
Lin Hai was surprised, Yin He, but Earth Immortal, what could happen?

“I went to see!”

Having said that, Lin Hai ran straight to Moon Lake and went to the edge of Moon Lake, but he froze.

“Damn, the god dragon corpse is gone. Where did Yin He go?”

Lin Hai thought of it and immediately felt Yin He’s position, his body flashed, and moved towards Yin He.

“Lin Hai, are you here?”

A small dragon who is so tall and adorable, moved towards Lin Hai grinned and couldn’t say how cute.

“You, you are Yin He?” Lin Hai’s mouth opened up suddenly. What a mighty Divine Dragon Yin He used to be, how does it look like this now, cute, like a pet.

“Well, don’t mention it!” Yin He shook the head with a helpless expression and a bitter smile.

“I blend Heavenly Dragon’s body, but I am just Earth Dragon, I can’t control this body at all, and can only exist in such a small form, and my strength is also restricted, and I can only play Nascent Soul Realm cultivation base.”

“Isn’t it?” Lin Hai was speechless for a while, fuck, and now Earth Immortal became Human Immortal, seemingly losing money?

“So, can you recover your strength?” Lin Hai asked with sympathy.

“Restoration can be restored, but it takes time. It will take time. When I fully master this Heavenly Dragon, my strength will be improved again!”

“Oh, that’s good!” Lin Hai was relaxed.

“By the way, can you take me out, it’s too boring here.” Yin He suddenly showed a cute smile and said in a cute voice.

“You can’t go out like this, you have to be arrested, you can’t be a little white mouse!” Lin Hai shook the head. If the dragon appeared on the World, the excitement would be great.

“What should we do, people want to go out!” Yin He suddenly flashed Mengmeng’s big eyes, looking pitiful, said dumbly.

“Wait till the Earth Immortal Realm, the Realm of Realms must never appear!”

“Well then, I’m going to find Xu to play!” Yin He looked helpless, his body vacated.

Lin Hai returned to the realm of the world with a thought, and went back to Jiangnan by plane.

With the opening ceremony of the Sea Moon Sect, the time is getting closer and closer, Yun Sheng and the others have returned home after the New Year, and have returned to Misty Peak, busy with the major event of Sect.

“Yun Old Brother, how’s it going?” Lin Hai sat in the middle of the hall of Sea Moon Sect, and moved towards Yun Sheng asked.

“I have a preliminary plan for the internal structure of sect. Now I will report it to you?”

“You say!” Lin Hai nodded.

“Sea Moon Sect, descending from the Sect Master, has 4 Great Elders, 8 Great Guards, 4 Great Halls, and two doors inside and out.”

“4 Great Elder, currently there is only an old man, and the other 3 seats are vacant, mainly responsible for the daily affairs of Sect.”

“The 8 major protection laws, served by Haiyue 8 Saints, are responsible for the security guards of sect. When there is an attack from outside, they will organize forces to resist, or lead a team to perform tasks when there is a major operation.”

“The 4 main halls are Law Enforcement Hall, Information Hall, Chugong Hall, and Experience Hall. Law Enforcement Hall is led by Ye Wan and is responsible for sect law enforcement.”

“Lin Jian, the intelligence chief, is responsible for special tasks such as intelligence gathering and assassination.”

“Dignified Master, Du Chun, who is also responsible for garrisoning Divine Art Pavilion and reviewing the qualifications of the disciples who enter it.”

“Master of training dignified, concurrently served by Li Lingtao, responsible for the release of sect training tasks and rewards for disciples.” “Inside and outside, Inner Sect is a cultivation disciple. It is divided into three levels: core, elite, and ordinary. Strength, and set up a veteran pavilion, a discipline that has made a significant contribution to the sect can enter and enjoy the support of special resources. The outer sect is a worldly science and provides resources for the development of the sect.

Be specific. “

Yun Sheng finished his speech, drank his saliva, and looked at Lin Hai with a smile.

“Sect Master, this is my initial idea. I have no experience in the construction of sect. That’s all I can think of. What else do you think needs to be modified?”

“No, no, Yun Old Brother thinks very well, just follow Yun Old Brother.” Lin Hai hurriedly waved his hands and said with a smile in his heart.

When Yun Sheng said this, Lin Hai had felt a big deal for a while.

I thought that sect was established, that is, pulling the pole to pull the banner, just get a ticket, and there are so many things in didn’t expect that it sounds headache.

