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Lin Hai’s attitude immediately made Long Teng angry, and a powerful oppressive atmosphere fell on Lin Hai’s body instantly, and the throat of the audience was mentioned all at once, and the atmosphere did not dare to show it.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the entire square became extremely depressing instantly, like an explosive, which would erupt at any time, causing people to fear.

“Lin Hai is too arrogant. This one is called Long Teng, but Nascent Soul is so powerful!”

“Although Lin Hai once killed Qin Tian, ​​that seems to be a power within the body seal. It is not its own strength. Now that power is unsealed, how can Lin Hai still have powerful capital against Nascent Soul?”

“In the face of Nascent Soul’s power, Lin Hai has no chance of winning. This attitude is undoubtedly a death hunt!”

The Great Sects on the crowd shook their heads. Although Lin Hai just killed 8 great experts, everyone thinks that Lin Hai is already number one expert under the Heavens, but that is based on the fact that there is no Nascent Soul power in the world.

Nowadays, Nascent Soul Realm’s dragon suddenly appears. Everyone would still think so, after all, no matter how strong Golden Core Realm is, the gap with Nascent Soul Realm is like the difference between Heaven and Earth, which is insurmountable.

Although Lin Hai beheaded and killed 8 great experts with his own strength, he could be called the strongest person in the Golden Core Human Immortal, but how could he be a powerful opponent of Nascent Soul. He really annoyed Longteng, and Longteng waved his hand to Lin Hai Annihilation.

“It is unwise to confront Nascent Soul with such an attitude!”

Almost everyone thinks that Lin Hai’s approach is too inadequate. Longteng doesn’t care about it. If you care about it, what about Lin Hai’s life?

“I’m here to ask you questions, that’s for giving you a big face, don’t you know what to do!” Long Teng’s eyes cold light flickered, and asked with great anger.

Lin Hai glanced at Long Teng, his face cooled down, and he spoke indifferently. “Although Lin Hai is not talented, I am also a Sea Moon Sect a Sect’s Master. Now that I am on the opening ceremony of my Sea Moon Sect, how can you let you drink? Even if you are Nascent Soul, what is it? If you come to congratulate me, Lin Hai will naturally welcome with both hands, but if you come to pretend, I will not Sea Sea Sect

Reception! “


Lin Hai reached out and pointed Misty Peak down the mountain, and directly ordered the passengers!

Lin Hai’s words made Long Tengyi’s Old Zhang’s face instantly become extremely red because of extreme anger. In the face of the world’s cultivator, he was driven out by a little Golden Core Realm of Lin Hai, giving him Nascent Soul’s powerful face Where do I put it?

“Little bastard, what do you mean!”

Long Teng’s fury was unstoppable, and he grinned his teeth coldly, and said that the intense murderous aura on his body did not conceal the momentary bloom, so that everyone in the audience felt a chill in his heart, and his eyes showed fear.

Obviously, everyone has seen that this Nascent Soul named Long Teng has reached the edge of violence!

And Lin Hai was a little bastard by Long Teng, and it caused an instant fire, his eyes were like the cold glow of a sword, moved towards Long Teng, and he opened coldly.

“Do you not understand what I mean? Then I will say it again!”

“You can roll!”

“Damn!” Lin Hai’s words made all the Great Sect people almost jump up and looked towards Lin Hai’s eyes full of incredible and incredible.

“What does Lin Hai say? Make this Nascent Soul powerful, get out?”

“Fuck, don’t you need to do this to die?”

“Cultivation world powerhouse is respected, how can Nascent Soul’s power be tolerated, Lin Hai is this driving himself to death?”

“It’s over, no one can bear it, Lin Hai is dead!”

Lin Hai’s words immediately made all Great Sect’s hearts boil, a Golden Core Late Stage, such a straightforward scolding of a Nascent Soul power off, it is unimaginable.

If anyone wants a face, just roll on this one, and two people who have nothing to do can be irreconcilable, not to mention the scolded person, or aloof and remote, the invincible Nascent Soul in the world!

“die for me !”

As soon as Lin Hai’s words landed, Longteng suddenly became extremely angry, erupting on the spot, shouting loudly, the god dragon phantom in the air, roaring and leaping straight towards Lin Hai, and the clouds rolled over, suddenly zooming in, as if to want Lin Hai to devour .

“Leader, stay with me!” Long Ao was on the side, turning pale with fright suddenly, anxiously opened the mouth and said.

They came here with a mission and asked Lin Hai if there was any question. If Lin Hai died, the mission would fail.

However, how could Long Teng under the fury obey Long Ao’s plea? Lin Hai made him humiliated in public. If Lin Hai was not killed, why would he be in the face?

Therefore, Longteng turned a deaf ear to Long Ao’s words, and his power was undiminished. Obviously, he planned to kill Lin Hai directly on the spot!

“Nascent Soul is so powerful, so scary!”

Very terrifying, compared to the previous 8 great experts, they are like ants! “

In the midst of the air, the power of the god dragon phantom made everyone present feel an irresistible deterrent. The pupils shrank sharply, and their hearts were terrified and horrified.

This attack from Longteng shocked them too much. If they attacked them, they would not even have the courage to resist, and they would crush their bodies and die on the spot!

Although Lin Hai is much more powerful than them, after all, it is also a Golden Core cultivation base. Is it expected to be the same?

“To be able to bend and stretch, Fang is a real man, Lin Hai is young, full of vigor, I do n’t know how to forbear, I killed myself!”

Everyone was moved towards Lin Hai’s pitying eyes, and apparently no one thought that Lin Hai could survive the terrifying attack.

Lin Hai stood in place. The huge air waves brought by the god dragon phantom sounded the hunting and hunting of Lin Hai’s shirt. The power of terrifying made Lin Hai’s whole body shake slightly.

However, Lin Hai’s feet seemed to be rooted, stable as Mount Tai, with a hint of stubborn unyielding and tenacity in his eyes!

I have to admit that the strength of Longteng is indeed strong. The power of Nascent Soul Realm, Lin Hai has not been seen, and even died in the hands of Lin Hai, there are more than one.

However, the dragon in front of him, although it is the new Nascent Soul power, but the strength is better than those of the Qin Tian he met before and the Nascent Soul Early-Stage power of Penglai Immortal Island.

What’s more terrifying is that in the attack of Long Teng, there is a strange suction power, which makes the blood of Lin Hai within the body flow quickly, as if it is going to be drawn out of the body, uncomfortable.

“As a Dragon Blood Fighter, Dragon Teng was awakened by blood before being promoted to Nascent Soul. Is this force of suction the power of blood?”

With his eyes flashing, Lin Hai looked at the top of his head and was withered, moved towards the god dragon phantom that he devoured, and his heart was coldly snorted!

“What about Nascent Soul’s power, since you dare to start at my Sea Moon Sect opening ceremony, you need to be prepared to pay the price!”

Thinking of this, Lin Hai thought about it, and the Three Pointed Double Edged Blade appeared again in his hands, swiftly like lightning, slashing away crazy!

“Air-Severing Slash!”

Lin Hai loudly shouted, the blade glow that is as powerful as electricity, comes out, like the same flash, greets the Divine Dragon in the air!

bang! A loud noise that shook the earth almost shattered the eardrums of everyone present, and everyone looked up in midair, suddenly stunned and full of horror!

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