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“En?” Lin Hai’s gaze was cold, his hand movement stopped, and he looked towards the entrance of moved towards Misty Peak, but he saw 7 men and a woman, 8 people of different appearances, with pride and no one else Walked away from my ten meters and stopped.


Lin Hai slowly turned around, facing the eight people, brows slightly wrinkle, with a trace of grave expression on his face.

These eight people went to that station, giving a strong sense of oppression. Within the body seemed to contain a strong breath, as if it would burst out at any time, giving people a fatal blow, which is not comparable to Zhuang Bifan and the others. .

However, Lin Hai is also not afraid. Although the feeling of these 8 people is strong, it is also relatively speaking. With the strength of Lin Hai at this time, if the 8 people are all together, it may be troublesome, but it is not enough. How big a threat.

Gaze indifferently at the eight people, Lin Hai calmly opened his hands after losing his hands.

“I am Lin Hai!”


Eight people froze with surprise in their eyes, apparently did not expect Lin Hai to be so young.

“Sword Demon Path, you killed it?” One of the men seemed to have doubts and doubts.

“Nice!” Lin Hai lifted his eyelids slightly, calmly and calmly.


Lin Hai’s words came out, and the eight people on the opposite side instantly exuded a powerful momentum. The surrounding space was agitated, and the atmosphere became tense instantly, as if the air had condensed!

“Golden Core Late Stage, 8 people are all Golden Core Late Stage!”

There are always Golden Core masters in the stands, eyes are shocked, and cry out in surprise!

Even more experienced and knowledgeable Sect Sect Master, even recognized the identity of these eight people, and my heart was extremely shocked.

“This is the eighth Golden Core Late Stage masters left in the world after the battle with Monster Race. Except for the black bear in Liaodong Mangshan and the dead road Qianju, all are here!”

“It seems that this is the revenge for the sword Demon Path!”

“Well, Lin Hai is over. Even if he is strong and masters the power of the road, are he 8 powerful Golden Core Late Stage opponents?”

The Great Sect people in the stands are discussed spiritedly. Many people shook their heads secretly and began to feel sorry for Lin Hai. They just packed up the 5 Sect Masters and stood up in front of them, but jumped out of 8 more powerful opponents.

If you face one, maybe Lin Hai can still be lucky enough to win, but 8 are all together, Lin Hai has no chance of winning, maybe he has to lose his life, it is really bad luck.

Lin Hai was in front of the eight people, and when they asked the way out, they had already guessed the identity of the eight people, and could not help but smile coldly.

“You, are you here to avenge Lu Qian?”

“Nice!” The head of the man looked cold, like two sharp swords, and fell on Lin Hai.

“I waited for the top ten Golden Core Late Stage masters to form an alliance. If anyone is killed, others will avenge it. Since the sword Demon Path has died in your hands, I will naturally abide by the covenant and cannot stand idly by!”

“Lu Xian nephew!” After that, the headed man suddenly moved towards Loose Cultivator and the team shouted, and immediately a youngster separated the crowd and came out.

“Lu Xiaoyun ?!”

Lin Hai was surprised to see that the young man who came out was Lu Qianqian’s son, Qing Cheng Young Master Lu Xiaoyun. I didn’t expect this kid to hide in the team of Loose Cultivator, and also mixed with Misty Peak.

Lu Xiaoyun first looked at Lin Hai with a vicious expression, coldly snorted, and then walked in front of eight people.

“Xiao Yun, I have seen your uncles. I also hope that you will act as your nephew and kill Lin Hai in order to report the nephew’s revenge!”

“Nephew Lu Xian doesn’t need to be polite. Your father was murdered by a traitor. I’ll wait for you. I’ll stand by you and wait for me to kill this thief!”

“Nephew, thank you all uncles!” Lu Xiaoyun saluted again, then stood behind the eight, staring at Lin Hai with a hateful look, smirking like a knife.

