
Xue Wuxue was shocked and angry, puzzled.

Meng Family Old Ancestor suddenly complexion sank, “I said, let you out!” Xue

Murderous intention flashed in the bloodless eyes, his fists couldn’t help being gripped tightly, his face muscles trembled.

“Why didn’t you hear that?” Meng Family Old Ancestor suddenly slumped, coldly said. “

Lin Hai, you wait for me! “

With no blood, Xue had no choice but to turn around and leave with an anger. “

No blood, seems to have changed! “

“Previously, how dare he be so impudent in front of me?”

Looking at Xue Wuxue’s back, Meng Family Old Ancestor’s face suddenly flashed with doubt. “

Old Ancestor, medicine pill! Xue

As soon as there was no blood, Meng Dexue rushed in with joy. Rear

Beside, followed Xiahouchuan with a smile.

“Old Master, fortunately not to humiliate, refine the antidote!” Xia

Hou Chuan stretched out his hand and sent a medicine pill exuding fragrance to Meng Family Old Ancestor.

“Give me this medicine pill. Within 3 days, the poison is clear!” Meng

Home Old Ancestor nodded, “There is a Sect Master in Laoxiahou!” “

It should be! “Xiahou Chuan laughed,” Old Master, if the poison is solved one point later, it will be more harmful. It is better to eat the medicine pill now. “

Meng Family Old Ancestor took the medicine pill and held it in his hand.

“I’ll retreat first and then eat!”

“Morality, help me send Xiahou Sect Master!”

When Xia Houchuan heard this, his face couldn’t help changing, and he couldn’t think of Meng Family Old Ancestor, but he directly issued a guest order. “

Old Master, what do you mean by this, can it be believed? “

“Xiahou Sect Master, don’t get me wrong, my husband doesn’t mean it,” Meng Family Old Ancestor said.

“The Old Master has ordered a guest order, and in the medicine pill you are refining, you do n’t even eat it, so you have to think about it!” Xia Houchuan said with an expression of dismay. “

haha, Xiahou Sect Master, you really worry too much. “

“In this case, the old man ate it!” Meng

Old Ancestor opened a mouth and swallowed medicine pill into his belly. “

Now, Xiahou Sect Master, you can rest assured! “

“Haha, it seems that it is a misunderstanding.” Xia Houchuan only laughed.

“Within 3 days, keep the Old Master and resume as before, leave!”

After speaking, Xia Houchuan turned around and strode away.

As soon as Xia Houchuan left, Meng Family Old Ancestor suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a medicine pill wrapped in rays of light. positive

Before that, the one Xia Houchuan gave him. “

Old Ancestor, why didn’t you eat? “

Meng Dexue and Meng Qingge were shocked and asked puzzled. Meng

The family Old Ancestor did not answer, but looked at medicine pill, and then gave it to Lin Hai.

“Young Master Lin, maybe you can see this medicine pill, is there any problem?” Lin

Hai reached out and picked up medicine pill.

ding dong!

At the moment, the message reminder sounded in Lin Hai’s mind.

Congratulations, get Grade 9 medicine pill! eclipse

Ling San: Corrosion of the Primordial Spirit of the cultivator and disintegrates True Yuan. “

Humph hmph! “Look

Lin Hai couldn’t help sneering at the reminder in his head.

Just now, Xia Houchuan also said that the strange poison in Meng Family Old Ancestor is Eclipse.

After a long time in trouble, this medicine pill is the true ecstasy!

According to the current situation of Meng Family Old Ancestor, if this medicine pill is eaten, it will never be restored in 3 days.

But within 3 days, no doubt! and

Moreover, Lin Hai discovered that this medicine pill was not just refined. “

National Military leader, were you present when Xia Houchuan refined the medicine pill? “Lin Hai suddenly asked.

Mende learns frowned and then shook the head. “

As Xiahou Sect Master, how can the refined medicine pill be viewed by others? “

really! forest

In Hai’s eyes, a cold flash suddenly flashed. “

Young Master Lin, did you find anything? “Meng Family Old Ancestor suddenly said.”

