“Damn, what’s the matter!”

Lin Hai turn pale with fright, my heart was pounding, my face was shocked and incredible!

This time, Lin Hai was really frightened. Since becoming the master of the sacred land, it has always been unfavorable. This has never happened.

You know, the space of sacred realm is Lin Hai’s most reliable means. Even if the opponent is strong, as long as he hides in it, no one can help him.

But now, this reliable method fails at a critical moment!


Lin Hai cursed, and couldn’t bother to study what went wrong. Island Lord’s breath was quickly approaching, and he would not have had time to run again.

Since the holy realm can’t get in, you can only rely on your own feet, how far to run!

Thinking of this, Lin Hai turned and ran away.


A rays of light flashed, and then Lin Hai’s face suddenly became extremely ugly, until then he was shocked to discover that not only could he not enter the holy realm, but even his actions were restrained by a strange force!

“How is this going?”

Lin Hai’s face changed drastically, and a deep despair arose.

You ca n鈥檛 escape, you ca n鈥檛 escape, you ca n鈥檛 even move, is n鈥檛 it just waiting for your death?

“No, I don’t want to!”

Lin Hai growled in anger, suddenly transported Zhen Qi from his body, struggling madly, trying to get rid of this powerful bondage.

“Little fellow, don’t struggle, it’s useless. In this space, your body, your mind, are all sealed by the seal, it is impossible to break free!”

An ancient vicissitudes of voice suddenly passed into Lin Hai’s ears, which made Lin Hai suddenly startled and changed color!

“Who are you?” Lin Hai looked down, asking in surprise.

However, the voice had not been answered yet, and the Silhouette of the Island Lord flashed. A huge palm illusory shadow had appeared in midair, and moved towards Lin Hai crashed down.

“Peace, die!”

Island Lord’s anger was accompanied by a shouting roar, shocking Lin Hai’s eardrums, a huge coercion, and immediately came, the air flow that drove Lin Hai’s body almost crushed and broken!

“It’s over!”

Lin Hai stared at the falling palm print, his eyes filled with despair and unwillingness!

However, just when this huge fingerprint was about to fall on Lin Hai, there was a sudden bang, and a rays of light suddenly appeared in the air, which directly crushed the fingerprint!

“En?” Lin Hai froze, and then a burst of excited rays of light suddenly appeared in his eyes!

“This rays of light …”

Lin Hai suddenly remembered that when he took away the jade stone mountain range, there was a rays of light that saved his life, exactly the same as the rays of light just now!

鈥渕any thanks Senior, help!鈥?/p>

Lin Hai is overjoyed, knowing that he has been saved, and quickly moved towards the sky and thank you!

“Dark Forest !!!”

The Island Lord in the distance also issued a frightful roar, and his eyelids jumped wildly!

“Asshole, here it is!”

Island Lord was shocked and terrified. The countless transfiguration bodies previously used by Lin Hai had been confused, and they had been hunting all the way without notice. They had hunted down the dark forest!

Lin Hai is in the dark forest at this moment, and he has already reached the edge of the dark forest, and almost entered it.

“so close!”

Island Lord suddenly gave birth to a cold sweat. If I go one step further and enter the dark forest, I am afraid it will be difficult to come out even if the means are clear.

“Hmph!” Island Lord coldly snorted, with a grin on his face.

“Lin Hai, it’s your bad luck that you broke into the dark forest of the forbidden area. Even if I don’t kill you, you still don’t want to live alive, ha ha ha ha ha!”

Island Lord burst out a laugh and let out the depression in his heart.

During this time, being played by a little Golden Core Realm by Lin Hai, the Island Lord was almost depressed. Now Lin Hai has got his due end. Although he was not killed by himself, he was also out of anger.

Entering the dark forest was no different from the dead. Island Lord was too lazy to even look at Lin Hai, turned around, stood up, and moved towards the gallop away.


But when Island Lord’s body jumped into the air, a huge elastic force suddenly bounced him back and landed on the ground. He stepped back for 4 5 steps to stand still, and his face suddenly showed an astonished expression.

“Since you’re here, don’t go!”

An old voice, suddenly ringing in the sky, is the person who spoke to Lin Hai before.

Island Lord heard that, his face suddenly became extremely pale, and his eyes were terrified!

“Senior, the junior did not enter the dark forest, why not let the junior leave?”

“You didn’t enter, but you shot at someone in the dark forest. Do you want to leave?”

“This …” Island Lord suddenly changed greatly. “The junior did not intend to do so. Please give Senior a chance!”

As the Island Lord said, fiercely stared at Lin Hai with an extremely venomous look, furious and scary!

“This bastard, why ran into the dark forest and dragged Lao Tzu down!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” The ancient voice sounded again, and then the Island Lord suddenly showed a terrifying look, and his body was so vigorous that he was thrown directly into the dark forest and fell beside Lin Hai!

“I didn’t come in by myself, I’m going out!”

The Island Lord was so scared that the dead souls ran and jumped crazy and rushed away.

But then, he was shocked to find that his body couldn’t move at all!

“Ha ha ha ha, silly, let you chase me!”

Lin Hai was beside him, watching a burst of laughter, his heart was invigorating.

“You, you bastard!”

Island Lord looked at Lin Hai next to him, his eyes almost bleed, and he rushed to swallow Lin Hai alive.

“It’s all because of the bastard Lin Hai, that he has entered the dark forest, but there is no access here, and his life is worrying!”

Island Lord was terrified and terrified, shaking involuntarily, remembering the rumors of the dark forest, filled with despair.

“Blame you, both of us are finished now!”

Island Lord flustered and exasperated, moved towards Lin Hai growled in anger.

“Well, that’s not necessarily true!”

Lin Hai shrugged, said playfully.

Lin Hai’s heart is not as desperate as Island Lord. He has a strong feeling that he should not be in danger.

You know, this ancient vicissitudes of voice, but two shots to save themselves, although Lin Hai did not know what the reason was, but obviously the owner of the voice did not want to let himself die.

In this case, what else do you have to worry about, just watch it change!

Island Lord heard it, his face changed, and he seemed to think of it, and couldn’t help but take a deep look at Lin Hai.

Afterwards, Island Lord hurriedly respected and moved towards the sky to worship.

“Senior, the contemporary Island Lord of Divine Dragon Island in Xia Nai, I wonder if I can leave a way out, let the younger leave, and the younger should be prepared to give a generous gift to thank the Senior!”

“It’s not that I can let you go, but I can’t let you go!”

“Dark forest, since ancient times, there is no access!” “What!” The ancient voice’s words not only made Island Lord look desperate, but even Lin Hai’s heart sank suddenly.

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