Lin Hai looked at the middle-aged man and launched a fierce attack on himself.

“Master, be careful!”

Guangtou Qiang and Li Lingtao are on the side, but they can’t help turning pale with fright. This middle-aged man’s attack is too terrifying. The momentum alone makes them lose the ability to resist!

Lin Hai looked indifferent, as if the opponent’s attack was not on him, but there was no response at all.

“hmph! ”

The middle-aged man’s face suddenly revealed the fierce rays of light, and the murderous intention shot in his eyes, and Lin Hai would be killed when he saw it!


Suddenly, Lin Hai spoke softly and spit out a word!

“En?” Middle-aged man suddenly, feeling instinctively awkward, an extreme danger, and surged from the bottom of his heart, making him shudder!

“Not good !”

Middle-aged man was shocked, he did n’t have time to think about it, he hurriedly withdrew his moves, his body exploded, and he moved towards the rear and flew away!


His silhouette, just leaping, suddenly appeared a thick layer of frost on his body surface, freezing his figure instantly, still maintaining the jumping posture, and becoming ice sculpture!


All the people present, whether it was Guangtou Qiang and Li Lingtao, or the other person, were all silly.

“Haha, Master is mighty!”

It was Li Lingtao who was the first one to respond with a surprise cheer.

“Master, I want to learn this move frozen popsicles!” Guangtou Qiang looked fiery.

“Master ~” was shot by Lin Hai in the black clothed man in midair. When he saw his master who was almost invincible, he was frozen by Lin Hai, and his eyes were full of fear.

, Talking shivered.

“Now tell me, who are you and why did you come to trouble with me?” Lin Hai glanced at the black clothed man lightly, and the black clothed man greeted Lin Hai’s eyes, scared.

A shivered, hurriedly spoke.

“Say, I say everything!” Even his master was stopped by Lin Hai in one move. How could he dare to speak hard?

“We are from the wild mountains of Liaodong. My Master is one of the only ten Golden Core Late Stage masters left in the world. The black bear came here to find you and give revenge to Qingcheng Sword Sect.

! ”

“Oh?” Lin Hai frowned, slowly nodded, and finally knew what was going on.

After killing the dead end thousands of times, Dongfang Yulong once told Lin Hai that the ten Golden Core Late Stage masters in the world formed an alliance and killed the dead end thousands of times by himself. The other 9 people will definitely find

Revenge yourself.

Hearing this news at the time, Lin Hai was not afraid, but felt a little tricky, but now, Lin Hai has only emotions in his heart.

“When I wanted to kill a thousand people, I was still a Fake Core cultivation base. I almost exhausted my skills before I could win!”

“Unexpectedly, after a few months, I am already a Golden Core Late Stage, and the same Golden Core Late Stage, a cultivator with the same reputation as Lu Qian, in front of myself, it is already impossible to withstand a single blow!”

“Now that you come to avenge me, there must be a consciousness of death!” Lin Hai’s words, with a trace of coldness, suddenly saw a murderous intention in his eyes.

After a series of things, especially the life-and-death fight of Penglai Immortal Island in the past few months, Lin Hai’s temperament has already become as hard as iron, and is no longer the indecision of the original

Big boy now.


Lin Hai’s tone barely fell, the frost on the surface of the black bear suddenly burst, and the black bear’s body was soft, and slowly fell to the ground, there was no breath!

“Master!” The black clothed man shouted in horror when he saw this, and then his eyes rolled over, making him fainted.

“Fuck, just be brave? Really shame on Golden Core Human Immortal!”

Lin Hai, disdainful, threw the black clothed man out of the hotel, the black bear was already ambush, these people under his hands were not worthy of Lin Hai’s shot.

“Take care of things here!” Lin Hai explained, and left the hotel, his own little moon Darling, but he was still waiting for himself in the car.

