Sun Wukong: If you ca n’t compete, you can only win by chaos.

Little confused: Brother Hou, can you elaborate more?

Ding dong!

Sun Wukong has sent you 100 monkey hairs, please check them in the Universe Bag.

Sun Wukong: Did the brother understand?

“Damn, this monkey has sent 100 monkey hairs in a flash. Maybe they are bald?”

However, Lin Hai was also divided light flashed, and immediately understood the meaning of Sun Wukong.

Little confused: haha, I understand, many thanks Brother Hou!

Lin Hai extracted all of the 100 golden monkey hairs and put them in the sanctuary. It is enough to use a single thought head, which is more convenient than in a Universe Bag.

With these 100 monkey hairs, the chances of saving people are much higher. The next step is to draw some Level 9 talisman to help Yu Tianze siblings resist the hunt.

Lin Hai beckoned, Level 9 rune paper and red gold and purple wolf flew into the hands, paved the rune paper, Lin Hai carried red gold and purple wolf, and suddenly a momentum emerged, eyes became extremely focused.


The red wolf and purple wolf suddenly trembled, and then fell down quickly. The pen walked around the dragon, the silver hook of iron painting, and the countless lines of rune paper began to appear on the rune paper.


Just before a perfect rune arc was about to be completed, suddenly the flames jumped, and the whole rune paper was instantly turned to ashes.


Lin Hai couldn’t help but curse, didn’t expect the last moment, and fell short.

However, Lin Hai is not discouraged. This Level 9 talisman requires Zhen Qi of Nascent Soul Realm to spur the portrayal. Lin Hai now relies on the superb Technology of Talisman to forcibly portray the portrayal. Failure is normal.

However, from the one that failed just now, Lin Hai is also more accurate in measuring the scale of the situation, and after portraying it later, the success rate is bound to increase.

Thinking of this, Lin Hai laid down another piece of rune paper, and then the red and gold wolf suddenly dropped.

A few minutes later, with a buzz, a fiery-red rays of light burst into bloom, a huge force of courage emanated, and flashed away.

“It is!”

Looking at the talisman with huge lines in front of him, Lin Hai was overjoyed and finally succeeded.

With this time’s successful experience, Lin Hai became more confident and characterized again.

When the tenth 5th talisman was portrayed, Lin Hai pulled out for a while and put out a long breath.

“Ten five photos, ten of which were successful, should be enough!”

Packing up the ten shaped talisman, Lin Hai got up and went back to the house to adjust his breath and recover.

Overnight, Lin Hai opened his eyes and recovered his energy.

“Go and see Xian’er!”

Xian’er is different from Leng Yueru. Although the injury is also very serious, as an Artifact Spirit in the sacred state, recovery in the sacred state is only a very short-term thing.

After entering Xian’er’s wood house, it turned out that Xian’er had taken all the gold needles by himself and put them neatly aside.

“Xian’er, pay respects to Master!”

Already dressed in a neat Xian’er, moved towards Lin Hai Yingying, a pretty face was red.

“Xian’er, how are you?” Lin Hai asked joyfully.

“Thank you Master cares, Xian’er is no more.”

“That’s good!” Lin Hai nodded, “Can you do that for me?”

“Although the master orders!”

“Well, you follow me!” Lin Hai moved towards Xian’er beckoned, and the two of them left the wood house and came to the side of the god dragon corpse.

“Xian’er, can you help me here at caudal vertebrae, take a keel and make some pendants?”

Xian’er’s beautiful eyes flickered, and Lin Hai gave a strange look.

“But what did Liner Princess do before?”

“Yeah, that’s it!” Lin Hai nodded, the ones Chu Liner did before, let Lin Hai give away, this keel pendant is a fun thing, now facing the half-step Earth Immortal like Island Lord, just Use it.

“Master, please wait!”

After Xian’er said, he walked to the front of the dragon body, squatted down, and jade hand took a look, and took out a dragon fracture.

