“Lin Hai !”

Yu Haochen pumps shrank, when it was clear that the person blocking the entrance was Lin Hai, who was struggling to find it, the rays of light of surprise appeared on his face.

“Haha, it’s travel far and wide looking for something.

“You eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder, and dared to kill His Highness Third Young Master, causing the military leader of the island to be angry, and he will inevitably die. The acquaintance immediately obediently surrender, and I went to see Island Lord to avoid the suffering of flesh! “

Lin Hai looked at Yu Haochen with a grimace and excitement in her eyes, and could not help but scorn.

“Why, you just want to catch me?”

Lin Hai’s lips flickered, revealing a deep disdain.

Yu Haochen froze, and then her heart suddenly startled, her eyelids beating.

The sudden appearance of Lin Hai made him only care about happiness. It was only then that he suddenly remembered that Lin Hai was not so easy to catch. On the contrary, he was an Extremely Dangerous character! Not to mention that Bai Luoyu, which is comparable to his own strength, was beheaded by Lin Hai. Even Island Lord Third Young Master, who was even more powerful than his own patriarch, died in the hands of Lin Hai, and Lin Hai, on the contrary, didn’t know what to do. He didn’t even know what method was used, and he could escape in the hands of Island Lord.


Although Lin Hai appeared briefly on Divine Dragon Island, everything you can do is beyond ordinary people’s ability!

Nowadays, knowing that these people are catching him, they are still blatantly coming out, but they are blocking the way of themselves and the others. It is obviously fearless.

But no matter what, Yu Haochen is certain. If he wants to catch Lin Hai, he will have to go through a bloody battle. He will bring about 20 Yu Family children who will bring great casualties!

“Lin Hai, you can’t escape. If you give up resistance and take the initiative to surrender, I can implore my Yu Family patriarch to plead for you in the presence of Island Lord, and maybe save your life. What do you think?”

Lin Hai froze, then looked at Yu Haochen in surprise, and couldn’t help laughing.

“What the hell are you doing, being a big brother 3 years old? It’s shameless!”

When Yu Haochen was spotted, his face suddenly changed, and a Murderous aura diffused.

“So you have to do it!”

“What about hands-on?” Lin Hai frowned, coldly said, “you guys, big brother really don’t look at it!”

Yu Haochen frowned, and a cold chill flashed in her eyes, coldly smiled.

“Have you thought about it, what would happen if you started? Four Great Clans are all in the vicinity, and there are at least a thousand people. Even if my Yu Family is defeated, do you think you can escape?”

Lin Hai heard that, his face suddenly changed, and a flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

“So, I must die?”

“Hmph, what do you think!” Yu Haochen sneered with sneer when he saw Lin Hai’s expression in horror.

“Asshole, I blame Yu Tiancheng for that King 8 egg!” Lin Hai looked panicked, yelled angrily, then suddenly looked up, looking towards Yu Haochen.

“You said after 3 days, Island Lord will publicly execute Yu Tiancheng siblings?”

“Hmph, the death of His Highness Third Young Master, they can hardly blame them, they deserve it!” Yu Haochen coldly snorted.

“Okay, good kill!” Lin Hai said fiercely, “It’s not the two of them, why is the big brother trapped in this desperate situation!”

“You regret it now, it’s too late, or obediently surrender!”

“Jade Senior!” Lin Hai suddenly looked up and asked Yu Haochen with deep hatred.

“Can you tell me where these two people were killed and who was supervised! Although Lin couldn’t see it with his own eyes, if you listen to it, you can relieve the bad feelings in your heart!”

Yu Haochen saw Lin Hai showing signs of softening, a joy in her heart, and a coldly smiled on her face.

“It doesn’t matter to tell you! 3 days later, in the Divine Dragon Island Plaza, under the attention of the people, Hou Guangyao of the Iron Armor Great Marshal will personally supervise and cut 2 people!”

“Iron Armor Great Marshal? I wonder what cultivation base?” Lin Hai asked in shock.

“Nascent Soul Late Stage !”

“His ~” Lin Hai suck in a breath of cold air, it seems that rescue Yu Tianze is very tricky!

“Many thanks Jade Senior told me, Lin understood!” Lin Hai nodded.

