“Okay, master!”

Xian’er’s glamorous image immediately appeared in Lin Hai’s mind. His clothes shook, his hair fluttered, and a noble and elegant temperament emanated. The pretty face was majestic like a person, Bai Nen’s palm waved, suddenly a light shout !!

“Get up!”

As Xian’er’s voice sounded in Lin Hai’s mind, a powerful terrifying power like pulses was instantly generated from Lin Hai within the body, straight into the palm along his arms, and landed in the mountain of the jade stone deposit above range.


Suddenly, a loud noise smashed Heaven and Earth. Next moment, the whole piece of land shuddered violently, making everyone unstable, and on the verge of collapse turned out to be drunk.

“Not good, an earthquake!”

Someone was crying out in surprise, his body shaken by the trembling earth was crooked, and an ice and fire particle flying across the sky accidentally passed directly through the body and screamed and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the cultivator, which was already dwarfed, battered and exhausted, was affected by the big earthquake, and was instantly hit by ice and fire particles, and fell into pieces.

In the blink of an eye, except for the most powerful 4 people, who can not stand, there are less than 300 people left, which is a heavy loss!


The four most powerful people, while resisting the flying ice and fire particles, rushed towards Lin Hai and saw their own casualties everywhere on the ground, their hearts were almost angry and hateful.

As for this sudden earthquake, the hearts of these 4 people are also huge earthquakes. They always feel that they have a fear of being unclear about the road, as if a major event, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, is going to happen.


Just at this time, there was another huge sound that made them all tremble violently, suddenly lifts the head, and the mouth opened wide at the next moment all in horror, revealing an incredible astonished expression.

“Look, jade stone mountain range has been uprooted!”

Among the 4 people, someone exclaimed in a hurry, with deep fear and incredible in their voices.

I saw that they had been guarding the jade stone mountain range for many years, and even in the tremor of the earth, they were extremely strangely elevated. In the blink of an eye, they were already a few ten zhang higher than before!

“How can this be!”

Everyone’s eyes showed a deep shock, but the whole mountain range, even if the earthquake is strong, how can it be possible to pull out the mountain range? If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they couldn’t believe it!

“Did it be him!”

Almost at the same time, the eyes of the crowd fell on Lin Hai.

I saw Lin Hai. At this moment, the whole body of Zhen Qi was rippling, and his palms were stuck on the jade stone mountain range. The clothes of the whole body were agitated, the blue muscles on the arms were exposed, and the muscles in his face were shaking.


Someone screamed in horror and panic. All of them were dumbfounded. If all this was really done by Lin Hai, how terrifying Lin Hai ’s cultivation base is!

At least, all of them have been cultivation for so many years. They have never heard of anyone who can rely on human resources to pull up the entire mountain range. Even if it is omnipotent, the Island Lord, which exists like a living Divine Immortal, has no such strength!

For a while, people were scared, scared!

The sight in front of them was so shocking that they had deeply exceeded their bottom line, and they were all terrified.

Even the four strongest people were leaping in their hearts, and they had to catch Lin Hai before losing. Now it seems that Lin Hai’s method is so weird that he really has to fight it, and may not be cheap!


Suddenly, there was another huge sound, which finally shocked people to the extreme!

“Oh my God, look! The whole mountain range has been uprooted!”

Cry out in surprise, everyone’s eyes again revealed the extremely shocking rays of light, and saw that the entire jade stone mountain range broke out of the ground, so Lin Hai was lifted up in the air!

Lin Hai At this moment, almost all his eyes were staring out, and his body was trembling violently, as if the skeleton of the whole body were to be crushed.


Just when Lin Hai was about to persist, Xian’er’s voice sounded again, and then Lin Hai’s hands suddenly lightened and buzzed, and the entire jade stone mountain range disappeared out of thin air.

“Oh my mother!”

Lin Hai exhaled, his whole body collapsed, and he almost fell to the ground.

Although the whole process was controlled by Lin’er’s body, Lin Hai almost crushed Lin Hai as if he were not his own body.

“The mountain range is gone!”

“Oh my god, the mountain range is gone!”

The huge endless jade stone mountain range, weirdly disappearing, disappear without a trace, almost scared everyone up, each and everyone’s heart was beating wildly, and all eyes were deeply scared.

This phenomenon has gone beyond their cognitive scope, and for a while they were at a loss, all stunned there, dumbstruck.

Fortunately at this moment, the particles of the Ice-Fire Nine Heavens explosion have been scattered, otherwise many people will be killed or injured.

“It’s weird, grab him and give it to the Island Lord, otherwise the jade stone mountain range will disappear and we can’t explain it!”

The 4 strongest people first reacted, knowing that this matter was weird, and Lin Hai had to be taken down, otherwise the jade stone mountain range disappeared out of thin air and Island Lord would take their lives!


4 extreme silhouettes, passing a series of afterimages on the path, all shot together, moved towards Lin Hai rushed together!

“So fast!”

Without the blocking of Binghuo Particles, the strength of these 4 people was immediately exerted to the extreme. Lin Hai didn’t even have time to dodge, and the 4 people had already arrived.


In a critical moment, Lin Hai suddenly issued a whistle, followed by a scream of an eagle, Little Hong’s huge body, like a golden light, dived down from the sky!

“Get out!”

One of them was furiously shouted, raising his arms to kill Little Hong, but his eyes were flashed with silver light, and his head suddenly lost a moment. In a shock, he quickly shook his head to resolve the dizziness of Little Hong’s silver eyes. It’s too late!

Little Hong’s huge body, like a gust of wind, passed by his side and rushed towards the sky.

The other three people watched Little Hong leave with Lin Hai, and wanted to stop it, but it was too late, only to move towards Little Hong issued a path of severe attack, but was easily avoided by Little Hong’s lightning fast speed .

“Haha, goodbye, everyone!”

Lin Hai laughed loudly, echoing in mid-air, but people had disappeared into the night, no trace!

“Asshole, damn it!”

The four strongest people, all with fists in their hands, looked at the dark sky with helpless anger.


At this time, an extremely powerful breath suddenly moved towards this direction, sweeping madly, making everyone’s heart tremble, creating a trace of irresistible coercion.

“It’s Island Lord!”

4 people suddenly shrunk, the entire Divine Dragon Island has this power, no one except Island Lord!

“Look where you run!”

Island Lord was approaching, but the voice of anger exploded in this sky, echoing for a long time, everyone in shock was beating heartily, bowing his head deeply, afraid to face his might.


Having escaped a few 10 li away, Lin Hai, who thought he was safe to escape, suddenly felt an extremely powerful and dangerous breath, and instantly locked himself, a stream of light was approaching at an incredible speed.

“die for me !”

The next moment, a huge roar, went straight to Lin Hai’s mind, making Lin Hai tremble all over, and a brief loss of mind appeared in the brain. Infinite coercion even affected the mind, and Lin Hai suddenly forgot to resist.

suck! The next moment, the streamer is like lightning, passing a bright rays of light in the night sky, and flying to Lin Hai’s approach!

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