Grade 9 medicine pill. summer

Hou Chuan’s body was haggard for a while, and if he was distracted, he showed a deep incredible color.

“How can this be, how can this be?”

Suddenly, Xia Houchuan’s eyes flashed, crying out in surprise.

“It must be Laojun Furnace, it must be the reason for Laojun Furnace!”

Thinking of this, Xia Houchuan suddenly looked up, and the fierce man flashed, staring at Lin Hai.

“Lin Hai, Laojun stove is the thing of my Pill Dao sect, give it to me immediately!”

Lin Hai heard that it was coldly smiled. “

Xia Houchuan, do you still have to mention Laojun furnace? “

“How long do you plan to hide about killing Great Elder Duguchen?” Lin

As soon as the words of the sea came out, Xia Houchuan could not help but greatly changed the complexion, his eyes suddenly panic.

“You talk nonsense !!!” Lin

The sea is coldly snorted. “To tell you the truth, the Pill Dao technique of Lin Hai is inheritance from Pill King, and you are the one who killed and persecuted him that day. I already know everything!”

Jerk things, bad reputation, you die for me! “

Xia Houchuan didn’t wait for Lin Hai to finish his words, shot abruptly, and moved palm towards Lin Hai’s head, and shot it down! “

haha, fly into a rage out of humiliation? “forest

Hai laughed loudly, and the silhouette of Little Hong suddenly reappeared, soaring into the sky with Lin Hai, avoiding Xia Houchuan’s attack.

At the same time, a shock, in front of Jin Shuo and Wang Xu, directly split the iron cable on the two people, and led the two into the sky. “

Where to go! “summer

Hou Chuan was furious and stepped on Xiangyun, trying to intercept. Of course

However, the speed of Little Hong is now no less than the soar into the clouds and mount the mists of the Great Ascension.

A flash, escaped the attack of Xia Houchuan directly and drifted away. “

Dear friends of Pill Dao, your Great Elder is lonely, and is really the victim of Xia Houchuan! “”

Xia Houchuan’s heart surgery is not correct, very ruthless is vicious, and sooner or later will bring Pill Dao to the ten thousand zhang abyss! “

“You guys, wake up soon!” Xiao

The red silhouette disappeared into a golden streamer. Dan

Above Dao Sect, there is only Lin Hai’s words.

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