Senior, this medicine pill is not newly refined, but Xia Houchuan has already prepared it! “

“What ?!” Lin Hai said, and Meng Dexue and Meng Qingge changed color.

“Lin Hai, don’t talk nonsense!” Meng Dexue pointed at Lin Hai and screamed angrily. “

shut up! “

Meng Family Old Ancestor screamed angrily and stopped Mende from learning, then his face became extremely ugly. “

That being said, our speculation before was really true? “

Lin Hai nodded, gently placed the medicine pill in his hand on the table in front of him.

“Dan Ming, eclipse the spirit, can erode Primordial Spirit, make True Yuan collapse!”

“If I expected it well, Senior’s poison was related to this ecstasy!” “

And this eclipse is subdued, and in today’s situation of Senior, absolutely can not live for 3 days! “”

what? !! !! !! “Lin Hai’s words scared Meng Dexue and Meng Qingge almost to the ground. XNUMX

At the moment, both of them were aggressive, staring at Lin Hai blankly, couldn’t believe it. “

Can’t live 3 days? good very good! “Meng Family Old Ancestor coldly smiled, a flash of cold light in his eyes.

“Then the old man will do the trick, just look at what they want to do!” Said

After that, Meng Family Old Ancestor moved towards Lin Hai and cast a grateful look.

“Lin Hai, thank you very much!” “

I said before, that for my husband … “”

Juniors can now fulfill their promises! “Lin Hai solemnly.”

Worked! “


Meng Dexue and Meng Qingge stared in shock. forest

Hai took out the needle bag and pierced dozens of gold needles into the acupuncture point of Meng Family Old Ancestor at a rapid speed. Meng

Old Ancestor’s eyes suddenly flashed a bright glow. only

Feeling that the only Primordial Spirit remaining within the body was blocked by a layer of mysterious spirit. that

The terrifying poison of terrifying seemed to encounter extreme tenacious resistance and was suddenly blocked outside. “

After 3 hours, the gold needle can be removed. “

“Within half a year, Senior can use True Yuan at will, no difference from before poisoning.”

“It’s just that after six months, Senior will be violent immediately, destroy both body and soul!”

Lin Hai’s words fell into the ears of Meng Dexue and Meng Qingge, and they suddenly buzzed, like 5 Lei Hongding! “

Lin Hai, what are you talking about nonsense! “

Meng Dexue grabbed Lin Hai’s neck collar and shouted fiercely. “

Moral, impudent! Meng

The Old Ancestor yelled at him, shook Meng Dexue away, and then spit out one mouthful of impure air. “

For six months, I am very content! “

Lin Hai slightly smiled and exited the room, leaving only Meng Family Old Ancestor and Meng Dexue. he

I know, Meng Family Old Ancestor will learn this monarch with Meng De, and arrange the next step.

Lin Hai, as someone other than the Imperial Family, is naturally inconvenient to participate. 3

A few hours later, Lin Hai took the gold needle for Meng Family Old Ancestor. fine

Shocking Meng Family Old Ancestor, with deep gratitude, pats Lin Hai’s shoulders.

“Lin Hai, my Meng Family Imperial Family, I am always grateful for your kindness!”

“Perhaps the Imperial Family has been silent for too long. There have been many people who have forgotten its majesty and forgot its due responsibilities.”

“All of this requires blood to wake up!” …


Hai smilely smiled, “Senior Zhu good luck!” Said

Afterwards, Lin Hai left with a touch of emotion. Click


Just stepped out of the Imperial Family and suddenly a thunderbolt crossed the sky.

The weather that was originally sunny ten thousand li was suddenly dark with clouds, violet wind erupted, and suddenly darkened. forest

The sea looked up, looking up at the dark clouds, could not help exhales one breath saying gently. “

It seems that it will change! ”

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