When Liu Xinyue said something, Lin Hai just felt his head buzzing, and suddenly it was blank. Δ 『Look at Δ』 Δ Pavilion www. Кanshuge. la

After a long time, he looked at Liu Xinyue in shock and couldn’t believe it, and shivered.

“Xingyue, what do you know? What happened in the past life?”

Lin Hai grabbed Liu Xinyue’s fragrant shoulder and asked excitedly.

“I don’t know!” Liu Xinyue shook the head, Dai Mei’s eyebrows squinted slightly, her face showing doubt.

“Just when I saw Liner Princess and I was talking to her, I suddenly understood these in my head.”

Lin Hai froze, his face was incredible, if he didn’t know that Liu Xinyue would not lie to him, he wouldn’t even believe it was true.

“Apart from these, Xinyue, what else do you know about previous life?”

“No more!” Liu Xinyue shook the head.

“What the hell is going on here?” Lin Hai couldn’t help cursing, thinking that things were getting more bizarre.

“Yes, Liner Princess said just now, you are now Nascent Soul Middle-Stage?” Lin Hai suddenly realized a problem again. When he was separated from Liu Xinyue, Liu Xinyue was still Nascent Soul Early-Stage and went by himself. Returning from Penglai Immortal Island, Liu Xinyue broke through again?

“Well, Nascent Soul Middle-Stage, it shouldn’t take long before you will be at Nascent Soul Late Stage!”


Liu Xinyue’s words made Lin Hai almost spit out old blood, and watching Liu Xinyue was like watching a monster.

Fuck, it ’s too hard. It ’s hard work, it takes a lot of time, but it ’s Golden Core Late Stage, is n’t Liu Xinyue a rocket?

“Really constant comparing oneself to others will only make one angry!” Lin Hai shook his head for a while, speechless.

“Husband, go find Liner Princess and apologize to her,” Liu Xinyue said, suddenly.

“Send her a WeChat message, I’m sure I can’t find it.”

Lin Hai took out his phone, found Chu Liner’s WeChat, edited a message, and sent it.

Little confused: kind, beautiful, pure, invincible, cute, beautiful girl, Liner Princess, isn’t it? (Behind is a drooling expression)

Chu Liner: Huh, not here! (Behind is an angry expression)

Little confused: Whoops, which super big girl is talking to me now?

Chu Liner: There is no big beautiful girl here, big pervert, you got the wrong idea! (Behind is a left humming expression)

Little confused: Oh, this? That talking to me is a Very Ugly People?

Chu Liner: pei pei pei, you are Very Ugly People, this Princess is beautiful!

Little confused: haha, admit it, you are a super invincible beautiful girl, Liner Princess! (Behind is a raised eyebrow expression)

Chu Liner: Huh, you can talk! Why are you looking for me and trying to yell at me?

Little confused: Liner Princess, I’m wrong, I’m a big bastard, I’m asking you to admit your mistake, please forgive me. (Behind is a tearful expression)

Chu Liner: Hey, don’t forgive! My father and the king have never yelled at me like that! (Behind is a crying expression)

Little confused: Really forgive?

Chu Liner: If you do n’t forgive, do n’t forgive, hmph!

Little confused: Alas, this new game is so fun, wow, there is also multiplayer online!

Chu Liner: Ahhh, you have a new game, what is it? Tell me! !! !!

Lin Hai laughed suddenly, and she was really a game fan, Internet addiction boy!

Little confused: Want to know? Then come back to me and I will tell you! (Behind is a seductive expression)

Chu Liner: The beauty you want, bye!

“Uh … isn’t forgiving?” Lin Hai was even more guilty. Chu Liner seemed really angry.

Little confused: Liner Princess, I’m really wrong. If you’re still angry, come back and hit me. Even if you forcibly possess me, I won’t hide in the corner and cry.

Chu Liner: pei pei pei, who seldom holds you! Thinking beauty! roll!

Little confused: Then you come back?

Chu Liner: You big idiot, I’m going to collect 72 idiot spirits, there is one nearby, not to mention, this Princess is going to do business, I’m not in a mood to talk to you!

“Haha, it turns out that Lin Er is no longer angry, but has helped me collect the essence!” Lin Hai was pleased with a heart, and was deeply moved in his heart.

Before being so overwhelmed, Chu Liner was so angry that he didn’t forget to help himself. He was such a good girl. How can such a good girl make fun of it?

Lin Hai’s mouth showed a bad smile.