Lin Hai didn’t care about these, anyway, there is Yunsheng and the others to worry about, and he still directly arm-flinging shopkeeper.

“Then, just press this for the time being, and then there is something wrong, and then slowly modify and improve.

“Okay, listen to Yun Old Brother!” Lin Hai nodded.

“Sect Master, 4 Great Elder is the management of sect. At present, there is only Old Brother and me. You have to hurry up with the remaining 3 people. Otherwise, Old Brother and I will not be too busy even if we work hard.”

Yun Sheng sighed helplessly with a bitter smile. He was really speechless about Lin Hai’s careless attitude.

“4 Great Elder?”

Lin Hai thought for a moment, and suddenly lighted up.

“The gatekeeper group of two people is counted as two. One of them is the Sect Master of Raging Fire Sect, and one of them almost became the Tiandangshan Sect Master. They must have experience in sect management! Both of them, the main gatekeeper and sideline Elder Just arrange it! “

“Mr. Huoyun Dao and Qin Yu? Well, they are indeed suitable candidates!” Yun Sheng was heavily nodded, rejoicing, and having both of them assisted himself, it was easier.

As for letting the dignified Elder go to the door, this strange approach is inappropriate. Yun Sheng didn’t even ask. It was normal for Lin Hai to make such an arrangement for the Sect Master.

Maybe someday it would be funny to arrange Elder to dig out the toilet, it is not impossible.

“Then there is one?” Yunsheng asked tentatively.

“The other one, I don’t know if it can be done, let me try it!” Lin Hai frowned slightly, thinking of a candidate, but just don’t know if people will come.

“Is the opening ceremony already scheduled?”

“Sect Master, rest assured, all the people in the Information Hall have been dispatched after the end of the year. The address of the world cultivator sect provided by Mr. Huoyun Dao and Qin Yu will surely send all the news!

“Okay!” Lin Hai nodded, “The opening ceremony was the first time that my Sea Moon Sect debuted in front of the world’s cultivator. There must be nothing wrong!”

“Sect Master rest assured that Yunsheng will never disappoint Sect Master’s expectations!”

“Tough Old Brother!” Lin Hai was grateful, moved towards Yunsheng nodded.

He talked with Yunsheng about the sect and talked about it for a long time, turning around the main halls of the Sea Moon Sect, until it was dark, Lin Hai came down to Misty Peak and left the Sea Moon Sect.

Back home, Lin Hai’s footsteps stopped before he entered the villa area.

“Ghostly, are there any inconceivable acts? Come out!”

As soon as Lin Hai’s words fell, a few silhouettes flashed out very quickly.

“You, Lin Hai?”

A cold voice, speaking slightly Chinese, sounded behind Lin Hai.

“Well, a foreigner?” Lin Hai slowly turned around, his eyes falling on the people in front of him, his eyes flashing with surprise.

“Yes, I am Lin Hai!” Lin Hai opened his mouth and said lightly after losing his hands.

“You, got 4 scrolls of sheepskin, and saw Divine Beast?” Asked a red-haired blond westerner with an elegant smile on his face, moved towards Lin Hai, a very gentleman.

“Yes!” Lin Hai nodded, he had already guessed the identity of these foreigners, knowing that even if he denied them, they could not believe them.

“Very well, you are a smart person, I like to deal with smart people!” Westerners shrugged.

After getting a positive answer from Lin Hai, the islander who started talking was looking cold, a very cold and cold murderous aura, and fell on Lin Hai’s body instantly, locking Lin Hai!

“You, follow us now!”

Lin Hai heard that, and suddenly sneered at the corners of his mouth!


The islander’s face changed, and suddenly his murderous intention flickered, his complexion shone, revealing his proud expression.

“Just because I am the heir of the great island nation Shikigami!”

“Heir to Shikigami?” Lin Hai looked at him up and down, and his face was darker and curler’s lip disdainful.

“Shikigami, is it amazing in your island nation?”

“Of course! The great Shikigami is the master of the world! Not only in the island country, everyone on Earth, one day, they should acknowledge allegiance at the foot of Shikigami!” The island people were proud, with a crazy expression in their eyes .

“Master who dominates the World? Hey!” Lin Hai suddenly spurned and looked disgusted.

“In my eyes, Shikigami is worse than shit!” “8 Ga!” Lin Hai immediately annoyed the people of the island, and suddenly a cloud of black cloud suddenly shone down towards Lin Hai.

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