“Ling Tao, take care of it!” Guangtou Qiang said, and ran out after Lin Hai. “Master, I want to learn the trick of frozen popsicles just now!”

“Hey, bald head, you’re so irritable, they have a date today!” When Lin Hai and Guangtou Qiang got into the car and disappeared, Li Lingtao suddenly wailed.

Lin Hai and Liu Xinyue were sent home, Guangtou Qiang left in a car, and Lin Hai was already standing in front of Song Qin, with his head bowed and unable to lift his head.

“You know how to come back! It’s almost a week before Chinese New Year!”

“I’m not coming back!” Lin Hai grieved, scratched his head, and murmured in protest.

“I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere, just stay with us at home and prepare for the New Year!”

“Oh!” Lin Hai promised, moving towards Liu Xinyue, who was laughing with a grimace on his side, and spit out his tongue.

“Xinyue, you haven’t been here for a long time. Let’s go and chat with Auntie!” Song Qin gave Lin Hai a white look again, and then pulled Liu Xinyue into the back room.

“Oh, mom …” Lin Hai was speechless for a while, then fell down on the sofa with a look of despair.

“Is this a pro-mother? Isn’t this a pit son? Your son and Xinyue haven’t seen each other for so long, and they’re almost bombing. This is still waiting for the major event. When will the two of you talk?

Lin Hai had no choice but to secretly apply the power, forcing the heat that almost burned himself within the body.

“Looks like I have to wait for the evening!”

Grandfather and father, went out to the park to find someone to play chess, Lin Hai didn’t talk, shook the head, and went directly to his room.

“Yes, go to the Holy Land and see Yin He!”

After all, Lin Hai didn’t make it clear, he turned Yin He into the holy realm, and his heart was still a little bit vacant. Anyway, Yin He is Earth Immortal!

As soon as he thought about it, Lin Hai entered the sanctuary, and then the scene in front of him immediately made Lin Hai stunned.

I saw A’hua’s hooligan dog, with his legs upright at the moment, with his two front paws down, staring at a cute small dragon in front of him, with a threatening look on his face.

“Call father, hurry up!”

Meng Meng’s small dragon, with a trace of weak fear, resolutely shook the head.

“Ahhh, yeah, awkward, I’ve turned against you!” A’hua suddenly stared, his voice rising.

“Tell you, the new little fellow, this one is all covered by Gosh!” A’hua stretched out a paw and moved towards his nose.

“Don’t listen to Doge, don’t you want to mix up!”

Small dragon’s mouth slipped, two bright and intelligent big eyes, suddenly covered with tears, pitiful.

“Don’t cry, let’s go back! Also, don’t tell parents after school!” A’hua warned.

“Ask you again, maybe father!”

“Are you really the boss here?” Small dragon finally spoke, his voice couldn’t be more adorable.

“Crap! Can’t you see the looks?” Lin Hai suddenly turned away. “God, I’m so romantic, handsome like a jade tree, handsome and handsome, born to be the boss!”

“Then, if I kill you, will I become the boss?” Small dragon asked weakly.

“Yeah shit, you still want to kill Goya …”

“Roar!” A’hua didn’t finish the words, the small dragon in front of him suddenly issued a roar of shock, and then his body skyrocketed, and he became a few dragon zhang high dragons!

“Oh my god, this small dragon is inflatable, and it seems to be Lin Hai father’s new toy. Don’t let it explode, it’s blown up to Gosh!” A’hua made a terrified noise and ran away.

As a result, he didn’t run two steps. Suddenly, his tail was tight and he was choked directly by Yin He.

“Hehe!” Yin He grinned and grinned, the huge dragon eyebrows moved towards A’hua raised a sneer laughter.

“Puppy, here brother is covered, you quickly call me father, wa ha ha ha!”


Yin He’s words immediately made Lin Hai vomit blood and fall to the ground, want to cry without tears, and have no love.

“Fuck, what about Earth Immortal? Why is he so funny?”

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