“Xinyue, what happened?”

Lin Hai was startled, wondering why Liu Xinyue’s tone was so urgent.

“Stupid, no one in my house right now!” (Behind is a shy expression)

Lin Hai looked at the information, and suddenly a burst of blood rushed to the lower abdomen, and his heart beat quickly.

“Haha, chick, I was so anxious to let the big brother go to be spoiled!” Lin Hai smiled wryly, but his feet immediately accelerated his pace, but now he was anxious, as if long


“Well, I hate it! Husband, wait for you!”

“Hahaha!” Lin Hai couldn’t close his happy mouth. It had been many months, and if he didn’t release it, he would almost burst out with internal injuries.

Fortunately, the place where Lin Hai is located is relatively remote and unpopulated. Lin Hai directly casts his body skills and moves quickly, appearing on the edge of the urban area in a short while, stopping a taxi, straight

Ben Liu Xinyue’s home.

“咚dong dong! ”

When he came to the door of Liu Xinyue’s house, Lin Hai knocked on the door, and his heart fluttered.

The door opened, and a shadow of Qian appeared in front of him. Lin Hai couldn’t help but say, reaching out to take the beauty into her arms.

“Haha, my little Darling, I want to die big brother!”

Lin Hai smiled with a silver face on his face, and walked with dishonest hands, and kissed him.

Lin Hai froze, and suddenly felt a bit wrong. Before he could understand it, there was a sudden pain in the crotch.


Lin Hai exclaimed, squatting down with his crotch in his hands, and then an angry tenderness sounded in his ears.

“You smelly rascal, why touch someone!”

“Eh …” Lin Hai heard his voice, suddenly fainted, and hurried to lifts the head, then his face became extremely exciting.

“Sunday, Xiaoqing!”

“Well! What are you talking about! Shameless!” Liu Xinqing heard Lin Hai’s words, the pretty face was even more embarrassed and crimson, fiercely gave Lin Hai a glance and turned and ran into his bedroom.

“Fuck, that’s the mantra, it doesn’t mean that!” Lin Hai’s face was black, and it wasn’t clear at all.

In other words, isn’t Xinyue home at home, why did Liu Xinqing come to open the door, causing himself to accidentally hold the wrong person.

Lin Hai suddenly grinned, and smiled wretchedly, even drooling.

“Xiao Qing is a good and honest girl. She has said that she is older than her sister, and she did not lie!”

“Fuck, what do you want!” Lin Hai was startled, wiped out his saliva, and drove out the messy thoughts, and restored his serious look.

At this time, the bathroom door suddenly opened and Liu Xinyue came out.

“How did you come here?” Liu Xinyue met Lin Hai with a resentful expression, and then moved his mouth towards Liu Xinqing’s room.

That means telling Lin Hai that you are late and Xiao Qing is back, and it is inconvenient.

Lin Hai couldn’t care less about it now, and rushed to throw Liu Xinyue on the sofa in the living room.

“Hate it, Xiao Qing is here!”

Liu Xinyue struggled lightly, flushed, stopped in a low voice, and kept moving towards Liu Xinqing looking at the room.

“Rest assured, Xiaoqing is a sensible child and will definitely not come out!”

Lin Hai smirked and kissed Liu Xinyue’s lips, and his big hands began to be dishonest.

“No, really not!” Liu Xinyue resisted, and Chennai didn’t have any energy at all, and his heart was so tense and exciting that he couldn’t push Lin Hai away.

“Hey, smelly rascal, you did something wrong and you have to compensate me, I want to …”

Suddenly, Liu Xinqing’s door opened and came out with an angry voice, but after half of it, it suddenly stopped, staring blankly at Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue, suddenly stunned


Liu Xinyue was startled. The soft body suddenly had strength. He pushed Lin Hai away and sat up, but his head was buried in his chest and his neck was red.

After all, it was very embarrassing for my younger sister to see her boyfriend at home.

Lin Hai was unhappy, and looked at Liu Xinqing with a grieving look.

“Now you’ve done something wrong, we’re evened out!”

“Well, you bully me and bully my elder sister, you smily rascal, I want to make double compensation!”

“Brat!” Lin Hai directly gave her a grimace and a depressed face, then pulled Liu Xinyue up.

“Xingyue, go, let’s go shopping, ignore this ruthless little girl.”

Lin Hai said, moved towards Liu Xinyue winked, not at home, just go out and open a room.

“Xiao Qing, then you are at home, let’s go out for a stroll.” Liu Xinyue blushed, lowered her head, stood up with a look of shame, ready to go out with Lin Hai.

“Shopping? Very good, I’ll go too!” Liu Xinqing cheered, ran over and took Liu Xinyue’s arm, while moved towards Lin Hai cast a provocative look.

