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“The home is simple, let you laugh!” Wang Peng got out of the car and said with a slightly unnatural smile.

“Again, Ryoko and I will turn around and leave!”

“Yes!” Liu Liang echoed dissatisfaction.

“Leave your sister! Would you like to leave when you are here? Enter the house and enter the house!”

“Dad, mom, my best buddy is here!” Wang Peng shouted as soon as he entered the yard.

Suddenly, a man, a woman and two middle-aged men in plain clothes greeted him with a smile.

“Good Uncle, good aunt!”

Lin Hai, Liu Xinyue and Liu Liang hurriedly greeted each other.

“Well, okay, okay!” Wang Peng’s parents hurriedly smiled at nodded and looked at Lin Hai 3 people.

“You, Xiao Hai and Xiao Liang, right? Wang Peng often mentions you two at home. Thank you for taking care of Wang Peng at school.”

“Auntie, you are so kind!” Lin Hai and Liu Liang laughed.

“Where is this girl?” Wang Peng’s parents turned their attention to Liu Xinyue again, with a hint of doubt.

I don’t know why, they looked at Liu Xinyue, they were very familiar, as if they had seen them somewhere.

“Aunt Uncle, my name is Liu Xinyue, and I am Lin Hai’s girlfriend.”

“Liu Xinyue!” Wang Peng’s parents, suddenly surprised, pointed at Liu Xinyue, stunned.

“I remember, I’ve seen you on TV!”

“Aren’t you singing that big star?”

Wang Peng’s parents were aggressive all of a sudden, how could they notn’t expect that the big star arrived at their home, it was so bright!

“You’re stupid, what are you doing, let the children enter the house!” Wang Peng’s mother pushed Wang Peng father scolded with a dull face, but with incredible surprise on her face.

Unexpectedly, his son even has big star friends, this, this is too dare to think.

Lin Hai entered into the room with 3 people. Wang Peng’s mother hurriedly took 3 stools, wiped them vigorously, and passed them to Lin Hai.

“You can come to our Wang Peng’s wedding, we are so happy!” Wang Peng’s mother said with some restraint.

“Yeah yeah!” Wang Peng’s father also echoed, his face was a little stiff.

Originally, Wang Peng told them that Liu Liang was a rich second generation, Lin Hai was even more money than they could count. They faced Lin Hai and Liu Liang and had inferiority and restraint. Now there is another big star Liu Xinyue, Wang Peng’s parents were even more uncomfortable.

“Uncle, auntie!” Lin Hai laughed and stood up, taking out the prepared money.

“This is 500000, 300000 for the gift, and the remaining 200000, for the banquet, should it be enough?”

“Enough is enough!” Wang Peng’s parents hurriedly stood up, their faces moved, and tears were almost shed.

“Xiao Hai, I didn’t agree to borrow so much money with you at once, but Wang Peng told me that the relationship between him and you is closer than that of my brother, and I really ca n’t borrow the money, so I agree with Wang Peng is looking for you. “

“Uncle took note of your friendship! You can rest assured that we will pay you back for this money, even if Wang Peng is still not there, me and his mother will pay you back even if they sell blood.”

“Uncle, you talk a lot!” Lin Hai said quickly, “I don’t lack money, let Wang Peng pay back slowly, he can’t run in this life!”

“Yeah, I’m too fat, I can’t run if I want to run!” Wang Peng said, and immediately made people laugh.

“Uncle, auntie, how is the wedding preparations going? What can we do for you?” Lin Hai asked again.

“We originally wanted to hold a banquet in the village, but He Yun’s parents are people with heads and faces. They didn’t agree, so the final decision was at the Hengyuan Hotel in the county. The banquet was already booked, so I’ll send a call The emcee and the bride’s car. “

“You were not at home just now. I have already found the car. It is a relative in the old Wang Family County, a Passat, and said that it is more than 20 cars.” Wang Peng’s mother said aside.

“More than 20 cars? Well, isn’t the rent expensive?” Wang Peng asked with a frown.

“Uncle, Auntie!” Lin Hai suddenly spoke beside him, and Wang Peng’s parents hurriedly looked towards Lin Hai.

“You haven’t found a wedding company yet?”

“No!” Wang Peng father shook the head, “We’re not here to save money. The car rental is private, and the master of ceremonies is going to ask the primary school principal in the village to help host it.”

“There is no better!” Lin Hai laughed. He came here to support Wang Peng, so that He Yun’s parents who looked down on Wang Peng would take a look at it, would this wedding be so shabby.

Wang Peng’s parents looked at each other, looked at each other, did not understand what Lin Hai meant.

“Uncle, auntie! Wang Peng is my best brother. I ’m here to help him with the wedding. All the rest is left to me.” Lin Hai looked sincere and tried not to let Wang Peng’s Parents want to avoid hurting their fragile self-esteem.

“Uncle, aunt, you may not know that my family is also rural. Conditions were not as good as you used to, but Wang Peng often helped me. Even if there is a delicious bite, it will never leave me. Between us, really It ’s like pro-brother. Can you see what I mean? “

“Understand, understand!” Wang Peng’s parents nodded, not knowing what Lin Hai was about to say.

“So, Wang Peng got married just like my pro-brother. I now have a little ability, and I have to do my best to help him make the wedding beautiful. I won’t let anyone look down on me. brother. “

“So, I am willing to pay for Wang Peng. I am willing to spend as much money as you are willing to pay for him. It is exactly the same feeling, can you understand?”

Lin Hai said carefully, for fear of Wang Peng’s parents, self-esteem will be hurt. After all, Wang Peng is their son, but the wedding let him be an outsider to spend money to do it. Parents will inevitably think about it, giving birth to useless pessimism .

“Oh Xiaohai, we understand, we all understand!” Wang Peng’s parents, the eye circles are a little bit red, do they even know that He Yun’s parents look down on his home, I am afraid that Wang Peng has no status when married, and would not be at He Yun’s home. Seen, but their family conditions are so, what can they do?

Now, Lin Hai is willing to stand up so selflessly to help their son. What they have in mind is only touching and guilt.

“That line, Aunt Uncle, your main job right now is to send invitations. All the rest is left to me. Aunt Uncle can rest assured?”

“Relax, rest assured, we all listen to you!” Wang Peng’s parents were nodded.

“Sea Child, don’t say anything!” Wang Peng punched Lin Hai with a punch, and his eyes were covered with mist.

“Although the collection on my hard disk was deleted after I met He Yun, there are still hundreds of g in my cloud disk. My buddy decided to share it with you after the school starts. It’s okay to share with Xin Let ’s do it! ”

“Hey!” Liu Xinyue was on the side, and the pretty face flashed red, and he gave a flick, while Lin Hai punched him directly.

“Get out, insignificant fat!”

“Hahaha!” Liu Liang laughed aside, Wang Peng’s parents apparently didn’t understand their conversation, but it seemed good to see a few people smiling.

“Xiaohai, Xiaoliang, and Xinyue, you are sitting. Let’s go to Wang Principal to write an invitation!” Wang Peng’s parents greeted and went out.

“Sea Child, what are you going to do? I’ll tell you, be sure to give your buddies a big deal, grandma, I must let He Yun’s parents give me a high look!” Wang Peng’s heart also apparently stunned. Anger. “Rest assured, I think about it all!” Lin Hai said, pulling out his phone.

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