“En?” Yu Haochen froze and found Lin Hai’s previous expression of panic suddenly disappeared, and a sudden unpleasant premonition rose in her heart.

“Since understood, obediently surrender, don’t let me wait!”

Lin Hai heard it, but sneered, and suddenly extended the hand, moved towards Yu Haochen.

“This cave is good, I’ll leave it to you!”

“He wants to run, stop him!” Yu Haochen immediately reflected back, shouting loudly, while a cyan ray was suddenly blooming in his hands, and moved towards Lin Hai’s head.

Lin Hai swung the corners of his mouth, Zhen Qi swung, a frost suddenly appeared on the head, stopped cyan ray mang, and Lin Hai swept his arm up, a light shout in his mouth!

“Rolling Curtains!”


Throughout the cave entrance, space was suddenly rolled up, and the space mezzanine hurricane howled, like Nine Nether Lands prison!

“Goodbye everyone, live well and become a caveman soon!”

Lin Hai’s voice was getting farther and farther, and gradually disappeared into the ears of Yu Haochen and the others.

“Abominable! Destroy this spell!”

Yu Haochen yelled, greeted, first moved towards the space mezzanine, and sent violent strikes!

boom ~ boom ~ boom ~!

Behind the 20 Yu Family disciple, they also shot all at once, all kinds of spells flew, and the gorgeous rays of light shone the entire cave like daylight.

However, soon, Yu Haochen and the others found shockingly, no matter how fierce their shots were, the mezzanine in front of the space was completely motionless, directly attacking them and completely crushing them!

“What is this evil door thing!” Yu Haochen’s eyelids fluttered, and the corners of her mouth twitched!

“Tamagawa, go in and try!”

A youngster next to the complexion changed greatly, revealing a frightened expression.

“Elder, I…”

“En? You dare to disobey!” Yu Haochen stared. “Do you want everyone to be trapped here? Hurry up!”


With helpless expression, Yuchuan walked towards the space mezzanine, then mobilized his whole body Zhen Qi, and clenched the teeth jumped into it.


Suddenly, a scream screamed, and Yuchuan’s body was smashed into shattered wind!


All Yu Family disciple, including Yu Haochen, are sucking in a breath of cold air, complexion big change!

In the younger generation disciple, Yuchuan is not bad in cultivation base. I ca n’t think of not being able to hold on for a while, and he died of a space mezzanine.

“Asshole!” Yu Haochen’s angry roar, at the same time, he became a little flustered.

If this space is sandwiched and stays here, wouldn’t they never go out? Isn’t that really what Lin Hai said in his mouth?

“Kaishan! Re-open a cave by the side!” Yu Haochen roared angrily. Although this method is relatively clumsy, it seems that it is the only way!

Fortunately, it was not difficult to re-dig a cave with the cultivation base of the Yu Family’s children, but after they dug another hole, they found in despair that a similar space sandwich was blocking the front, and inside was like Ghosts and howl like wolves, as if laughing at them.

When Yu Haochen saw this, Qi almost spit out blood.

“Dig again, dig deeper!”

The Yu Family disciple had to act again. When the cave was dug for the 78th time, and they saw a space mezzanine in front of them, everyone wailed and was completely desperate.

Of course, Yu Haochen didn’t know. Lin Hai rolled up the 1000 meters space around the entrance of the cave in order to prevent them from escaping the sound of the wind. They wanted to escape, but it was not so easy.

Just as Yu Haochen took the Yu Family disciple and dug the mountain like Pangolin, Lin Hai was already riding on A’hua’s back, galloping in the night.

“Father, hurry up overnight, do you have any overtime pay? No more, a little bitch is enough!” A’hua said with a smile while running.

Lin Hai didn’t answer, but broke tightly knit, thinking about the news that Yu Tianze would be executed.

“Hey, cheapskate, I dare not say a word.” A’hua suddenly scorned Lin Hai.

“A’hua, speed up! Be sure to collect the jade stone mine tonight!”

Lin Hai’s eyes flashed, and a decision had been made!

After more than 3 hours, A’hua’s footsteps finally stopped in front of a rolling mountain.

“Jade stone mine!” Lin Hai looked at the front 10 li, flashing the mountain range of rays of light, his heart beating rapidly.

took a deep breath, Lin Hai’s eyes flashed! “Finally I find you!”

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