.., update the latest chapters of my WeChat with 3 circles!

Lin Hai naturally didn’t know that Xiao Li’s planting and framing had already made Bai Haolin remember to hate himself, but even if he knew, Lin Hai wouldn’t care. With his current cultivation base, how would he put a Golden Core Middle-Stage Bai Haolin? In the eyes?

Sending Liu Xinyue back, Lin Hai came home, and as soon as he entered the door, he froze.

“Grandfather, you, you …”

Lin Hai looked at Lin Maocheng in shock, with a look of astonishment.

I saw Lin Maocheng, ruddy complexion, both eyes slightly closed, slowly hitting Tai Chi, with a ray of light faintly flashing on his body, raising his hands to stir Heaven and Earth, and entered a wonderful mood!

Lin Maocheng didn’t hear it. Only half an hour later, he suddenly opened his eyes, his spirits flickered, his breath converged, and he became no different from ordinary elderly people again. There was no sign of cultivation!

Return to the Natural State!

“Xiaohai, you are back!” Lin Maocheng smiled, his eyes kind.

“Grandfather, you’re a genius who cultivates!” Lin Hai said in surprise.

“What genius isn’t genius, I just lived and died, I’ve been down on everything, and my mood has become old-fashioned. Only on the practice path, it’s easier to perceive that’s all.”

“Grandfather is reasonable, and mood is really important!” Lin Hai agrees with Lin Maocheng. Mood is also a kind of cultivation of oneself from a certain point of view.

Lin Hai took another look at his parents and Lin Yun, and they have also started to cultivate, but obviously not as fast as Lin Maocheng, but they are also on track.

It seems that the understanding of Heaven and Earth Good-Fortune Pill, really awesome, parents and the others has been greatly enhanced, otherwise how could it be possible to comprehend the obscure cultivation cultivation technique?

Back in the house, I had a video with Liu Xinyue, got to know the situation of Liu Xinyue’s family, and they all started to practice. Lin Hai was relieved.

All that remains is to wait quietly for the opening ceremony of Sea Moon Sect.

The past few days just happened to be inconvenient for Liu Xinyue. Lin Hai spent every night in cultivation.

At night, the starlight is bright, and a little bit of Xingmang floats on Lin Hai’s body through a large French window, making Lin Hai’s entire body covered with a layer of bright light.

If someone watches it, they will be surprised to find that these starlights have faintly penetrated into Lin Hai’s within the body, and walked constantly in the context of Lin Hai’s whole body.

Suddenly, Lin Hai suddenly opened his eyes, and in his eyes, they looked like bright stars, and the rays of light captured people!

But Lin Hai shook the head slightly and smiled bitterly.

“Introducing the strength of Star into the body is really not an easy task. For so many days, even a trace of strength of Star cannot be stored.”

Lin Hai within the body’s strength of Star, each time after walking within the body, will gradually weaken until it dissipates. Lin Hai wants to stay in within the body, but finds that it can’t be done at all.

The tempering Star Saint Physique, first of all, is to introduce the strength of Star into the body and condense the seed of Star Condensation, but at present, even this most basic step cannot be completed.

But Lin Hai is not discouraged. How can Star Saint Physique be called one of the three Saint Physiques in the Three Realms?

“Hey, you’re tempering Star Saint Physique!”

Suddenly, an extremely shocking sound rang in Lin Hai’s ear, Chu Liner’s face was incredible, and his eyes were full of shock!

“Well, do you even know Star Saint Physique?”

Lin Hai was surprised for a while, Chu Liner is indeed the princess of the prefecture, it is experienced and knowledgeable!

“Nonsense, Star Saint Physique is one of the 3 Saint Physiques in the Three Realms, wouldn’t this Princess know?” Chu Liner gave Lin Hai a glance and obviously thought he made a fuss about nothing.

“So, Liner Princess, do you know, 3 within the realm, who else is cultivation success Star Saint Physique?” Lin Hai suddenly remembered, Xian’er said, the first master of the Holy Land was Star Saint Physique.

If Chu Liner knew, he might be able to learn from the first owner of the Holy Land.

“Star Saint Physique is extremely difficult to tempering. According to legend, there are only ancient gods and there is a precedent for successful tempering.”

“Ancient god?” Lin Hai startled, was the first master of the holy realm the ancient god?

“What’s the name of this ancient god?”

“This is not understood.” Chu Liner shook the head.

“Okay!” Lin Hai shrugged, looking at the time, the sky is already bright. Today is the day of the opening ceremony of the Sea Moon Sect, and my mood seems a little excited!

After packing, Lin Hai picked up Liu Xinyue early in the morning, and ate outside early.

“Madame Sect Master, today is the opening ceremony. Let’s go. It’s not too good to be late!”

When Liu Xinyue heard Lin Hai calling him, he immediately smiled and glared at him.

“Okay, Sir Sect Master!”

The two held their hands, moved towards Sea Moon Sect Misty Peak, and left the city. When they saw no one, they immediately performed their physical skills to speed up.


While walking, several men suddenly jumped out and stopped Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue.

“En?” Lin Hai paused and paused.

“Going to the Sea Moon Sect?” A wretched man with a 8-digit beard, his eyes suddenly fell on Liu Xinyue, and he asked with a sullen expression.

Lin Hai frowned suddenly, but didn’t figure out what was going on, still nodded.

“Not bad!”

“Pay tolls, ten spar!” Eight hands crossed hands near chest, said proudly.

“Toll?” Lin Hai couldn’t help laughing, fuck, returned to his sect, was he robbed?

“Why can’t you take it out?” 8 Zi Hu smiled warily.

“Can’t tell you what to say, leave this chick and play with grandfather … Uh!”

Just after finishing the 8-word nonsense, I suddenly felt that my neck was tight, and my body could not help but moved towards Lin Hai, and was taken by Lin Hai and taken in midair.

The 8-character Hu suddenly showed his fear, but Lin Hai was young and terrifying.

“Rao … fate!” The 8-character Hu can’t breathe, his face flushed red, and he said strenuously.

And his comrades were even more frightened, and all of them were forced there.


Lin Hai flicked his finger, and instantly abolished the cultivation base of the 8-sword Hu, moved towards the ground, coldly shouted.


“It’s a hot and spicy method!” Just at this time, a voice of anger rang out behind Lin Hai.

Lin Hai turned back, but saw a person with majesty and hidden rage, Murderous intention moved towards himself, followed by a dozen people who were cultivation behind him. One of the women was looking at himself, sneer sneer.

“Bai Haoran?”

Lin Hai immediately recognized the person, and couldn’t help but laugh in his heart. He and Bai Haoran really had a fate!

And at the moment, Bai Haoran had come to Lin Hai’s face, and there was a flash of cold light in his eyes.

“Shoot the cultivation base, you are different from the cultivation world scum like Black Wolf!”

“En?” Lin Hai froze, surprised at Bai Haoran, but what he said was not very happy.

“Speak carefully!” Lin Hai’s face cooled down. Lin Hai wouldn’t have been so polite if it hadn’t been for Bai Haoran’s chivalrous spirit.

“Be careful? You shameless, and you have such a face?”


Lin Hai’s heart burst into anger, why didn’t this Bai Haoran know what to do?

“Unfathomable mystery!”

Lin Hai couldn’t bother him, took Liu Xinyue’s little hand, and turned around and left.

“Give me a stay!”

Seeing this, Bai Haoran suddenly shot and moved towards Lin Hai. Lin Hai turned his head back suddenly, a violent rays of light in his eyes, directed at Bai Haoran, Bai Haoran trembled suddenly, suddenly showing the color of horror, cold all over his body, and suddenly stiffened!

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