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Heaven and Earth Good-Fortune Pill: Supreme Taoist collects hundreds of precious herbs and uses Samadhi True Fire to make 9-9 81 days of Divine Pill. After taking it, you can Seize the Worlds’s good fortune, immortality, Defying Heaven and Changing Fate!

“Seize the Worlds’s good fortune, immortality, Defying Heaven and Changing Fate!”

Lin Hai looked at these words, and was overwhelmed with joy!

“Fuck, good thing, he’s worth all the losses I used to eat at Supreme Taoist!”

Lin Hai directly extracted one, and held it in the palm of his hand, and suddenly the rich danxiang was flowing. Lin Hai only felt relaxed and happy, and Zhen Qi within the body even ran automatically, as if the soul had become ethereal.

“Just smelling Danxiang, there is a clear comprehension to life!” Lin Hai was horrified and could not think that this world Good-Fortune Pill is so powerful. If you take it, the effect will be even more amazing!

“Eat before talking!”

Lin Hai directly swallowed Heaven and Earth Good-Fortune Pill into his mouth. The entrance of the medicine pill became instantaneous, and it became a stream of air. It quickly moved through Lin Hai’s whole body. Lin Hai shuddered and his consciousness became blurred.

I do n’t know how long, Lin Hai suddenly opened his eyes. Like a flash of electricity, the whole person has a feeling of being integrated with Heaven and Earth. Raising his hands and feet can seduce Heaven and Earth!

“Curious and wonderful feeling!” Lin Hai clicking one’s tongue in wonder, although I can’t tell where exactly I have changed, but I am sure that I am completely different from before, and I am judged as two!

Ding dong!

At this time, the ascension of information sounded in my mind.

Congratulations, Seize the Worlds’s good fortune, and the ability to realize the origin of Heaven and Earth is permanently increased by 10%!

“Damn, increase by 10%!” Lin Hai was ecstatic, although he didn’t quite understand what this meant by the ability of Heaven and Earth, but the probability of 10% was too high!

Ding dong!

Immediately after that, another message sounded.

Congratulations, Dao of Fire Great Perfection, automatically comprehend the magical Starfire Ignites Origin!

Congratulations, the Great Perfection of Ice Road, automatically understand the magical powers of the thousand miles!

Congratulations, Thunder System Magic Technique has been enhanced!

Congratulations, you have a new understanding of Great Karma Art, the current understanding (5/100)

Congratulations, your soul has been strengthened and Daoxing has increased by 1000 years!

Congratulations, Moon Palace Immortal Sound has been upgraded to Level 3.

Congratulations, Heavenly Eye Technique has been upgraded, the current level is Level 4, and the magical light is automatically realized!

Congratulations, the air-severing slash formidable power upgrade can be freely integrated into the ice Dao of Fire.

Congratulations, the Thousand Jin Purifying Jade Palace for midable power upgrade can be freely integrated into the ice Dao of Fire.


Lin Hai was lying on the bed, and was smashed by the prompts that appeared continuously in his head!

“Oh!” Lin Hai, who had reacted for a long time, just cheered, jumped up, and jumped up and down in bed, like crazy.

“Hey, you’re crazy, and you’re not allowed to sleep!” Chu Liner slept soundly and was awakened by Lin Hai, beautiful eyes with thick drowsiness, and bemused with a small mouth.

“Sleep you paralyzed, get up!”

Lin Hai was so excited, she lifted Chu Liner out of bed directly, her face full of excitement, and she twisted wildly, as if she had taken a pill.

“Ah, smelly rascal, dare to touch my ass!”

Chu Liner cry out in surprise, flexing his knees fiercely and hit the vital part of Lin Hai.


Lin Hai groaned and lay on the bed with her crotch in her hands, her face full of pain.

Fuck, I was so excited just now, didn’t expect the wrong place, and now extreme joy turns to sorrow!

“Hmph, you dare to impudent!” Chu Liner’s glamorous face fluttered a rosy glow, watching Lin Hai’s painful look, somewhat guilty said.