The headed man had an arrogant look, and gave Lin Hai a glance high, his murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

“Say, how do you want to die?”

Lin Hai faintly smiled, with a sadistic look, glanced at 8 people and opened his mouth leisurely.

“Among the ten people in your league, is there a black bear?”

“Yes!” The head of the man flashed surprise, wondering why Lin Hai mentioned the black bear.

“Do you know why he didn’t come?” Lin Hai asked casually.

Eight people’s faces changed at the same time, and an ominous premonition suddenly developed in their hearts.

Before they came, they had contacted the Black Bear, but the Black Bear has suddenly lost contact in recent days. This incident has made them a little disturbed. Now Lin Hai asked suddenly, the uneasiness in their hearts became stronger.

“What happened to the black bear ?!”

A thin tall man suddenly made a intentional shot, and eagerly asked. Of the ten people, he had the best relationship with the black bear, and naturally he was also most concerned. When he thought that the black bear might be in trouble, he was immediately anxious.

Lin Hai was indifferent, with his chin slightly raised and his mouth solemnly open.

“You already guessed it, why bother asking more!”

“Since you are here to get revenge, let’s revenge even the black bear!”

“You killed the black bear!” Lin Hai said, and suddenly made all 8 people complexion greatly changed, shocked.

There is no doubt that Lin Hai has already admitted that the black bear is dead and he died in his hands!


In the eyes of the eight individuals, all of them showed strong hatred and a thick murderous aura, which instantly filled the entire square, making everyone feel cold and heartbeat.

“Lin Hai is too brave and dare to kill even a black bear!”

“This time it’s a disaster, wait for the anger of 8 great experts!”

“Well, Slaughter Path is a thousand things, it is dead, and now with a black bear, Lin Hai has no hope of life!”

“However, ten great experts killed him 2, even if Lin Hai was killed today, he would be famous enough!”

Among the Great Sects, no one is optimistic about Lin Hai. Among the ten great experts, Lin Hai killed two. The remaining eight people are absolutely not allowed to survive.

“Even with that mysterious woman’s help, I’m afraid it’s hard to escape alive!”

People who have met Little Ying instantly turned their eyes to Little Ying, but soon regrettably shook the head.

Little Ying doesn’t work. They don’t know that Little Ying is Nascent Soul’s power. Obviously, they don’t think that only Little Ying and Lin Hai can fight against 8 Golden Core Late Stage masters.

Facing the anger of 8 great experts, Lin Hai didn’t care, but instead moved to the Sea Moon Sect disciple not far behind him, and said, “Bring the black wolf!”

Soon, two Sea Moon Sect disciple threw a half-dead in front of Lin Hai.

“This is, Black Wolf!”

Everyone sucks in a breath of cold air. The black wolf is the younger brother of the black bear. Although the cultivation base is worse than the black thousand thousand 8000, the reputation is not weaker than the black bear.

The reason is without him. This black wolf is normally evil and infamous. The Great Sects are all hateful. Only the black bear is supported by the black wolf, and no one dares to mess with it. Otherwise, he would have been hanged.

But now look at the black wolf, lying pale on the ground, a blood stain on the crotch, has even reached the edge of dying, long gone arrogant and despotic.

“Evil is evil!” The Great Sect people were all happy, only Bai Haoran was sitting on the stand, his pupils contracted for a while, his face was horrified, and he wondered what he was thinking.

“Let’s go with your big brother!” Lin Hai glanced indifferently at the black wolf, suddenly a finger, suddenly a rays of light got into the heart of the black wolf, the black wolf fluttered and died!


8 great expert is furious. Lin Hai not only killed the black bears, but also wiped out the only younger brother of the black bears in front of them. This is nothing more than pumping their faces in fiercely. How can they bear it?

“Today, I will crush you to death!” The head of the man roared and waved his hand sharply.

“Come on!” For a while, the 8 silhouettes disappeared out of thin air, turned into streamers, and came straight to Lin Hai!

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