“Your sister, deliberately!” Lin Hai looked blank and stared towards Liu Xinqing.

“See what I do, smelly rascal! Today my sister and I are in charge of shopping, and you are responsible for paying the bill!”

“Let’s go!” Liu Xinqing, like a celebration fast bird, pulled Liu Xinyue out of the house.

“What is this little sister-in-law? Buy a light bulb?” Lin Hai was crying without tears, followed by his frustration. His previous enthusiasm had already dissipated, and he knew that he was hopeless today.

Watching Liu Xinqing and Liu Xinyue happily chuckling and laughing, from time to time they glanced at their proud eyes, Lin Hai was even more angry, this dead girl is definitely intentional!

No, when did the big brother suffer from this loss, he must teach her something!

“Xiao Qing, university life is very colorful, is there any boyfriend?”

Liu Xinqing was about to answer, but was immediately vigilant when he saw Lin Hai’s wretched grin.

“Hmph, I want you to take care of it!” Liu Xinqing pounced his ponytails, his mouth narrowed, and raised his head.

When she saw Lin Hai, she was harboring malicious intentions. Regardless of whether she answered or not, Lin Hai must have something to wait for herself. In that case, she would not answer at all!

“Eh …” Lin Hai hesitated, didn’t he say he was big and brainless? My aunt is getting smarter?

If nothing can be done, Lin Hai’s eyes rolled and he made another plan.

“I don’t know, I know, I heard that you and the high school Liu Zhiqiang, hey, hey, hey …” Lin Hai suddenly raised an eyebrow and grinned.

“Well, don’t talk nonsense!” Liu Xinqing suddenly made pretty face changes, something unnatural.

“Ah, I’m going! I won’t be fooled by the big brother, right?” Lin Hai’s eyes brightened, but it was a bit aggressive.

Then Liu Zhiqiang, but a sissy with a big beard, said this himself, just to get revenge, to disgusting Liu Xinqing, Liu Xinqing is not tasteful, can’t fancy him?

“Oh, Heavens, Ah! Xiaoqing! Is it you?” Just then, a sharp voice suddenly came from the front, and then a full beard, a sissy boy, shouted.

Orchid finger ran over, looked at Liu Xinqing, his eyes glowed.

“Eh …” Lin Hai’s eyes straightened at once, “fuck, Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive!”

This sissy is not someone else, it is Liu Xinqing’s high school classmate, Liu Zhiqiang!

“Hello, Liu Zhiqiang!” Liu Xinqing suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and squeezed out a smile, said with a smile.

“Xiao Qing, why didn’t you answer my phone call or return to WeChat, causing me to write a letter to comfort the acacia, yes, I wrote the letter to you, did you receive it?”


Lin Hai heard this, and almost spit out old blood. What is the matter with the fuck, wouldn’t these two really have an affair?

“Liu Zhiqiang, we are not suitable!” Liu Xinqing black brows slightly wrinkle, said gently.

“Xiao Qing, you reject me again!” Liu Zhiqiang trembled, showing a sad face.

“Xiao Qing, I have relied on my manliness to get rid of the boss of Red Boss. She can’t occupy me now! I really like you! I only realized when I went to college.

It’s you that love! Oh! “Liu Zhiqiang stomped his feet, don’t go over and show a shy expression.


After Liu Zhiqiang finished, Lin Hai also vomited. How disgusting he was!

However, the appearance of Liu Zhiqiang was really timely, just to help himself get rid of Liu Xinqing.

“Well, you talk, we won’t bother!” Lin Hai saw this and hurriedly pulled Liu Xinyue away.

“Hey, sister!” Liu Xinqing was suddenly anxious, but was stopped by Liu Zhiqiang, and began to express affectionate confession.

“Come on, buddy optimistic about you!” Lin Hai did not forget to move towards Liu Zhiqiang as he walked away with an encouraging look, making Liu Zhiqiang as if he had beaten chicken blood, moved towards Lin Hai nodded


“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Going all the way out, Lin Hai couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“You are so bad, just leave my younger sister alone!” Liu Xinyue gave Lin Hai a glance.

“Haha, who made her bad is our good thing, she’s annoyed now!” Lin Hai smiled proudly, “But you can rest assured that there will be nothing on the street, let’s do our thing quickly

! ”

Lin Hai squeezed Liu Xinyue’s face and said with a smirk.

“Hate!” Liu Xinyue pretty face was red and shy and gave Lin Hai a glance, and they continued to move forward hand in hand.

“En? Wait a minute!” Lin Hai stopped just two steps after taking a look, moved towards, and then frowned.

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