“No, just accidentally touched it, but not touched it, as for it!”

“Wow!” Chu Liner gave a swift whisper, and suddenly the scene that met Lin Hai’s first acquaintance suddenly appeared a faint feeling.

“This smelly rascal, accidentally hit by mistake, touched people once, really hate to die!”

But looking at Lin Hai’s cold sweat on his forehead, Chu Liner was a little flustered again.

However, she has heard that if a man is seriously injured, it will be fatal, and he does not know if Lin Hai will be okay. Although he was not too heavy, it is not light!

“Hey, are you okay?” Chu Liner’s face suddenly became a little faint and asked weakly.

“Fuck, can you be all right, it’s all broken!”

“Ah!” Chu Liner was suddenly surprised. “So, what should I do?”

Lin Hai watched Chu Liner’s face flustered, but she became more and more seductive, and suddenly her heart was beating, and she couldn’t help but tease.

“What else can you do? Help me rub it!” Lin Hai smirked a little in his eyes.

“Knead, knead?” Chu Liner was a little embarrassed. After all, she had also heard that women cannot be touched casually by men.

“Yes, do you have the heart to see me in such pain?” Lin Hai deliberately pretended to be more painful.

“So, then you can rub it yourself, can’t you?”

“No, you have to rub it with a woman, it doesn’t work with a man!” Lin Hai doesn’t have much pain anymore.

“Oh, then, that’s okay!” Chu Liner said with a small pout, weakly.

Lin Hai lay directly on his back to the sky, took his hand away, and forcibly grinned, watching what Chu Liner would do next.

“Get started?” Chu Liner said timidly.

“Come on!” Lin Hai closed his eyes with a sad expression.

“Wu Xiuli, come on!” Lin Hai just closed her eyes, and Chu Liner’s extremely playful voice sounded.

“Wu Xiuli ?!”

Lin Hai was suddenly surprised, and hurried eyes opened, but saw Wu Xiuli’s eyes light up, and moved towards Lin Hai flew up.

“Haha, Her Highness the Princess, find me more in the future!”

“You’re paralyzed, get out! You are everywhere!”

Lin Hai made a terrible noise and jumped and ran, but was thrown directly on the bed by Wu Xiuli, who was like a wolf.

“Knead, knead hard!”

Chu Liner was beside her, her face flushed, her eyes brightened, her fists excited, she kept cheering Wu Xiuli, and she was full of fun.

“Mr. Lin Hai, you’re away from others!” Wu Xiuli’s saliva was almost flowing.

“Go away, the big brother swears!” Lin Hai covered his crotch with his hands dead, tragic and miserable …

After the middle of the night, Wu Xiliu, who did not succeed, left, and Chu Liner, with a conspiratorial smile on his face, quickly fell asleep, leaving Lin Hai to cry without tears.

Fuck, this is called bantering, right?

Lin Hai shook the head with a bitter look, Chu Liner is unearthly.

Sitting on the bed cross-legged, Lin Hai adjusted his strength and prepared for cultivation.


Zhen Qi flows, Lin Hai’s whole body is instantly covered by a layer of stars, and in the faintly vast sky, there are extremely thin stars of light falling down, entering Lin Hai’s within the body and seeping in. Lin Hai’s skin blood!

“This is the introduction of the strength of Star?” Lin Hai opened his eyes suddenly, the rays of light flickered!

It ’s just a pity that the stars of light that I can communicate with are too rare. It seems that tempering Saint Physique does not work overnight.

Waking up the next day, Chu Liner had no idea where to go. Lin Hai didn’t rush out of the room, but sorted out a lot of yesterday’s gains, and his heart was surging.

“It seems that my strength has been qualitatively improved. As for the extent to which I’m afraid I need a real battle to be able to test it!”

Lin Hai couldn’t help thinking of the opening ceremony a few days later and sneered. “Hope, don’t let your eyes go!”

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