.., update the latest chapters of my WeChat with 3 circles!

Looking at a few silhouettes, he disappeared in front of himself instantly. Instead of being shocked, Lin Hai showed a sneer.


In the mouth of Lin Hai, coldly snorted, the temperature of the surrounding space suddenly dropped below the freezing point, and numerous white ice crystal particles appeared in the air instantly.


The next moment, centered on Lin Hai, the space froze instantly, as if it had become a huge ice sculpture. Several silhouettes of it were still in the forward posture, sealed in frost, with a thick face on their faces. Horror and fear.

Lin Hai’s eyes were cold light flashed, his fingers were slightly curved, and a path of sharp air popped out instantly, breaking through the ice crystals, and falling on the dantians of these people.


As if the glass was broken, the ice crystals instantly shattered and disappeared into the air. The bodies of several foreigners fluttered and fell to the ground.

“Oh, god!” The westerner uttered a terrifying howl, his face showing a thick fear!

“The blood of my God within the body is gone, I’m finished, and I’m not a noble Blood Race anymore!”

“I can’t transform myself, I can’t transform anymore!” Xiong Guoren was astonished, astonished expression.

Not to mention the islanders, the dark fog is clear, the eyes are dull, the body is trembling, and it is impossible to believe the fact that it has been abolished, with deep fear and hatred in its eyes! Just less than a month of awakening, they originally thought that the World would belong to them, and the entire human race would tremble under their feet, but now that they are all over, they will become no different from ordinary people, even if they are alive Will also become slaves of the same awakening,

Heaven and Earth disparity!

Suddenly, these people lifted the head, with great resentment, looked towards Lin Hai, gnashing teeth, and wished to pull Lin Hai, the culprit who pulled them from heaven to hell, to tear and bite without disgust!

Lin Hai looked indifferent, with his hands on his back, and gave them a high look, revealing a strong disdain.

“Vampire? Werewolf? Shikigami?” Lin Hai glanced across the Westerners, the Bears, and the Islanders one by one, and then chuckled, his face sulking.

“Perhaps in your country, these are noble races, but the descendants of China are descendants of the dragon. You clown, you are a shame!”

“Keep on saying just now, I want to abolish my cultivation base, now you and everyone have lost the bloodline, but you have become a waste person. This is having only oneself to blame, Karmic Retribution!”

“Fortunately, you didn’t mean to kill me, otherwise you are already a few dead bodies!”

Lin Hai finished speaking, and waved his hand, the barrier laid by Xiong Guoren was instantly broken.


A few foreigners stood up tremblingly, with deep hatred, fiercely glanced at Lin Hai.

“Don’t be too proud of defeating some of us, our noble bloodline is fully awakened, and the power of the tribe will not let you go!”

“Really?” Lin Hai faintly smiled, his face showing a strong irony.

“Then please invite some of you to tell the so-called power of your tribe, and pretend to be in your own country. If you dare to come to China and live wild, watch out for nothing!”

“Hmph!” Several foreigners, coldly snorted, looked at Lin Hai with resentful grievances, turned around and left, and suddenly regretted the trip to China at this time.

Watching these people go far, Lin Hai stood still, his frown slightly raised.

“Long Ao was right, it really came to my door!”

Lin Hai is not worried about these foreign cultivators, but their family members have to take precautions. They can find themselves at the door of their home today to block themselves, and tomorrow they can take advantage of their absence to attack their family. .

“It’s a headache!”

Lin Hai sighed, his grandfather and his parents are all ordinary persons. Although Lin Yun has begun to cultivate, he has only just begun and can’t fight these vampire werewolves.

But if you take them all to Sea Moon Sect, it ’s not very realistic. After all, they are still living as ordinary person. Ca n’t go out to deal with people?

“You have to figure out a way not to put your family in danger!”

Lin Hai thought about it, and with a thought, a spar appeared in his hand.

“Put a Formula around your home!”

As soon as this idea came out, the silhouette of Lin Hai suddenly became erratic. After a few breaths of effort, he had already made a big circle around his villa!


Above the villa, a layer of naked eye, cyan ray, which is completely undetectable by the fetus, contains a huge energy breath, covering the entire villa within 100 meters.

“The sleepy dragon array has no effect on the ordinary person, but the person with Murderous Aura in his heart, once enter the formation law scope, will automatically activate the Formation, trapped in the Formation, can not escape!”

With the formation in place, Lin Hai slowly nodded, and it was safe near the house.

Back at home, Lin Hai went straight to the house, entered the sanctuary, gathered his mind, and put a few Level 9 rune papers in front of him.

“It is documented in the talisman encyclopedia that there is a female divine talisman. Ten thousand li apart can be remotely sensed or helpful!”

Lin Hai held red gold and purple wolves, his eyes flashed, his mind was immersed, his hand brushed, numerous intricate lines, flashing rays of light, jumping above the paper.

After half an hour, Fu Cheng!

Lin Hai wiped the sweat from his forehead, was satisfied with nodded, and moved his mind out of the holy realm.

“Grandfather, dad, mom, yunyun!” Lin Hai divided the talisman to his family, 3 pieces each.

“Here are three body protection symbols. From now on, you must take them with you at all times, never leave!” Lin Hai solemnly instructed.

All he refined are Defense Talisman 箓. Although the god dragon corpse is fused by Yin He and ca n’t be drawn with keel, the talisman made from Level 9 rune paper can stop Nascent Soul and the defense is quite strong, unless Earth Immortal Take a shot, otherwise no one can break the realm.

Moreover, this is the son of mother-in-law divine talisman, Lin Hai, and a mother symbol. Any child symbol is bombed, Lin Hai will know instantly and can go to support immediately, greatly reducing the danger of the family.

“Okay, we are understood!” Although the family members do not know anything about Lin Hai cultivation except Lin Yun, they also know that Lin Hai looks a little different from ordinary person.

They are very acquainted and have not asked anything. Lin Hai has secrets. As long as they do what Lin Hai says, don’t bother Lin Hai, it is the greatest support!

“Well, you don’t have to think too much, just in case!”

Lin Hai was afraid that his family was worried, and she spoke comforted, and at the same time she said secretly sighed.

“It’s a pity that grandfather and his parents are too old to miss the best time for cultivation, otherwise they will be on the road to cultivation and they don’t have to worry about it.”

Lin Hai thought of it, and suddenly his eyes flashed.

“Damn, is there a way for Divine Immortal?” Lin Hai just got back into the room, took out his phone, and opened WeChat.

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