Little confused: ridiculous? Liner Princess, I’m curious, how are you a girl?

Chu Liner: Ahhhh! You die for me! You smily rascal, big asshole! !! !! (Behind is a crazy expression)

“Ha ha ha ha!” Lin Hai laughed suddenly, all the depressions in his heart were gone.

“Why are you so happy to laugh?” Liu Xinyue was aside and said sourly.

Lin Hai extend the hand, pinching and pinching Liu Xinyue’s Qiong nose.

“Liner Princess is not angry, shouldn’t she be happy?”

After speaking, Lin Hai took Liu Xinyue’s little hand, and the two men shook their arms, walking back sweetly.

“Xinyue, aren’t you filming anymore?” Lin Hai suddenly asked.

“Stop shooting!” Liu Xinyue shook the head, his face flashing with a gloom.

“Why, isn’t that your dream?” Lin Hai asked in wonder.

“I have a hunch that the time we are separated will at most have a few months to come. In this short time, I don’t want to do anything, I just want to be with you!”

Liu Xinyue leaned the lovable body on Lin Hai with a deep sorrow, and said sadly.

After Lin Hai listened, he took a deep breath, then he looked firmly towards the distance.

“Xinyue, no one will do anything, can separate you from me!”

“Even with a brief separation, as long as I am alive with Lin Hai, I will find you!”

“You are the lover of my life, whoever wants to take you away from me!”

“Me too!” Liu Xinyue embraced Lin Hai’s neck and said emotionally, “I won’t leave you, no one can stop us from being together!”

“Hu ~” Lin Hai long exhales one breath saying, in the cold air, a white mist,

“It’s almost New Year, Xinyue, let’s go home!”


Jiangnan International Airport, a man and a woman who wrapped their faces tightly, came out slowly.

“I’m home!”

Lin Hai was breathing in the fresh air of his hometown and felt extra gracious.

Seeing a big, shiny bald head in the distance, looking around, Lin Hai indifferently smiled, and Liu Xinyue walked by.


Lin Hai raised his palm and patted it on the big bald head!

“Damn, who dares to shoot Lao Tzu, courting death!” The big bald head roared back suddenly.

But when Lin Hai took off the mask and revealed the extremely familiar smile, Guangtou Qiang immediately jumped up with joy.

“Damn, Master, you want to die me! Ha ha ha ha!”

Guangtou Qiang hugged Lin Hai directly in excitement, and kissed Lin Hai’s forehead with a big, thick voice, which suddenly attracted the strange eyes of passers-by.

“Your sister!”

Lin Hai hurriedly shook him away, rubbed his forehead vigorously, and looked disgusted.

Guangtou Qiang didn’t care, grinned and smirked, and looked towards Liu Xinyue.

“Master, who is this girl, tsk tsk tsk, look good figure!”

Lin Hai suddenly looked weird, and looked at Guangtou Qiang with a smile on his face. Who was with him?

“Hehe, my sister-in-law has been filming. Master, you ca n’t even shoot a gun. It ’s a man. I understand. Do n’t worry, I wo n’t tell my sister-in-law!”

Lin Hai looked at Guangtou Qiang with a wretched smile, and suddenly didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“What talent do you have!”

“Hehe, right, everyone said that!” Guangtou Qiang touched his bald head and grinned with a smile.

With a puchi, Liu Xinyue laughed aside, and her beautiful eyes gave Guangtou Qiang a shame.

“Hadron, long time no see, you are still as humorous as ever!”

“Oh, Damn, this wonderful little voice, dare to be a maiden! It’s over, and you’re saying something wrong!” Guangtou Qiang immediately heard Liu Xinyue’s voice, and hurriedly patted his head.

“You only knew you said something wrong.” Lin Hai gave him a look of anger.

“Not so!” Guangtou Qiang patted his thigh. “I also said just now, Master, you have nowhere to fire your guns. It turns out that the master is right next to you.



Lin Hai kicked the goods away with a kick, what else did he say!

Liu Xinyue was also pretty face flushed, and suddenly stretched out her little hand, slap a hand in Lin Hai’s waist, and suddenly it hurt in a breath of cold air.

Lin Hai asked, getting in Guangtou Qiang’s car.

“Is there anything that happened during this time?”

Guangtou Qiang hadn’t waited for an answer yet, the phone rang suddenly, he picked it up quickly, and a frightening voice came out. “Brother Qiang, where are you? A strong enemy is coming!”

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