After the jade fingers were brought close together, under the infusion of Zhen Qi, sharp as a knife, after waving at a high speed, the keel had become more than a dozen pendants of different sizes.

“Master, can you?” Xian’er moved towards Lin Hai said with a smile.

“Damn, Xian’er, great!”

Lin Hai’s eyes were straight and nodded, and then the keel pendant was closed.

“Many thanks, I’m going to draw symbols!”

This keel pendant will only work if it is painted with talisman, and according to Chu Liner, it can resist the Celestial Immortal blow!

Although Lin Hai didn’t know why such a powerful defense appeared strangely, Chu Liner would certainly not lie to him, maybe it was related to the keel.

Lin Hai was too lazy to think about it, no matter what happened to him, as long as the defense was strong enough.

It was another sculpting. More than a dozen keel pendants were formed. Even before Level 9 talisman was exhausted, Lin Hai felt more and more strange and puzzled.

With the keel pendant closed, Lin Hai took a deep breath, and his brow wrinkled slowly.

Everything you need to prepare to rescue Yu Tianze siblings is all there. If you are not too lucky, the chances of success are quite high.

Now I’m sure I’m still searching for myself outside, I can’t go out so rashly, otherwise I will be found to easily break the major event, and I must think of a way to hide my whereabouts.

Lin Hai thought about it, opened WeChat, and found the golden flower boy.

Little confused: Boy, are you there?

golden flower boy: Daxian, if you have any instructions, just speak!

Since the last time Lin Hai took the initiative to give carrots to the golden flower boy, the golden flower boy was touched. He almost regarded Lin Hai as a confidant and responded to Lin Hai.

Little confused: It’s a trivial matter, please trouble you.

golden flower boy: Daxian said trouble two more words, I get angry, if you treat me as a brother, I just have to order anything!

Little confused: Good brother! Then I’m welcome! I now need a hidden pill of medicine pill, the kind that Golden Core Realm can take, and it can’t be found by Earth Immortal characters.

golden flower boy: give me a day to ensure that medicine pill will be delivered to you!

Little confused: Okay, please!

Lin Hai saw that the golden flower boy agreed so happily, and he was also happy. It seems that there is no problem with the hidden pill of medicine pill. As for whether the golden flower boy did the refining on his own or was looking for Supreme Taoist, it was not Lin Hai’s concern.

One day, Lin Hai spent cultivation in the sanctuary, and then the golden flower boy found Lin Hai on time.

golden flower boy: Daxian, isn’t it?

Little confused: Yes, I have been waiting for you!

Ding dong!

The golden flower boy sent you a low-quality version of Xanthium, please view it in Qiankun Dan.

“Eh …” Lin Hai couldn’t help but look dark when he saw the name of the medicine pill.

“Fuck, inferior?”

At this time, the news of the golden flower boy also followed closely.

Golden flower Boy: Daxian, medicine pill has been sent to you, Golden Core can be taken, Celestial Immortal is not visible below, but once the attack is launched, the cricket effect will disappear.

Little confused: OK, many thanks, let me see!

Lin Hai doesn’t care about inferior quality, as long as it can achieve the effect you want!

Open the Universe Bag and find the inferior version of Zigzag, Lin Hai glanced at the explanation.

Inferior version of maggot-shaped dandelion: golden flower boy dilute maggot-shaped dandelion, medicine efficacy is sparse, low quality, golden core can be taken, maggot-shaped effect is not effective for Celestial Immortal or more, lasting effect for 2 hours.

“Fuck, no wonder it’s a low-quality version. It turned out to be a dilute form of maggot!”

However, although the name is not pleasing, from the description, it does meet the requirements of Lin Hai. Lin Hai is very satisfied and extracted it directly from the Universe Bag.

Holding the Xanthium in his hand, Lin Hai’s eyes were light flashed. “Everything is ready to save people!”

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